Friday, May 31, 2019
Emotional Intelligence and Relationships in Business Management Essay
Emotional Intelligence and Relationships in Business concernAnyone squeeze out become angry V that is easy. But to be angry with the honest person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way V this is not easy. By Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics Traditionally, management were only interested on go on on investment (ROI) and shareholder value, not the neurobiology of emotions doing business. However, in modern days, in that respect is probably nothing as important as having good human relationships in the workplace. Whether one is a chief executive officer, a consultant, a omnibus or team member, achieving results requires a productive working relationship with differents. As such, having dictatorial and sustainable human relationships is the bedrock for business effectiveness. According to Goleman, Emotional Quotient (EQ) defines our skill for relationship (Goldmen 1995) and added, Rational intelligence only contributes about 20% to the factors that determine success in life. Some extraneous factors such as luck, and particularly the characteristics of EQ, catch up with the other 80% (Goldmen 1995).WHAT IS EMOTIONAL QUOTIENT?By themselves, the discoveries in Emotional Quotient (EQ) are not new. Over the centuries, there have been numerous studies conducted to understand the workings emotions and its operable importance. One of the earliest historical literature recordings dates back to 1st century B.C by Publilius Syrus, a Latin writer of mimes. Syrus states, Rule your feelings, lest your feelings rule you (Hang 1999). In other words, people should take control of their feelings and emotions rather then allowing it to control their intellect and set (also kn avow as emotional-hijacking). Todays contemporary authors have since promote expanded Syrus definition, which subsequently lead to the development of the EQ concept. EQ can be simply defined asEQ is the ability to sense, understand, and effectively k eep the power and acumen of emotions as a source of human energy, information, connection and influence.Robert cooper and Ayman Sawaf(Source Hang 1999)EQ is the ability to monitor ones own and others feelings, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide ones thinking and actions. Peter Salovey and John Mayer(Source Salovey & Mayer 199... ...*Achievement Orientation 4.28.654.73.56.25-1.23.23Initiative3.25.323.42.26.59-2.36.03* brotherly Skills Developing Others 3.17.403.18.46.02-0.15.89Leadership3.20.463.27.39.17-0.83.42Influence3.88.373.98.32.29-1.02.32Communication3.19.353.35.33.47-2.24.04*Change Catalyst3.85.454.00.53.31-1.73.10Conflict Management3.06.353.23.35.49-1.91.07*Building Bonds3.46.363.50.36.11-0.73.47Teamwork & Collaboration4.06.544.10.51.08-0.37.72(Source Sala 2004)Table 1Differences between EI Levels of the Total Participants prior(prenominal) (T1) and After (T2) participating in the EI workshops * NoteDifferences were conside red meaningful, or significant, if effect sizes were moderate or large and if paired-samples t-tests statistically significant (p Emotional Intelligence and Relationships in Business Management EssayEmotional Intelligence and Relationships in Business ManagementAnyone can become angry V that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way V this is not easy. By Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics Traditionally, management were only interested on return on investment (ROI) and shareholder value, not the neurobiology of emotions doing business. However, in modern days, there is probably nothing as important as having good human relationships in the workplace. Whether one is a chief executive officer, a consultant, a manager or team member, achieving results requires a productive working relationship with others. As such, having positive and sustainable human relationships is the bedrock f or business effectiveness. According to Goleman, Emotional Quotient (EQ) defines our capacity for relationship (Goldmen 1995) and added, Rational intelligence only contributes about 20% to the factors that determine success in life. Some extraneous factors such as luck, and particularly the characteristics of EQ, constitute the other 80% (Goldmen 1995).WHAT IS EMOTIONAL QUOTIENT?By themselves, the discoveries in Emotional Quotient (EQ) are not new. Over the centuries, there have been numerous studies conducted to understand the workings emotions and its practical importance. One of the earliest historical literature recordings dates back to 1st century B.C by Publilius Syrus, a Latin writer of mimes. Syrus states, Rule your feelings, lest your feelings rule you (Hang 1999). In other words, people should take control of their feelings and emotions rather then allowing it to control their intellect and values (also known as emotional-hijacking). Todays contemporary authors have since further expanded Syrus definition, which subsequently lead to the development of the EQ concept. EQ can be simply defined asEQ is the ability to sense, understand, and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions as a source of human energy, information, connection and influence.Robert Cooper and Ayman Sawaf(Source Hang 1999)EQ is the ability to monitor ones own and others feelings, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide ones thinking and actions. Peter Salovey and John Mayer(Source Salovey & Mayer 199... ...*Achievement Orientation 4.28.654.73.56.25-1.23.23Initiative3.25.323.42.26.59-2.36.03*Social Skills Developing Others 3.17.403.18.46.02-0.15.89Leadership3.20.463.27.39.17-0.83.42Influence3.88.373.98.32.29-1.02.32Communication3.19.353.35.33.47-2.24.04*Change Catalyst3.85.454.00.53.31-1.73.10Conflict Management3.06.353.23.35.49-1.91.07*Building Bonds3.46.363.50.36.11-0.73.47Teamwork & Collaboration4.06.544.10.51.08-0.37.72(Source Sala 2004)Table 1Differences between EI Levels of the Total Participants Prior (T1) and After (T2) participating in the EI workshops * NoteDifferences were considered meaningful, or significant, if effect sizes were moderate or large and if paired-samples t-tests statistically significant (p
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Transformational School Leadership Essay -- transformational leaders
School leadership in recent times has involved more and more time and consideration as schools are being made held responsible for significant changes in the outcomes of students learning (Leithwood & Riehl, 2005, p. 12). With pressures coming from all levels of government, Principals are not the only ones being held accountable to the outcomes of students (Leithwood & Riehl, 2003). Davis (2012) identifies strongly with this as middle executive roles and teachers within a school are being required to work collaboratively to earn objectives and to transform cultural change into reality.This paper will discuss the traditional social construction of leadership and how the use of transformational leadership has planned, developed and established an preference learning within a rural New South Wales high school. This paper will also discuss and analyse effectiveness of the leadership that has taken place This programme was designed and is being run to address poor attendance and retention of targeted students from 14 to 17. This programme ran in partnership with local betrothal providers, Aboriginal Training Groups as well as the local tertiary training centre. School X is an isolated high school within a town with a populace of 3000 people (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011). The student population currently resides at 210 with 50% of the students recognising themselves as Indigenous (McDonald & Levinston, 2011). A large plowshare of the towns vocation consists of unskilled labour, with a best part of these also being small business owners (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011). These include earthmoving companies, primary industries emolument companies and only a small percentage of the town has a post-sec... ...about leadership? Leadership for the disillusioned Moving beyond myths and heroes to leading that liberates (pp. 17-34). Crows Nest Allen & Unwin.Stogdill, R. M. (1948). Personal factors associated with leadership A survey of the li terature. The Journal of Psychology, 25(1), 35-71. Tobin, T., & Sprague, J. (1999). Alternative Education Programs for At-Risk Youth Issues, Best Practice, and Recommendations. Oregon school study council bulletin, 42, 20. Watkins, P. (1986). A Critical Review of Leadership Concepts and interrogation The Implications for Educational Administration Publication Sales, Deakin University Press, Deakin University, Victoria 3217, Australia ($12.50 Australian quantity discounts).Williams, B. P. (2011). An analysis of participation in servant leadership as self reported by elementary school principals in southwest Georgia.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Short Story :: essays research papers
...the names of those involved have been changed to protect the innocent...March 1, 2001 539 p.m. - Nerves, nerves, nerveshow can one letter enclosed inside of an envelope determine so much? Michael Livingston had plenty to lose. Try four years of under alumnus school at Morehouse University, two years of Notre Dame graduate school, and Harvard Law. Yes he had plenty to lose. Walking into the door of his closed-space flat, he sits down with the letter in plain view. Thump, Thump, Thump His heart washs like greyhounds at a race track. The time is here. The time is now. Michael opens the letter to find his results of the BAR exam he had takenDear Mr. Livingston, It gives us great pleasure to inform you that you are in the ninetieth percentile upon completion of the Virginia State BAR Examination. Congratulations on your success. Experiencing a seventh heaven elation, Michael throws the life-saving letter up in the air, and yells to the top of his lungs. He sits down on the couch with a sudden thrust as if he were lightheaded. He picks up the letter again and reads it a few more than(prenominal) times before disregarding it for the last time. As he catches his breath, the tight brown belt from his khaki trousers digs into his stomach making for an even more uncomfortable pose. Pulling his white Geoffrey Beane button-up shirt out of his trousers, Michael then gets up and walks into his room as if he were in a drunken stoop. The excitement he was experiencing tired him more than the 9 to 5 internship at the courthouse. While his heavy head sunk into the pillow, Mike hears a mysterious knock at his apartment door. Who in the hell? he says emphatically. Mumbling words that would turn his mother in her grave, Michael looks out the peep hole he normally uses to look a Cynthias ass.(Cynthia is the 24 year old film student that lives in front of Michael.) He then notices three gentlemen all dressed in charming tailored suites with matching hats and coughing handkerchi efs. Michael shouts, Who is it and what do you want? Mr. Livingston, one gentleman replies. We are representatives from Sampson, Heath, Jacks, and associates. May we have a word with you Sir? Michael tells the gentlemen to hold for a heartbeat while he puts on a shirt. He comes back and opens the creaking door.
Marlow’s Metamorphosis in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay
Marlows Metamorphosis in spunk of Darkness Conrads novel, Heart of Darkness, relies on the historic period of imperialism to illuminate its protagonist, Charlie Marlow, and his struggle with ii opposite value systems. Marlow undergoes a catharsis during his trip to the Congo and learns of the effects of imperialism. I will analyze Marlows change, which is caused by his exposure to the imperialistic nature of the historical period in which he lived. Marlow goes to the Congo River to report on Mr. Kurtz, a valuable officer, to their employer. When he sets sail, he does not know what to expect. When his journey is complete, his experiences have changed him forever. Heart of Darkness is a story of one mans journey through the African Congo and the enlightenment of his soul. Marlow begins his voyage as an ordinary English sailor who is travelling to the African Congo to work. He is an Englishmen through and through. He has never been exposed to any culture similar to the one he will encounter in Africa, and he has no idea about the drastically different culture that exists there. Throughout the book, Conrad, via Marlows observations, reveals to the reader the naive mentality of Europeans. Marlow also shares this naivet in the beginning of his voyage. However, after(prenominal) his first few moments in the Congo, he realizes the ignorance he and all his comrades possess. We first recognize the general naivet of the Europeans when Marlows aunt sees him for the last time before he embarks on his journey. She assumes that the voyage is a mission of weaning those ignorant millions from their horrid ways . . . (line 16). In reality, however, the Europeans are there in the name of imperialism and their sole objective is to earn... ... Johnson, Bruce. Conrads Impressionism and Watts Delayed Decoding. Conrad Revisited Essays for the Eighties 51-70. By Ross C Murfin. University The Univ. of Alabama, 1985. Rpt. in Heart of Darkness An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds an d Sources, Criticism. Ed. Kimbrough, Robert. 3rd ed. Norton Critical Edition, New York Norton, 1988. McLauchlan, Juliet. The Value and import of Heart of Darkness. Conradia 15 (1983) 3-21. Rpt. in Heart of Darkness An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism. Ed. Kimbrough, Robert. 3rd ed. Norton Critical Edition, New York Norton, 1988. Stewart, Garrett. Lying as Dying in Heart of Darkness. PMLA 95 (1980) 319-31. Rpt. in Heart of Darkness An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism. Ed. Kimbrough, Robert. 3rd ed. Norton Critical Edition, New York Norton, 1988.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Heros - Odysseus, Jason and Aeneas :: comparison compare contrast essays
A Comparison of the Heroes, Odysseus, Jason and Aeneas Odysseus is unique among epic hoagiees in that his strength comes not from inhuman powers or exceptional physical ability, but mainly from his mind. Odysseus, regularly uses cunning, guile, and superiority of intellect to overcome obstacles. In this paper I will canvas Odysseus to other epic heroes, both in terms of character and in terms of responses to crises, comparing his reactions with those of other heroes placed in similar situations. The first hero I will compare him to is Jason, who had a similar adventure. His adventure was made to claim a throne that was rightfully his, just like Odysseus adventure to stand home to Ithaca and regain his throne. They both faced many perils on the sea, and both persevered to reach the end of the journey and gain the throne. Jasons uncle Pelias had usurped the throne of Iolchus (much as Penelopes suitors threatened to do), which Jason had a legitimate claim to. Pelias wanted t o get rid of him, but dared not to kill him outright. So, he agreed to abdicate the throne if Jason would journey and get the specious fleece, which was at a temple in Colchis (on the Black Sea). Pelias expected the voyage to be fatal, for it had danger at every step. However, Jason called for and received an impressive roster of heroes to advocate him on his journey. Jason set out for, and made it safely to, Colchis. Once there, he was received by the resident king, Aeetes. Aeetes was used to getting visitors who had come for the fleece, and had devised a testing for getting rid of them. He had a standing challenge to give up the fleece to anyone who could tame two fire-breathing bulls and then use them to plow a field with dragons teeth. Jason was confounded by how to pass this trial and was saved at the last moment by Aeetes daughter Medea, who gave him a potion of wild herbs that would protect him from the fire. With the help, Jason slow tamed the bulls, and beg an to sow the field, but noticed that where he had put the teeth, soldiers were springing up from the ground. Jason hid from them, but then came up with a plan for getting rid of
The Heros - Odysseus, Jason and Aeneas :: comparison compare contrast essays
A Comparison of the Heroes, Odysseus, Jason and Aeneas Odysseus is unique among epic heroes in that his strength comes not from inhuman powers or exceptional physical ability, but mainly from his mind. Odysseus, regularly uses cunning, guile, and superiority of intellect to overcome obstacles. In this paper I will compare Odysseus to other epic heroes, both(prenominal) in terms of character and in terms of responses to crises, comparing his reactions with those of other heroes placed in similar situations. The first hero I will compare him to is Jason, who had a similar adventure. His adventure was make to claim a throne that was rightfully his, just like Odysseus adventure to get home to Ithaca and regain his throne. They both faced many perils on the sea, and both persevered to reach the end of the journey and gain the throne. Jasons uncle Pelias had usurped the throne of Iolchus (much as Penelopes suitors threatened to do), which Jason had a legitimate claim to. Pelias wanted to get rid of him, but dared not to kill him outright. So, he agreed to abdicate the throne if Jason would journey and get the golden fleece, which was at a temple in Colchis (on the Black Sea). Pelias expected the sail to be fatal, for it had danger at every step. However, Jason called for and received an impressive roster of heroes to aid him on his journey. Jason set out for, and made it safely to, Colchis. Once there, he was received by the resident king, Aeetes. Aeetes was used to getting visitors who had come for the fleece, and had devised a test for getting rid of them. He had a standing challenge to feed up the fleece to anyone who could tame two fire-breathing bulls and then use them to plow a field with dragons teeth. Jason was confounded by how to pass this trial and was saved at the last moment by Aeetes daughter Medea, who gave him a potion of wild herbs that would protect him from the fire. With the help, Jason easily tamed the bulls, and began t o sow the field, but noticed that where he had put the teeth, soldiers were springing up from the ground. Jason hid from them, but then came up with a plan for getting rid of
Monday, May 27, 2019
Financial Independence and the Single Woman Essay
Most, if not every of Jane Austens renowned novels feature the trials and tribulations of single womenfrom overcharge and Prejudice, to Sense and Sensibility, to Emma. The focus is specifically on the concept of marriage as the only viable choice for a single woman, if she wished to live substantially in her later years. However, while the subject of being wed to a suitable gentleman is present in Emma, the main character possesses a quality distinguishable from those in the other stories mentionedEmma Woodhouse is financially stable.Therefore, this discussion of Austens Emma will be done through a different angle, which runs contrary to the authors paraphrase above. Matrimony in Emma is thoroughly explored and its nature as a solution for an unmarried womans future, yet it apparently does not apply to the storys protagonist. Further arguments will expose the same logic as it is perceived today later all, Austen wrote most of her work during the mid- to late 19th century. II. Em ma Woodhouse and MatchmakingThe taste sensation of the title character for matching her women friends with possible grooms composes the running narrative of the story. Because of a previous success, Emma decides to do the same for her friend Harriet Smith, an innocent but socially-inept young woman. Emma pours all of her efforts in setting Harriet up with the pompous Mr. Elton, and cut all possibilities of Harriets consideration of a marriage proposal she had received from Mr. Martin, a young farmer.Eventually, after many plot twists and turns and appearances of more characters, her plans backfire as the arrogant Elton reveals his true desire for Emma, and not for Harriet. Harriet happily ends up with Martin, and Emma admits to her own affections for her longtime friend Mr. Knightley. It is self-explanatory that Emmas obsession with matchmaking does not cover merely attraction she chose Mr. Elton for Harriet mainly because of his financial stability, being the local vicar.Compared to the income of a regular farmer, a vicar would ensure a better life for Harriet. Clearly, the eras societal norms and economic potential for women are at play, for woman were generally not entitled to many occupational choices the most common would be as a family teacher or governess, both which are not financially rewarding. But the biggest bane of women then was the hatch musical mode of being single until they reach an age unacceptable for marriagewhich would be around the mid-20s.For Emma, born into a wealthy family and allowed to make her own decisions, the best way to make sure her less fortunate women friends would have good lives ahead would be to marry a rich man. This is not explicitly implied in the story, as Emmas designs were disguised as just a bored, rich girls newest hobby. However, in analyzing her own conditions as well as her initial rejection of the unequal Mr. Martin for Harriet, it is obvious that she subscribes to the concept of marriage being the only so lution for women other than herself.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Discuss potential barriers to effective communication in the workplace
Over the summer I completed a six week internship at BP. Over time I identified diametric barriers that prevented effective parley. Being able to communicate effectively involves overcoming and conveying a clear and concise message. The talk barrier of effective communication that I faced were cultural differences, land noise, distraction, technical issues, lack of interest, lack of concentration, terminology and spelling and grammar.Cultural DifferencesOn my internship I was working with galore(postnominal) different people around the world including people from, Alaska, Trinidad, Africa, Norway and Houston. Although speaking to people from Houston wasnt a problem because there are major similarities in communication, there were many barriers involving the other places. It became heavy to talk to these people because their first language isnt English and therefore sometimes words wouldnt be understood or they couldnt fancy due to different accents. Therefore, due to these iss ues it became more difficult to communicate effectively.Background NoiseBackground noise in the workplace became a large barrier of effective communication at BP. We had meetings in the break area which meant that people were talking all around us. Although the meetings were informal it was still difficult to communicate to each other. Loud background noise foundation cause people to not be heard and would then have to shout to be able for them to hear which an unprofessional way to communicate in the workplace is. This can then cause people not to hear what is universe verbalize and wont be able to understand and work cannot then be completed effectively.DistractionDistractions can cause barriers in effective communication. The distractions can happen when someone comes late to the presentation and them arriving becomes a distraction. Also if phones start ringing or there are people talking in the background it is hard to talk effectively because they are distracting you from yo ur place. Not only does it distract the speaker but it also distracts the audience which then makes it harder to engage them back into the presentation. This happened whilst I was on my internship. As I was presenting there were many distractions like late arrivals which makes it hard to keep track of where youre talking.Technical IssuesA push-down stack of communication at BP was done via the internet through emails or Lync meetings. Technology isnt always reliable and therefore issues with the computers led to barriers in communication which is frustrative. A lot of the time in Lync calls it would break up and so only certain words were hearable and then they would have to repeat what they said and it becomes to be frustrating because it will take more time that could be spent doing other things. In addition, sometimes it wouldnt allow people to join the meeting which meant they couldnt be part of it. privation of interestThe lack of interest can impact effective communication. L ack of interest can happen when talking to a college and they are not listening or paying attention to you and therefore doesnt know what is being said and cannot use the important information being told in their work. This happened to me, when I was in meetings and they were talking about things I didnt find interesting I found myself unengaged and focussing on something else.Lack of concentrationThe lack of concentration has also major impact on the barriers to effective concentration. There may be distractions in the room or the melodic theme that is being spoken about are boring and you are uninterested. Therefore, it is then hard to concentrate on the speaker and take in what they are saying. spoken communicationIn BP acronyms were used constantly. I didnt understand most of them and therefore the whole conversation didnt make any sense and I couldnt contribute or use that information in my work to because I just didnt understand.Spelling and GrammarWhen spelling and grammar i s incorrect it can have a negative effect on communication. When it comes to written communication, spelling is very important. If there is text that has incorrect spelling then it can be hard to understand what it means, resulting in failed communication. For large text its important for grammar to be correct. Bad grammar can make it hard to understand also.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Annual Day Speech
A very warm good evening to all the wonderful people stand for today Its pleasure to start this auspicious occasion by heartily welcoming every body.. I hearty welcome our Honorable Chief guest, Our Principal, dearly Teachers, and my fellow- friends Its wonderful to see such amazing gathering once in a happy year.Today we all have gathers here for the annual day celebration. I welcome everybody with all my pleasant greetings, and I wish the celebration makes you smile and cheer you up with full of joy and entertainment. Thank you I would like to band upon our respected Principal, the sculptor of human character, a seasoned scholar and navigator of this flagship of knowledge to present a brief agenda and give the college/university presentation.Now well have our apparitional ceremony. Our beloved Holy Prophet (PBUH). The life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was a life of grand success. In his high moral qualities, his spiritual power, his high resolve, the integrity and perfection of his teaching, his perfect instance and the acceptance of his prayers. in short, in every aspect of his life he exhibited such bright signs that even a somebody of low intelligence provided he is not inspired by unreasonable rancour and enmity is forced to confess that he was a perfect example of the manifestation of Divine qualities and was a perfect man.I would Like to harbinger upon Mr() to recite naat in praise of Our beloved Holy Prophet (PBUH) I would like to call upon our respected Principal, the sculptor of human character, a seasoned scholar and navigator of this flagship of knowledge to present a brief agenda and give the college/university presentation.
Friday, May 24, 2019
The Chautauqua Movement
The Progressive Era was a time when many Gilded Age issues and problems were either Improved or resolved. Some of the greatest Improvements were in the aras of the humanities and Education. At the turn of the 20th century, education was very scarce. Many people were illiterate and not many children had the opportunity to go to direct because they were too interest working in factories or on farms.However, it had been a goal of some Progressive reformers to develop political programs that would eliminate hillsides participation in child labor, and increase their intricacy in education and extracurricular activities (Davis). To that end, in 1874, John Heel Vincent and Lewis Miller rented the site of a Methodist camp to use a summer give lessons for Sunday school teachers. This was known as the Chautauqua Institution (History of the Chautauqua Movement). The original Chautauqua Lake Sunday School Assembly in western New York began as a program for the training of Sunday-school te achers and church workers.Soon the institution drew in more curious people and they expanded their studies to politics, culture, literature, and science. They attended lectures and performances but unfortunately the decline of the movement personate an end to Chautauqua reign. During the Progressive Era, the Chautauqua Movement impacted American Society by providing great(p) education in motley subjects, exposing people to many new ideas, and pavement the way for new ideas regarding mass frolic. The expansion of the Chautauqua idea later extended from general education to lectures, discussions, and home readings.A combination of formal classes, informal conferences, recreation and entertainment had also been offered. It was through the success of the Chautauqua Minimal year that the programs expansion was Inspired. In 1875, Hebrew and Greek classes were added for student use. A year later, In 1876, English literary works had been included where students completing the four-yea r reading program receive official diplomas. A little while after, French and German classes were added in 1878. Eventu all(prenominal)y, in-service courses were also offered for public school teachers.Also in 1878, the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle was organized as a 4-year plan of home reading In English, American, European, and classical history and literature. This plan Is considered to be the first basic program of coordinated instruction on a national level for men and women in the united States. To further aid adult education, books were supplemented by a monthly magazine cal take the Chautauqua, published from 1880-1914. The books included articles related to yearly themes, discussion questions, bibliographies, literary extracts, Inspirational statements and news (RUG).As expected from the exposure adults gained to various subjects, the Chautauqua Chautauqua learned so much, and it was marveled by many. William Jennings Bryan deemed Chautauqua a potent human fact or in molding the mind of the nation (Chautauqua Trail). Chautauqua showed people different aspects of education. Not further could the people load down general education classes, but also many informal classes were offered as well. Millions of people attended and as part of the Chautauqua cultural program, Chautauqua could take music lessons, elocution, calisthenics, and dance. Music was an important part of the movement.Some hymns were written by Mary Lathery and became an integral part of religious services. The Chautauqua band had also performed at both(prenominal) formal and informal events (The Chautauqua Experience). Since the Chautauqua cultural program was so diverse, the Movement has also paved the way for many new ideas regarding mass entertainment. Due to the fact that all good things must eventually come to an end, the decline of the Chautauqua Movement occurred in the mid asses. Since the movement was densely populated with women, the rise of liberated and educated women caused them to no longer need Chautauqua.Due to the fact that it functioned for many lower/middle class women, Chautauqua were training grounds from which women could launch careers. When more opportunities arrived, the womans interest in Chautauqua added (Chautauqua Trail). An new(prenominal) argue for the decline was, of course, the Great Depression. The Depression made the Chautauqua Movements economically impossible to function. Even though these occurrences put an end to the movement, it paved a path for further inventions regarding engineering and mass entertainment for our society.Some of the inventions that also caused the movements decline were, automobiles, motion pictures, and radios. Automobiles eliminated isolation in American towns because people could travel one place to another in trusted time frames. Motion pictures, movies, provided nationwide entertainment. The invention of radios allowed people to listen to current cultural events without having to buy ne wspapers or leave their home (Lakeside Ohio). Even though these inventions led to the decline of the movement, as well as the other factors, the Chautauqua movement was the start of the new technological advancements.The movement paved the way then fell outside(a) to leave room for bigger and better things. The Chautauqua movement was very successful. Unfortunately, the movement eventually led to a decline due to factors such as, the rise of automobiles, movies, radios, and other forms of entertainment. There was also the Depression and the rise of liberated and educated women (Lakeside Ohio). However, despite its decline, Chautauqua still lives on today. The demand for authentic experiences are growing and people are resurrecting the Chautauqua and modernizing it.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Dark Room Essay
The author of the Dark Room ( Rachel Seiffert) made Lore, who is a young girl that has to walk crossways germany during world state of war 2 with her siblings, a memorable character by showing what she is like, what Lores mission was and the theme of the novel during world war 2. The author of the Dark Room (Rachel Sieffert) used Lores Characteristics to make her memorable. Lore is very convertible to life during World War II. Lore lots has to improvise by finding other ways of doing things for example when Lore tries to keep the children clean, she uses paraffin with a tub to try and get rid of nits in the childrens hair.Food was also scarce so she had to make reasonable portions with the food she gathered for herself and her siblings Lore divides the rest of the bread between them. Thus shows how adaptable she is during the tough living situations and shortages of World War 2. Lore is also very brave this is shown when Jochen was shot by the Russian soldiers A gun is fired on ce again The first one pulls Jochen shirt towards him. When this happened in the novel Lore did not cry or run off after the Russian soldiers as they viciously killed Johan, this shows the reader how brave Lore is by leaving her own little brother in the paddock.This shows the authors intention to get the reader to feel for Lore as she must make tough decisions about food, which in todays society is often taken for granted. The author of the dark room, Rachel Sieffert used Lores mission to make her a memorable character. In the novel Lore needs to walk to her omas come forward, making her way from southern Germany to a place near Hamburg which is approximately six hundred kilometres, she not only has to do it by herself she also has to walk all the way with her siblings with a lack of trains in operation(p) The man in the office says she will need to get permission from the americans he last offical transport went over two weeks ago.. The station is tumble-down. The author makes it memorable as it is such a long way to walk, especially in war times where conditions were extremely tough which is very unusual, evening in todays society, thus is how Rachel Sieffert makes Lore memorable by giving her a mission of walking such a large distance.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Home Cooked vs. Fast Food
Benjamin Blackburn Blackburn1 Professor Barnes English 111-16 11/19/2012 Home cooked Health over Value Instead of putting cash towards car or house payments, several thousands of dollars ar spent on fodder purchased away from home in the average American family. The numbers are even more(prenominal) increasing to single status Americans. Dont get me wrong, I like fast pabulum, but it doesnt come block to a home cooked meal.Home cooked meals are comfort foods that help a family bond. Whether it is a recipe passed down for generations, or culinary discovery made inventive genius, nobody beats a good home cooked meal with family. The main temptation to indulge in fast food is its convenience, especially during a busy mildew day or long road trips. With less trainingare cartridge holder, fast food chooses frozen foods that are shipped to location. Although there are food chains who bare fresh, never frozen, these companies are not purchasing these fresh products from a local, reputable supplier.Adding to fast foods convenience, these chains have to take short cuts to deliver yearning food, fast Home cooked meals may not have a convenient drive-thru, but prepping fresh meats and vegetables the night before can alleviate long prep and cooking times. We all know that fast food sales for a reasonable price. Even when there is an increase in economy, they tend to remain at those prices in order to entice the customer. When some time Blackburn 2 passes, and things seem normal in economy, then they will increase prices slightly.It is my belief that fast food wants Americans to know they are suffering with them, therefore winning the peoples choice. Happy customers make for good business, with fewer complaints. Although home cooked meals seem such(prenominal) more expensive than McDonalds, health plays a bigger part. Having and growing a personal garden can cut these prices down to fractions that not even fast food can compare to, not to mention more nutritio us. Belief in the value for a buck is not reason enough to set apart nutritional values.Most families put their trust in Betty Crocker and Stouffers from local grocery stores. These convenience foods are cheap alternatives to fast food but contain as much sugar, sodium, and saturated fat as eating out. Using fresh ingredients, you are more able to control the amount of harmful ingredients used in cooking. As a matter of opinion, you know what is being put in your meals. When looking at fast food from a health stand point, salads from McDonalds contain as many calories as their best-selling Big Mac when you add salad dressing.Although fast food offers health alternatives, they are not all as healthy as they seem. With Americas increase of obesity each year, home cooking is more nutritious and clean. Plus, the fact that you are able to spend quality time with family and friends. Coming from a single parent home, I was able to do homework at the kitchen table and as my mother helped m e, she would also keep a close eye on the stove while preparing meals for me and my sister. Cooking is bonding timeEating out felt like vacations when I was growing up. It was a reward for a tough week at school. We as Americans have become lazy, and are taking the easy way out far likewise often. Packing a healthy snack consisting of fruits and sandwiches made at home can Blackburn 3 prevent the craving for fast food while on a road trip. The same can also be applied to working lives. Home cooked meals are not just the healthy choice, they are the best choice.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Every child is special Essay
Every child is special. Every child has its own personality. Every child tries to endeavor and focus best in its life. Primarily, every child has its own dreams. But the main factor to ponder is, for us to understand his/her dreams. And the truth is, we lack stability, patience and understanding as far as the child is concern.The movie, Every Child Is Special, was about a certain child named Ishaan Awasthi. Ishaan was a talented child he can think outside the knock and paint with such passion and creativity. But he was not understood by his teachers, he was only thought of as a mischievous and a very naughty boy. He was often called an idiot, duffer, lazy and crazy, even his parents didnt understand him. They only thought that the boy was misbehaving because he did not involve to go to school. It is perhaps the structure and restrictions of the normal expectations of the school system that rub him the wrong way, because unmatchable day, after having been punished by being sent by the teacher to stand in the hallway, he goes AWOL and wanders the streets, savoring the exciting sights of tourist-film India.He appears to be somewhat hyperactive. If his parents attempted to have him tested, it may be that he never sat still long enough to get a diagnosis. After finding out that Ishaan depart be kicked out of school after the school year, his parents decided to send him to a boarding school where Ishaan suffered more from his strict teachers. These incidents crushed Ishaans confidence in him and he became depressed, very depressed. He did not speak to anyone, not even to his mother or his brother. No one would even try to help him because they did not try to understand him. luckily he met Ram Shankar Nikumbh, the temporary art teacher, saw himself in Ishaan, he stayed persistent to help Ishaan in his studies and his life. Through his unconventional teaching methods and graceful presence, Ishaans attention was caught up.Ram did everything to understand Ishaans pro blem in reading and writing, he consulted Ishaans parents and told them that Ishaan has dyslexia, wherein he finds it hard to recognize letters and numbers. I whap where he tells Ishaans father that in the Solomon Islands, villagers dont chop down a tree when they want to clear land, but curse and delegate abuses at it, and the tree withers and dies soon after. Ram helped Ishaan in every way, first he gave Ishaan a confidence boost so that he will not be afraid to expresshimself, and then, he also gave Ishaan lessons in writing, reading and in math. Ram taught Ishaan using different methods, he made attainment fun by applying games to his lessons.Gradually, Ishaan begun to improve in his studies, he has now little trouble in reading, he can right properly and can form math problems. Teaching should not only be done in one way, we should use different ways to teach our students because each and every one of us has a unique and special talent. It is also good to understand the need s of our students, let them be free free to imagine, free to learn in their own special way. Listen to your students opinions and learn from it.Somehow the movie touched in an exceptional way and it broke my heart seeing that the dear mountain that child thought would understand him were the very ones who judged him and failed to understand his problem. But I cannot really judge the parents though, all they wanted was the best for their child that is why they move so hard to push him and discipline him at the same time. It tug the heartstrings and at the same time gives hope that having dyslexia is not a desperate and in hopeless situation. To help the students, family support, teachers patience and love is needed, so with the interesting and enjoyable teaching and learning strategies should be employed. The theory of multiple intelligences in education plays an important role here and that can be a vessel in informing the teachers and most importantly the parents for them to ass ist their children. With time, patience and care, he ultimately helps Ishaan find himself and the harsh father realized his childs worth and needs.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Does Things Change in Poor Area of China
Does things change in brusque atomic number 18as? When I was young ,my acquire often told me its very bitter for them to go to domesticate, they had to target up very early in the morning,then prepared for their brakefast by themselves and did some housework . they couldnt leave until they finished all of that. They even couldnt have lunch because proverty. But now ,things about cultivation has changed. Student sewer get a better take. Now government pay more attention to pedagogy,especially in poor areas.Our coun deform has through with(p) a lot to correct the education in our country. And they had realized the importance of education for the teaching of a country since the setting of our country. But they couldnt do much to poor areas. But now ,with the development of economy, we have plentiful capital to pay for fees for education. Everything has changed in poor areas. Carations from the government push the process of education development in poor areas. Government c an support these areas with enough money and good teachers.As a result ,children in poor areas can get the same education resourses as others in well-to-do places. From china daily ,children in guizhou now can get free lunch and beautiful schoolroom because the aid. Whats more, their family dont need to care about the payments. In this way ,more children can get the opportunity to know more about the world. In fect, there are so many photographers who care about poor areas. They use their camara to tell people what is going on in poor areas, and try to tell the government.Yes , government can help poor place, but they dont have enough information. These special people just contribute themselves to the development of poor areas. They even organize activities to collect money for the education of poor places. Most of them will spend most of their time to do that. Thanks to them ,these places cant perfect their education fast without them. Thanks to the government and people who cont ribute themselves to education of poor areas, now children can get more opportuties to get formillar with the world.And things have changed to the good side. New word adept main, or most important poverty-stricken extremely poor malnourished weak or toot because you do not eat enough or do not eat enough of the properly foods poverty a lack of something, especially ideas or feelings allowance an amount of something that you are officially allowed by a particular set of rules or by the law a tax exemption government the government of a country the activity of governing a country or region a department of the U. S. overnment launched to start a major activity such as a military attack, a public investigation, or a new career or project to start selling a new product or service to the public remote far away from other cities, towns, or people far away in distance or space far away in the past or future rural relating to parts of a country that are not underweight cities and w here the population is low typical of the countryside Sentence The central government launched a program in October that aims to improve nutrition for rural students in poor areas.When it was introduced, Xinglong school would receive packed bread and milk from the Dafang county education administration every day, but it did not work out, After raising the problem with the education administration, the school was allowed to provide hot lunches, with a daily allowance of 3 yuan (50 US cents) per child. Although many students are malnourished due to poverty, free school lunches will make them healthier, he added. Unlike many students in urban areas of China, where child obesity is becoming a problem,
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Puritan Women’s Value of Piety Contradictory in the Crucible
The Crucible presents women on a narrow spectrum reflecting the socialization of the prude New England and the cult of true charwo homohood. Many of the plays central conflicts exist because of limitations on the rights of women, and their low status in society. The status of the Puritan white male allows the infringement of womens heavy human rights to be overlooked by the public. The role of women and the theme of misogyny or distrust of women is an tinge theme in The Crucible.According to the elevateds of the cult of true womanhood, women were supposed to embody perfect virtue in four cardinal aspects piety, purity, submission, and domesticity. Piety maintained that a woman is more ghost bid and spiritual than a man. Yet, in Millers play women were more susceptible to loathsomeness. Eves corruption, in Puritan eyes, extended to all women, and justified marginalization them at heart social avenues. In The Crucible, the type of femininity is presented within the traditiona l role of subservience, lack of voice, and suffering.The two female characters, Elizabeth keep an eye on and Tituba, both subordinate to their husbands and master, respectively, and in the religious life of both home and church. The fate of both characters Elizabeth Proctors loss of her husband, and Titubas operation as a witch, provides a standing critique of the Puritan ideal of women being superior in embodying the Puritan religiosity juxtaposing the subordination of their sexual activity. The virtue of piety affirms that a woman is naturally religious. Consequently, it is a womans job to raise her children to be good Christians and keep her husband on a passing play and narrow path.Wives ar fully responsible if their husbands disobey the commandments, especially adultery. In The Crucible, this idea is reaffirmed with the character Elizabeth Proctor. Elizabeth is the ideal Puritan woman as she exemplified the principles of the piety, submissiveness, and purity. throughout t he play, she proves to be moral, cold, and determined. As commode states in Act 2, Oh, Elizabeth, your umpire would freeze beer (Miller 53) Yet, the cult of true womanhood requires her to be predisposed to conceal the gentler emotions, time her manners are calm and cold, rather than free and impulsive.Abigail, the mistress, represents the opposite. She is young, attractive and brings forth a zest of life. A zest that Elizabeth lacks. John Proctor conveys this when he seasons the pot of stew Elizabeth is cooking. Within Act II, scene one opens with John Proctor walking into the kitchen. His wife is absent but there is stew cooking. He lifts the ladle from the pot, tastes it, and adds a exceed of salt. The significance of this short scene may justify his affair with Abigail and a contradiction of Puritan society. Elizabeth embodies the ideal of a Puritan woman, but her Puritan husband does not desire it.After she has spent a hardly a(prenominal) months alone in prison, Elizabeth comes to this realization she was a cold wife, and it was because she did not show love to her husband that her unification suffered. She comes to believe that it is her coldness that led to his affair with Abigail. Additionally, it is with this situation that builds up to her telling a lie to nevertheless her husbands re regulariseation. In her life, sir, she have never lied. There are them that cannot sing, and them that cannot weep my wife cannot lie. I have nonrecreational much to develop it (Miller 103). John Proctor states that his wife, Elizabeth wont tell a lie.However, she lies in an attempt to take over his life. And as such, lying to save a family members life or reputation is justified. Throughout the play, Elizabeth is depicted as being one without sin. It is a scene in Act 3 she lies in court, saying that John and Abigails affair never happened. This is supposedly the only time she has ever lied in her life. Though she lies in an attempt to protect her husband, it actually results in his death. She is accosted in Act 4 to express her husband in giving the delusive confession of being a witch. exclusively she refuses. Hale disagrees with this.He says It is fictitious law that leads you to sacrifice. Life, woman, life is Gods most precious gift no principle, however glorious, may justify the pickings of it . . . it may well be God damns a liar less than he that throws his life past for pride (Miller 122). Hale implies that Johns death is a waste of life and Gods most precious gift. Thus Hales reasoning with Elizabeth is to let her come to terms with her responsibility with her husbands sin and let her be accountable for the affects of her decision in not lying again to protect him from the gallows.Besides gender inequality, racism was extremely prevalent in Puritan society. As such, the character Tituba is not only control by her race, but also by her gender. She was the first person to be accused and confess to witchcraft in the vill age. At first she denied that she had any involvement with witchcraft, but was then quickly coerced into confessing to having spoken with the Devil. Tituba provides the next confession He say Mr. Parris must be kill Mr. Parris no goodly man, Mr. Parris mean man and no gentle man, and he bid me rise out of my bed and cut your throat They gasp.But I tell him No I dont hate that man. I dont want kill that man. But he say, You work for me, Tituba, and I make you free I give you pretty dress to wear, and put you way up in the air, and you gone fly back to Barbados And I say, You lie, Devil, you lie And then he come one stormy night to me and he say, Look I have white batch belong to me. And I look and there was Goody Good (Miller 44). In the selected quote she lies and provides a false confession of witchcraft as well as the name of another witch in township to hopefully save herself from being subjected to the gallows.Though Tituba admits her supposed sin, she is not given a fr ee pass like the others who confessed. Instead, she is condemned to death. The fact that she was convicted at all shows that the Puritan society is inherently prejudice. In The Crucible, Titibua is depicted as an collateral object within an elite discourse of religious freedom and slavery. The Puritan society was obsessed with charge up a veneer of religious piety and proper moral conduct. The plays linguistic context of the woods in the opening scene represents the epitome of an uncontrollable wildness.It is there where she held power and peril while she engages in incantations in the woods. Being an alien makes her more likely to be in cohorts with the Christian Devil. to begin with being brought to Massachusetts, Tituba never considered her singing, dancing, and spell casting as evil. Such practices were spiritual and descended from her African roots. Her spirituality had no connections to ideals of absolute good or evil. This is shown in Act Four, when Tituba tells to her ja iler mockingly Oh, it be no sine in Barbados.Devil, him be pleasure-man in Barbados, him be singin and dancin in Barbados. Its you folks you riles him up round here it be in like manner cold round here for that Old Boy. He freeze his soul in Massachusetts, but in Barbados he just as sweet (Miller 113). The irony of the ill treatment of Titubas religious outsider status is the fact Puritans migrated to the New World to flee religious persecution. They sought to express their faith freely, yet equally boasted great suspicion to others who were different.And as such, it can be inferred that Millers belief is that despite the Puritans self-proclamation of individualism, they exude as much intolerance as the European powers that set out to control them. The Puritans failed to learn from the persecution of their ancestors. The persecution of Tituba and her heathen religious practices reflect this conflict. In The Crucible, it was viewed that women were more likely to enlist in the D evils service than was a man, and women were considered lustful by nature as seen with the character Abigail. Ironically, Puritan women are prized for having a higher smell of religiosity.Almost all the accused who were imprisoned and executed for the crime of witchcraft were women who were social outcasts or predominant in the community. Tituba was a social outcast as she was a slave and Black woman. Elizabeth Proctor was a double-dyed(a) woman but was marred by her husbands affair with their house servant. The villages problem with Titubas different religious beliefs and expressions reflects the hypocrisy of Puritan intolerance, and John Proctors engagement in adultery highlights an inconsistency with the Puritan ideal of its women.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Middle Years Development Essay
admission Early adolescence encompasses a diverse range of development, emotions, growth and larn. This finish be categorised into the following Sociocultural, physiological, neurologic and mental. It is the responsibility of ticker eld educators to be familiar with the arranges of development and in particular demonstrate understand of Vygotskys Zone of Proximal Development (Pendergast and Bahr, 2010).It should be the pedagogy of all center years instructors to read relationships with students and their families offer students an salty education and model sensitivity and acceptance of the students especially during puerile development. This essay impart touch on theoretical knowledge and understanding, practical research and identifi suitable characteristics of heart and soul years students. core years educators should consider the implications and how pedagogical practice should be influenced to stop a holistic educational get wind for early adolescent students.S OCIOCULTURAL PERSPECTIVESAs children move into early adolescence, they array to appreciate that people sewer have mixed traces ab bulge events and other individuals. They puddle that people whitethorn simultaneously have multiple, and perhaps conflicting, intentions (Pendergast 2010, p. 468). As students approach the middles years of school, ages 9 to 14, it becomes noticeable that students atomic number 18 developing their personalities and opinions. Whilst this is strengthens some friendships it in any case may dissolve others. The students in the middle years classroom quickly identify peers and develop biases and prejudices.Sadly these prejudices screwing survive to serious consequences and the development of unhealthy social-cognitive prejudice, which can lead to the exclusion, and discrimination of some students (Pendergast and Bahr, 2010). Carrington argues that adolescents are undecided to adult practices and popular gloss as intimately as having a decreased amo unt of maternal(p) or adult supervision. One can deduce from this that adolescents are making judgments that are not correctly formed and this can have an impact on relationships both in and out of school (Carrington, 2010).Kroger (2007), gun moll and Arnot-Hopffer (2005) state that adolescents areestablishing more(prenominal) mature identities and come across points. it is the teachers role to unbiased political view of the world to assist students in accepting and engaging in many opinions and beliefs. Erickson argues that free forget can lead to a paradox, namely, that an adolescent would rather act shamelessly in the eyes of his elders, out of free choice, than be forced into activities which would be shameful in his own eyes or in those of his peers (1968, p 147). This theory can be applied to todays middle school payable to very influential factors in sociocultural perspectives such(prenominal) as pop-culture and the immediate milieu (Carrington, 2011).Popular culture s ets a trend in which it is made popular by a select few in the middle years cohort. This leads to adolescents are striving for individuality inside the confines of their environment and social acceptance. coadjutor interaction and collaborative culture can assist in forming relationships, connect realizes and develop higher roll thought (Willis, 2007). When engaging in these kinds of learning environments opinions can be expressed, supported and argued. Educators must ensure that regeneration and tolerance is paramount in the classroom supports this. (Moll and Arnot-Hopffer, 2005).PHYSIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES I think what is happening to me is so wonderful, and not only what can be seen on my body, but all that is taking place inside. I never discuss myself or any of these things with anybody that is why I have to talk to myself about them. Anne frank (1939, p. 146) Anne Frank viewed adolescence, particularly her menarche, as a private and enriching time in her young life tha t must be kept to herself.This is a viewpoint of some middle years students however sadly, unlike Anne, many adolescents find out the maturational sequences of puberty a difficult andstressful time. (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010). Students are experiencing obvious tangible changes however these go a port occur almost certainly at different rates.However forefront development, hormones and puberty attribute to physical growth. McDevitt and Ormrod state that these changes are occurring in the body from 9-14 years therefore it is Copernican for adolescent educators to be nimble and sensitive to the changes in their students. Pendergast (2010) argues middle years students feel a sense of isolation and disengagement, which can be attributed to hormonal changes.Puberty does not only influence physical changes but links to social groups, neurologic and mental perspectives. shopping centre years physiological perspectives also include nutrition, exercise and healthy wellbeing. Encourage ment require to be fostered in healthy eating, but introducing fruit and vegetable breaks and physical movement but further Health and Physical Education or simply movement through drama and dance. Watson and Bandura argue that environmental influences impact on grooming and shaping beliefs (Pendergast and Bahr, 2010).Looking that these theorists further it can be determined that the middle years student is developing habits which are reliant on environment or habitus. Therefore middle years educators are able to influence and model healthy interactions with students, nutrition, health and peer groups. Enthusiasm and disturbance for students and their wellbeing will ensure students are less likely to become withdrawn from classes and their peers, and to embrace the changes and view them as a natural progression of their growth.NEUROLOGICAL PERSPECTIVESAs technological advances put more and more time between early school life and the young persons final get at to specialize work the stage of adolescence becomes even more marked and conscious period and, as it has everlastingly been in some cultures in some periods, almost a dash of life between childhood and adulthood (Erickson 1968, p 147). During adolescence the brain is subject to huge neurological changes. The prefrontal cortex is the final stage of neural development and this period of maturation gives way to neurobiological hypothesis such as adolescents engaging in risky and impulsive behaviour (Casey, Jones and Somerville, 2011).The transition from childhood to adulthood requires the prefrontal cortex of the brain to mature, which improves cognitive ability, settles hormones and moderates the brain chemistry levels. One of the most influential chemicals in the brain is serotonin. High serotonin levels can give way to risky behaviour, sexual promiscuity and defiance. Educators in the middle years quest to consider the imbalance of brain chemicals and hormones such as serotonin can lead to disenga gement in learning.Whilst this neurological stage is happening it is pregnant to ensure students safety is paramount and discourage students from making suboptimal decisions which lead to poor long-term outcomes (Casey, Jones and Somerville, 2011). Giedd (2002) states its sort of unfair to expect teens to have adult levels of organizational skills or decision-making before their brains are finished being built. According to Giedds research the brain whilst being 95% of its total size by adolescence the synapse and cortical connections still need to be established and connected.It is also theorized that adolescent brains are only developed properly given higher order associations, real world connections and sensorimotor practice (Casey, Jones and Somerville, 2011). Many factors influence the development of the adolescent brain including peer relations, real world connections, experience and psychological perspectives and so too is the importance of the middle years educator in the life of an adolescent. . mental PERSPECTIVES Psychological maturation is measured by an adolescents ability to maintain or turn over a state of homeostasis. Jodi A Quas (2011, p.263) It has been recognized that adolescents have many stress markers.These markers are prevalent and can be identified in many ways. Cognitive growth and processes change with such speed that adolescents are vulnerable to normally inconsequential events, which induce diverse psychological reactions. These events can be both peremptory and negative such as arousal, laughter, sadness, fright or flight. These can produce endorphins that allow psychological affects to appear. Middle school students are continually faces with challenges that lead to these psychological shifts in the brain.These can be schoolman achievement and pressure, peer pressure and collaborative learning, physical exercise and general cultural factors. It is the role of educators to realise the differences in middle years students psyc hological position and ensure nurturing, stimulating and engaging practices are offered to the students at all times (Quas, 2011). Levine & Levines (2007) theory of cognitive backpacks also a way of dealing and recognising psychological stressors as well as preparing them for adult life. Using the interpretation model teachers can identify the way in which students react and relate to issues and beliefs.In assessing a students deeper understanding and critical thinking of learning an educator can deduce the reason for a middle years students beliefs and how their thoughts were established. The instrumentation stage allows students to take ownership of their education and metacognition. This encourages students to have their own voice and not be too easily influenced. Interaction is a stage that is vital to students success in future life. The correct environment can advance interaction of peers, encourage interpersonal skills and allows students to exercise their beliefs within a pe er setting.This stage then supports the final stage which is inner direction. Confidence of students own beliefs, understanding and opinions as well as acceptance of others beliefs and opinions enriches the students ability to be passionate and motivated to improve themselves (Snowman, 2009). IMPLICATIONS FOR TEACHERS We have already described the importance of the teacher in providing an environment in which children can feel challenged and stimulated intellectually, as well as feeling safe to explore and express themselves. McInerney & McInerney (2006, p. 491).Middle school education is a multi-faceted exciting teaching opportunity. However, it is serious to realise many implications for teachers are needed to be implemented to achieve a balanced inclusive classroom. Carrington (2002) states Queensland must adopt a strong vision for teaching of middle school students. This often requires the status of physiological, sociocultural, psychological and neurological perspectives to be accommodated. One implication that resonates through all the perspectives is peer learning. Peer learning has been a proven effective tool when used correctly.Allowing students to have a voice fulfills sociocultural and psychological needs. The students voice can be valuable teaching tool as well as a learning tool. Collaborative learning with peers engages students to share and appreciate different perspectives and observations. It is also important to consider that these collaborative learning groups are highly successful in common or akin paced learning such as studies of society and environment and science. It is important to ensure each group has a similar cross-section of students to allow for a holistic and diverse interaction.However, to ensure that students are also able to assume the same level in mathematics and literacy, where lessons are catered for particular ability levels rather than groups, it is important to group according to ability level (Snowman, 2009) Ano ther implication in teaching middles years students is ensuring students are able to privately connect with a teacher or even another member of supply should any physiological and psychological changes occur in the classroom. Being prepared and mindful that students may begin menarche or sings of spermarche during a class and offering students products and support needed for such an event.Erikson (1968) argues that adolescence is an egocentric stage in which the world around the adolescent is centered on them (Erikson, 1968). This can exacerbate issues such as friendships, boss around or changes within a family unit. A teacher or other staff member such as a guidance councilor or chaplain should be prepared to offer advice and support. It is integral that departmental force is adhered to and teachers should always ensure their relationship with their students is professional at all times.A further implication for teachers is to ensure their pedagogical process allows students to be engaged, challenged and given the opportunity to gain real world experience to key out connections to their learning and the use of ICT. Education Queensland as well as professional development in this field of battle provide productive pedagogy models. One such model ensures intellectual quality, supportive classroom environment, identification of difference and connectedness (Education Queensland, 2007). Carringtons constructivist view of signature practices also supports the framework for establishing meaningful pedagogy for middle years students.Particular elements to assess are incorporation of technology, interdisciplinary teacher teaming, creative use of classroom space and timetabling, strong, valuable teacher-student relationships, integrated platform with authentic links to real world, engagement in school, local anaesthetic and wider community and collaborative teaching and learning (Carrington, 2011). The implications of middle years students on teachers are end less, it is vital to have a go at it and appreciate that students within the years 4 to 9 can offer life long learning opportunities and students also give educators the change to change lives.CONCLUSION The middle years of schooling are the billet of vibrant educational reform. This is exciting on a number of fronts the development and implementation of innovative curriculum the creation of robust teacher professional communities and, a renewed focus on the relevance of educational research for classroom practice. Carrington (2011, p. 1) Educators of middle years students are have a vital role to swindle in not only in the role of a middle years teacher, but also as an advocate, protector, ambassador and keen participant in the betterment of middle schools education.Ensuring that the middle school has a plan that encompasses the many perspectives of students needs and development but also in the environment that surrounds these students. Students are adolescents for such a sho rt time and whilst it is brief it should not be regarded as insignificant. The psychological, neurological and physiological perspectives of an adolescent need constant nurturing and as a teacher this is a in a constant state of change. Whilst the sociocultural perspective it discreet it is the nurturing of all perspectives that results in preparing students for adult life and academic success (Carrington, 2011).Preparing youth for the future extends beyond classroom practice, it requires dedication of further study and being aware of change and adaptable that will see students through the middle years of schooling. REFERENCES Barry, K. and King, L. (2006). Beginning teaching and beyond. Victoria, Australia Cengage teaching Australia. Casey, B. J. , Jones, R. M. and Somerville, L. H. (2011). Braking and accelerating of the adoloscent brain. journal of research on adolescence, 21 (1), Pages 21-33. Retrieved from Weill Cornell Medical College http//www. med. cornell. edu/ Carrington, V. (2011).Key themes and the future Reflections on the middle years of schooling. The University of Queensland. Retrieved from World Education Reform Australia http//www. wef. org. au Carrington, V. (2002). 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Friday, May 17, 2019
Discuss How Different Approaches to Learning Can Affect Student Success in Higher Education Essay
It utilized a questionnaire establish on an academic text, gathering some students, asking them to read the text then answer the questionnaire. devil distinctive groups were formed students with high levels of understanding and perfect answers, named deep come out learners, and another with lower level, referred to as surface arise learners (Ramsden, 2003). Later, another climax was discovered and named as the strategic approach to discipline (Chin, 2000).This raise recommends the deep approach to learning to be followed as a key of achiever in higher(prenominal) education, arguing oddly about the advantages and disadvantages of both deep and surface approaches to learning. Advantages of surface approach The expression of the intelligence activity surface means the top layer of something (Cambridge, 2009). Students who atomic number 18 surface learners are characterized by mechanical memorization (Chin, 2000), which stands for memorizing facts without understanding their o bjectives. These students learn still to pass exams or to meet a demand.Surface approach has only a lone advantage which bottom only benefit some students and not all. It is applicable particularly for the students who work while they are studying or who suffer from work loads such as preparing for academic assignments and doing extensive homework. This can fulfill their need of acquiring a time saving approach that enables them to succeed in their studies. Disadvantages of surface approach In contrast, surface approach has many another(prenominal) disadvantages. Some of these disadvantages can be summarized in five main ways.First, the students who follow this route of learning can not a save the new ideas learnt thoroughly, neither can they relate them with other fields (Ramsden, 2003). Second, it directs the student to be a certified learner. For instance, if a chemistry instructor asked his students to prove an experiment practically, then the surface learners will depend o n their peers idea to verify the experiment. If they do not, then they will easily give up and this can be considered as a third disadvantage. The forth disadvantage is that it makes them easily ignore the points that they do not understand.As in the first example, those students neglect and sink about the ideas that were not helpful in doing their experiment. Finally, it brings the learner to forget the knowledge learnt easily and fast (Johansson, n. d). Advantages of deep approach The expression of the word deep means cosmos a long way down from the top or surface to the bottom (Cambridge, 2009). So, deep learners are the students who search for the full of meaning of the subjects they learn by following strategic ways to achieve that. mystic learners, un care surface learner, use memorization when necessary scarce not always. There are many advantages related to deep approach.First of all, deep approach encourages the students to become more interested in their subjects and t o exact the curiosity to learn further. The second is that it assists the students to predict new information by analyzing recent ideas and connecting them with their prior contract and with other fields, as a result forming a complete image of the task required (Chin, 2000). Thirdly, it enables the students to get down high quality outcomes in higher education (Johansson, n. d. ). The last is that it encourages the students to be independent learners (Entwistle, 1990). Disadvantages of deep approachHowever, there is only one disadvantage of deep approach, which can be described as the fixation and passion that the student may follow in order to learn everything about the subject existence learnt (Johansson, n. d). This can waste time and cause irregularity for other subject timetables. For instance, many deep learners like to know the whole idea about everything they learn, however they are not supposed to know everything, but this obsession leads them to waste time unconsciou sly. This situation can occur sometimes within the period of last-place exams revision, which can drive the student to have lower marks than expected for a deep learner. refinement After the classification of the students into deep and surface learners, many universities recommended their students to follow the deep rather than the surface approach to learning owing to its benefits that their students are going to obtain. Perhaps the surface approach is applicable for some students but not all. Nevertheless, the advantages of deep approach to learning are more than surface approach in gain the disadvantages of the deep approach are much less than the surface approaches. Therefore, by following the deep approaches to learning, students success in higher education will be advantageous. References . Cambridge University Press (Ed. ). (2009). Cambridge Advanced Learners dictionary (3rded. ). Edinbrugh Cambridge University Press. 2. Chin, C. & Brown, D. (2000). Learning in Science A Comparison of Deep and Surface approaches. Journal of seek in Science teach, 37(2), (pp. 109-138). 3. Entwistle, N. & Tait, H. (1990). Approaches to learning, evaluations of teaching, and preferences of contrasting academic environments. higher(prenominal) Education, (19), (pp. 169-194). Netherlands Kluwer academic Publishers. 4. Johansson, J. et al. (n. d). Experiences of learning student accounts cerebrate with theory. Denmark CDIO. 5.Ramsden, P. (Ed. ). (2003). Learning to Teaching in Higher Education. (2nded. ). USA RoutledgeFalmer. Bibliography 1. Beckwith, J. B. (1991). Approaches to learning, their context and relationship to sagacity performance. Higher Education, 22, (pp. 17-30). Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2. Cuthbert, P. (2005). The Student Learning Process Learning Styles or Learning Approaches? Teaching in Higher Education, 10(2), (pp. 235-249). unify Kingdom Manchester. 3. Entwistle, N. (1991). Approaches to learning and perceptions of the learnin g environment. Higher education, 22 (pp. 201-204). Edinbrugh University of Edinbrugh. . Entwistle, N. (2000). Promoting deep learning through teaching and assessment Conceptual frameworks and educational contexts. In the TLRP Conference, Leicester, November 2000. 5. Fowler, J. & Wilson, K. (2005). Assessing the impact of learning environments on students approaches to learning Comparing formal and action learning designs. Assessing & Evaluation in Higher Education, 30(1), pp. 87-101. 6. Fox, J. & Bartholomae, S. (1999). Student learning elan and educational outcomes evidence from a family financial management course. Financial Services Review, 8(4), (pp. 235-251). 7. Iran-Nejad, A. (1990).Active and dynamic self-regulation of learning processes. 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Chinese Mainland Students Experiences of Teaching and Learning at a Chinese University Some Emerging Findings. In the BERA 2004 Conference, UMIST, Manchester, 15th-18th, September 2004. Edinbrugh University of Edinbrugh.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Students who push burgers: effects on education quality
The present repel of university education is geared towards scholars independence, offering programs with go time study options to suit someone requirements and needs. For the fact that part time scholarly persons performance complements the complexities of their drive and protrude system, the move to draw on websites and electronic library access had so far supported the pressures of the savants lifestyles and work-study habits. branch timers vary greatly from the needs of their full time counterparts as to historic period, socio-economic mix, educational background and motivations for continuing studies.It is jussive mood that a study of their part time rates and family context be inducted to help resolve problems on unaffordable tuition fees. L doing while earning as a part time student, molded me into a much mature person in the aspect of working to sustain education and meeting basic private and family needs. I raise my hand to disagree Mi nons theory that the quali ty of education suffers when a student works simply by basing from the prerequisites involving good education founded as the case of a dedicated student, a comprehensive curriculum, quality assurance issues of the teacher, and the applied teaching methodology of the university.In the case of the student, we all switch to get over with his capability to develop time management and assess priorities. Time management in the sense that the student shall be able to determine the number of hours that he need to work to generate the level of income adapted for him to survive life. A kind of timetable to determine the number of hours appropriated for his studies, quality time with family and for personal matters of anticipate and leisure. The students sense of responsibility is so developed to exact appropriations regarding budget constraints and active participation in decisions centered on his own and shared family functions.The car was marked to be a necessity alternatively than a form of luxury in the part of the student. Minots theory was simply based on his sarcasm of buying what teenage people want, like the designer jeans, as if he hasnt undergone the age and the stage. The culture of employed students is ultimate freedom to express their rights and their needs as relevant as the issues of standard or quality of work from students. It is the process of undergoing through the different stages of life cycles and advancing into the domains of maturity which seems to be happening at a different pace in each individual with no exemptions do to full time students.Relatively, the decline of the American education cannot be solely based on the students alone, part time or full time, because bigger consideration shall be taken into the kind of curriculum that was created by the University in partnership with the Department of Education presented to us for the taking. They alone have the authority to know the triviality to prove probable strengths and weaknesse s of the course and what it could produce to a student like me. It is simply formation eliminate to education. They are solely responsible for what molds our minds and opinions to sustain nationwide progress and development.We are just selecting from their keep down which path or place in their coursework and designs of progress we forecast to place ourselves. I agree that sometimes students could be so tired from work that they have the tendency to take their studies for granted and go to rest instead of studying. But I also insist on the fair ability of the students who have the beginning(a) to learn how to cope up with stress and exhibit flexibility with regards to health, time management, and assessment of priorities which I have already discussed earlier.It is the determination of the individual to succeed and get what he wants in life that our context of druthers shall be discussed and not the negative speculation of the present situation. For humans may experience succes s or failure at any time in his life but still survive because of that spirit of determination. Now if we continue to look into the discussion of the third factor which is the quality assurance issues of the instructor, we can then specify some problems in the management and evaluation of tutor personalities relating to their maturity and flexibility to handle difficulties in tutoring students.One concept is the type of comments placed on written assignments which reflects tutors integrity and affects the immediate enthusiasm of the students to perform and view as on with the coursework. Another aspect is the applied teaching methodology as implemented by the University directives interfacing with the students as it transform when integrated with the personal reflections and methods of the instructor himself.Methods and the way teachers relay and convey ideas are something that is personal and shall be exact but not boring. Somehow, personal styles in teaching make it either diffic ult or easy for the students to comprehend the subject in taking. I sincerely express that motivation and external support plays a vital role in increasing the population of the professionals to sustain national progress and not limited to the inability of the students parents to support their education and the students option to earn to sustain education.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
What are the difficulties presented by trying to balance hate speech Essay
What atomic number 18 the difficulties presented by trying to balance hate speech laws with the concept of free speech - Essay moralHate speech cannot be looked at as an invitation to politely have a talk or a chat since it is mainly aimed at ambushing the victim, insulting them and silencing them at the same time. Therefore, it comes as no storm that campuses where highly publicized incidence of hate speech have taken place report a decrease in the number of minority enrollment since the students that are considered to be of colour decide to succeed the schools that have an environment that is safer from them.Hate speech has reached proportions that are in truth high lately in the schools and colleges with many another(prenominal) of the victims being subjected to threats on the grounds of their race, gender, ethnicity, religion or their sexual orientation and many of the victims have experient this attacks more than once. In response to this situation that is getting out of c ontrol, any(prenominal) of the universities have had to put some regulations in place that forbids speech that assaults the ethnic minorities and other groups that are vulnerable. Individuals have also been subjected to punishment when their reflection becomes an obstacle to the educational opportunity that another person has been able to acquire. These policies have been the source of debates that are heated up and removed-reaching discourse on how practical they are.In the Article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of humanity Rights and the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, there is an explicit recognition of the need to protect free expression and this shows that the principle of free speech is fundamentally important (Warburton, 2009, p. 1). When this this freedom is not protected, it can be very fragile to deal with and will lead to various situations that might get out of hand and the original idea of the First Amendment was to stop t he central government from being able to make intrusions as far as this area is concerned. It aims at
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Strategy management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 1
Strategy management - Essay ExampleAccording to the author psychiatric hospital is a discipline that can be learned and practices through different levels and strategic movement of an organisation.Drucker (2014), has evaluated that entrepreneurial strategies argon the practices and policies of organisations to establish as well as re-establish the fundamental relationship with the external organisational environment. The author has illustrated that innovation in entrepreneurial strategies assist organisation to adopt changing economic characteristics of market, product, process and industry. It also enables entrepreneurs to search and adopt specialized as well as ecological niche (Drucker, 2014).Druker (2014), has evaluated the importance of innovation in the entrepreneurial approach towards the formulation and implementation of organisational strategies. The analysis of the role of innovation and entrepreneurial approach in the organisational strategies has illustrated mixed impor tant attributes which as aimed to lower down the barriers towards changes that often discouraged by top management.The author has explained that innovation and entrepreneurial approach has allowed organisations to reform their strategies to secure the leadership position by introducing new products, processes and services. This approach influences the organisations to shape more risk-averse while offering greater rewards upon success. The innovative approaches of the business strategy of Blackberry can help oneself as an important example in this context (Drucker, 2014). Their undeniably captivating and irresistible mobile electronic mail facility innovation has back up the marketers to gain a rapid popularity within global market. Their market strategy to become first-to-market has neutralized the effects of their premium pricing strategy. Hence, the incorporation of innovation and entrepreneurial approach has assisted the organisation to secure leadership position in the mark et. Alternatively,
Monday, May 13, 2019
Contingent Liabilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Contingent Liabilities - Essay useFrom this definition, it hobo be viewed from two aspects. The first aspect of the definition of provisions describe that the provisions be actually the indebtedness. commissariat are directly referred to as the liabilities of the business but not the usual and public liabilities which are acknowledge in the balance sheet of the business. Provisions are the special type of liability of the business that is described as an new(prenominal) head in the capital and liabilities portion of the balance sheet.The other main feature described by the definition of the provisions is that it is a liability of un authentic touchstone and uncertain clock. It means that the provisions are not certain in terms of their amount and clock but their nature is known to the accountant. It is known that a certain outlay of certain type is difference to take manoeuver in the future but the exact amount and exact time of the expense is not known to the accountant of the business. Therefore, provisions are the best hazards of the expenses that are going to take place in the future.Liability is defined in the International Accounting Standards as the baffle obligation as a issue of past events and the settlement of which is expected to result in an leakage of resources. This definition of liabilities withal describes the nature and the expected outcome of the liability on the overall business. Hence, a liability is a present obligation which has arisen due to the result of past events and in order to settle that obligation it is probable that the outflow of resources will happen in the near future. Hence the provision is the preparation of the liability whose amount and timing is uncertain but there is surety that the liability will arise at some focalise in time sooner or later in the future. The concept of provisions provide the accountants with a cushion time to get themselves prepared for the issues that are to rise in the future and th erefore, nevertheless money for the settlement of future liabilities in the present time. The main point in the provisions is that it is the best estimate of the future amount in present time. IAS 37 recognizes the problem of provisions in accounting and provides a rule to recognize the provision s in the balance sheet. IAS 37 says that the provisions should be recognized by an entity if and only ifa present obligation (legal or constructive) has arisen as a result of a past event (the obligating event),payment is probable (more likely than not), andThe amount can be estimated reliably.These are the rules which part the entity when to recognize a provision in the balance sheet. Firstly an obligation has arisen as a result of past events and it is also probable that the payment is to be made for that obligation and the amount of the payment can be reliably measured. These rules are used in many countries of the world to recognize the provisions in the balance sheets of the business es and are successful in addressing the problem of provision recognition in the balance sheet. Provisions provide the detailed training about liabilities facing the entity. Liabilities like trade creditors etc. provide the information about the liabilities of the business to be paid by the business and the amount and timing of which are certain at present. However, the presence of provisions in the entitys balance sheet prepares those responsible for decision making, to arrange and save the
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Persian Empire Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Persian Empire - Research Paper ExampleThe formation of the Persian Empire began in 550 B.C., when King Stages of Media, who keep down much of Iran and eastern Anatolia (Turkey), was crushed by his southern neighbor Cyrus II (the Great), king of Persia (559530B.C.). This psychological disorder the stability of power in the Near East. The Lydians of western Anatolia under King Croesus took advantage of the fall of Media to kick upstairs east, and clashed with Persian forces. The Lydian army withdrew for the winter but the Persians marched on to the Lydian capital at Sardis, which fell after a two-week siege. The Lydians had been allied with the Babylonians and Egyptians, and Cyrus now had to meet these major powers head-on. The Babylonian empire controlled Mesopotamia and the eastern Mediterranean. In 539 B.C., Persian forces frustrated the Babylonian army at the site of Opis, east of the Tigris. King Cyrus entered Babylon and presented himself as a customary Mesopotamian monarch , restoring temples and let go political prisoners. The one western power that remained unconquered in Cyrus brilliant campaigns was Egypt. It was left to his son Cambyses to escape the Egyptian forces in the eastern Nile Delta in 525B.C. After a ten-day siege, Egypts ancient capital Memphis fell to the Persians.2 A crisis at the court forced Cambyses to go back to Persia but he died on the way and Darius I emerged as king. During his reign and the reign of his successors, the empire was stabilized, roadstead for communication were built, a system of satraps (governors) was established, major structure projects, such as royal buildings at Susa and a new dynastic center of Persepolis, were begun, more lands were gained.3 And for the abutting two and a half centuries, the Persians enjoyed a fairly peaceful period of history, disturbed only by the occasional revolts of the Aegeans. The Organization and Governance of the Empire Though built upon the Assyrian structure, the Persian a dministrative system was outlying(prenominal) more competent and civilized. The empire was divided into twenty provinces, or satrapies, each ruled by a governor called a satrap. To check the satraps, a secretary and military officials on behalf of the Great King, King of Kings were installed in every province. Also, special inspectors, the Eyes and Ears of the King,4 traveled all over the realm. Imperial post roads connected the important cities. Along the Royal Road between Sardis and Susa there was a post institutionalise every fourteen miles, where kings couriers could obtain rested horses, enabling them to cover the 1600-mile route in a week. nothing mortal travels so fast as these Persian messengers, wrote Herodotus. These men will not be hindered..., either by snow, or rain, or heat, or by the darkness of night. 5 The Persian Empire was the archetypical to endeavor to govern many different ethnic groups on the principle of equal responsibilities and rights for all peoples . So long as subjects paid their taxes and kept the peace, the king did not interfere with local religion, customs, or trade. Darius I revolutionized the world economy by placing it on a silver and gold coinage system similarly introducing a controlled and sustainabletaxsystem that was accurately designed for each satrapy, based on their conjectural productivity and their economic potential. Due to the vast geographical size, ethnic and cultural diversity of the subjected peoples, constant agitate for power on a regional scale, such as revolts led by the Greeks and the Egyptians, the creation of a large,
Saturday, May 11, 2019
The Personal Application Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Personal coating Assignment - Essay ExampleIt is basically a tissue development and daftware house which serves individuals as well as business organizations to get their software and web development issues resolved. The thing I spy at the very first day was campaignforce diversity at the workplace. The culture of the organization is soft and innovative. Physical premises of the software house is situated in comparatively less rush and alleviate area where race differences and ethnicity were noniced and hindered in many of the matters. I was a bit surprised around the issue. I was not getting how they were surviving at that place. Being a business graduation student, it attracted me to turn up out the ground fact. I talked to some of the organizational employees as an informal interview (just general question and answering). They seemed to be fully satisfied. I was taking it as a dilemma because last vacations, my cousin blood brother told me to the highest degree his experience of working in the same area but different organization where employee absenteeism and employee turnover was so high. The reason was the same as I outlined above race differences. I legal opinion to get it as an adventure and I thanked to my luck that I was here. I had this instant decided to pucker a lot from that place in order to cater my learning desires and objectives. It was a competitive work place as I could judge the work environment. A highly diverse culture was handled in very well manner. Team orientation in order to accomplish the tasks was most attractive indication of the organization. Reflective Observations While working as an assistant HR manager for partial duties, I was alike attending an employee class room training session. It had not entered in to the confidential level that is why I was permitted to attend the lessons. Here I was able to interact with employees more informally. However I have not studied psychology formally in any class room, but I really face interest in psyche of peers and numerous levels in an organization. I did not know what they perceived about me. But I was getting impressed their way of working and bringing the things in a carry upstream. Mr. John Fernandez, a senior training officer, is a retired employee of the same organization. He is basically from Germany and moved to ground forces for joining the organization on the basis of his extraordinary human resource management skills. He was now serving as a trainer for new or promoted employees in the class room session. I personally talked to him and he got my point easily that about what I wanted to know. He told me that software and web developing needs a competitive edge in order to separately place your service in the market. By diverse work force, they had competitive edge to put diverse innovations in to their offerings. They were undermentioned a wide range of personalization and customization from web design to personalized EDP softwa re development. They had served almost both small, medium and large organization in different extents of services. Relating the matters of daily life with workplace seems to be a merely impossible task but planning and proper implementation is the key to competitive advantage. intend information system integrity was not a big deal as they were specialized in controlling the flow of information to the right direction as well as to the accurate pace. training technology experts who belonged to Asian regions like India or
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