Sunday, May 17, 2020
How Human Beings Learn Languages - 1562 Words
How human beings learn languages is one of the most interesting processes that have been discussed by several scholars. The process through which human beings learn language is known as language acquisition, and it is a process that begins from the infancy stage. Different studies have been completed to highlight the process that human beings undergo to acquire language, specifically those who learn more than one language. These are the studies that this paper will analyze using the two articles that were completed by Patricia Kuhl and Andrea Macleod. Kuhl (2015) discusses how babies learn languages, and she believes that babies have crucial capacities when it comes to learning and mastering languages. She also points out that at the age of 6 months, a child can identify sounds that help in the construction of any language used in the world. The child can, therefore, manage to pick particular sounds and properties of the language and she/he can make meaning out of the sounds. It’s surprising how children manage to pick the different sounds, and at the end of the day, they become perfect speakers constructing sentences out of the sounds. The author also explains that parents (and adults who are close to them) also contribute to language development. The main reason for this is because children tend to imitate what adults are doing, and it is through this that they retain information. Therefore, language and development have a lot to do with people. Kuhl refers to anShow MoreRelatedDr Sue Savage Rumbaugh s Language Experiment Essay1531 Words  | 7 PagesHuman beings are the highest in the order of primates, they are followed by monkeys and apes. Examples of lower primates are lemurs and bushbabies. A primate is a mammal that usually has forward-facing eyes and hands, they may also be considered social animals. The closer a primate is to ‘human capability’, the higher it is in the ranking of primates. The definition of language can be used to determine the accuracy and validity of linguist, Chomsky’s claim. Language can be verbal as well as physicalRead MoreThe Behaviorist Theory And The Nativist Theory963 Words  | 4 PagesLearning a language is very important in the human life, without some type of language humans would not be able to survive in this world. Language is something that humans use in a daily life. It is what they use to get what they want, to fight for what they believe, to resolve a co nflict; language is important. The way that someone may learn a language is just as important as knowing a language. The way someone may learn a language is important because the way they learned it may affect the wayRead MoreEssay on Linguistics in Anthropology634 Words  | 3 Pagesstudy of humans, also known as Anthropology, there are so many subdivisions we can learn about. One very interesting clump within the study of Anthropology can be classified as Linguistic Anthropology. In this instance, anthropologists study language and how the development and its use can be studied to understand culture. According to the department of Anthropology at California State University Long beach, Anthropologists are interested in learning â€Å"how many languages there are, how those languagesRead MoreLinguistic Nativism: There’s Something Between the Ears Language is something that humans use and1300 Words  | 6 PagesLinguistic Nativism: There’s Something Between the Ears Language is something that humans use and encounter every day. Whether it be writing a paper, reading an email, talking to your best friend on the phone, or asking someone for directions, the use of language is broad and heavily intertwined with experiencing the world in the human condition. But the question of how humans come from being silent babies to speaking children is still unanswered. Linguistic nativism is one theory that addressesRead MoreChomsky s Theory On Transformational Generative Grammar1117 Words  | 5 Pagesgrammar theory. He believed that language is innate, meaning that humans are born with a capacity for language. He based his theory on the fact that it unclear as to how humans acquired the ability to speak a language. The absence of environmental influences still allows the human brain to have a pre-determined set of rules for how language works when one is born. Chomsky stated, The most striking aspect of linguistic competence is what we may call the creativity of language, that is, the speaker sRead MoreLanguage Acquisition : Study Of How Humans Acquire A Set Of Semantic, Syntactic And Phonological Categories Essay1625 Words  | 7 PagesLanguage Acquisition Language acquisition is the study of how humans acquire a set of semantic, syntactic, morphological and phonological categories and rules that underlie their ability to speak and understand the language to which they are exposed. (Parker and Riley, 2005) Language is an understanding that truly makes us human. Yes, other species do communicate with an innate ability to produce a limited number of meaningful words, but there is no other species that can express sentences withRead MoreHow Do Humans Acquire Language?1332 Words  | 6 PagesHow Do Humans Acquire Language? Humans live in a world full of communication. Humans possess a native language that separates them from other animals. Language is developed within the first few years of a person s life. By the time one is a child; he can speak and understand almost as well as an adult. Children world-wide exhibit similar patterns of language acquisition even though they may be learning different languages. How humans learn even the most complicated languages has perplexedRead MoreEssay about How Do Humans Acquire Language?1294 Words  | 6 Pages How Do Humans Acquire Language? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Humans live in a world full of communication. Humans possess a native language that separates them from other animals. Language is developed within the first few years of a person’s life. By the time one is a child; he can speak and understand almost as well as an adult. Children world-wide exhibit similar patterns of language acquisition even though they may be learning different languages. How humans learn even the most complicatedRead More Language Acquisition in Children Essay1626 Words  | 7 PagesLanguage Acquisition in Children Introduction The study of language development, one of the most fascinating human achievements, has a long and rich history, extending over thousands of years (Chomsky, 2000). As the nature-versus-nurture argument is inevitable to arise whenever human behaviors are discussed, it is not surprising that language experts have debated the relative influences of genetics and the environment on language development (Hulit Howard, 2002). Among the various proposalsRead MoreEssay on Dispeling the Myth that Parents Teach Their Children to Talk666 Words  | 3 PagesIn the article titled Nine Ideas About Language by Harvey Daniels, one of the fundamental ideas that he presents is Children learn their native language swiftly, efficiently, and largely without instruction. This dispels the myth that parents â€Å"teach†their children to talk. Many linguist believe that the human brain is pre wired to learn language based on the theory that there are commonalities found in all languages which is nature. Some include the way questions are asked or ways of referring
Explain and discuss the role of partnership working for the police to address community safety issues. Discuss in relation to the Crime and Disorder Act (1998) and other recent developments. - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2055 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? Introduction Police work together in addressing and solving issues on crime and violation of law in the community actually referred as community partnership. Community partnership is an important tool in community policing. Community partnership with the police involves collaborations of community individuals with the law governing agencies working hand in hand in order to identify the main problems facing a community and also strategize on finding a viable solution to the problem. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Explain and discuss the role of partnership working for the police to address community safety issues. Discuss in relation to the Crime and Disorder Act (1998) and other recent developments." essay for you Create order When police is alone, it cannot know the main and root causes of certain problems in a community hence it has to interact with people in the community in order to be able to get information on criminal practices which might be happening in the community. It also applies when police are doing their investigations on a certain criminal they must rely on the community individuals for information access. As a result the individuals in the community stand out as strong contributors and shareholders in making sure that criminal actions are abolished and incase of any, it is tracked easily and the right action taken on it. Community partnership with the police also plays an important role in strengthening and improving public trust (Cordner Gary pg 170). Foundation of community policing partnerships Community policing networks and partnerships has been growing slowly since 1960s when civil rights movement uncovered the weaknesses of the old model of policing which was operating in the moment. Police community partnership and networking came forth political convolutions which accompanied civil rights movement as early as 1960s. Increased objections against discrimination of people according to their race alerted government about the situation of tension. Then government became anxious to know the sources of racial injustices and tension s concerning the police. This subjected police to extreme public criticism as public figure of authority and law enforcement. The investigations suggested that the police were harsh on the minorities and treated them with a lot of injustices which was not the case for the white citizens. Due to this case the political department became aware of changing society and in 1967 commission on law enforcement and ensuring of justice put it clear that pol ice should be responsive in their dealings. The areas which were to be rectified were the relationships between the police and the minorities which was hostile.  Community police relationships were started in early 1970s where the police approaches were reconstructed to fit the newly introduced method of policing which was referred as community policing. The police operations were arranged and planned according to geographical or community bases in order to bring close relation with the citizens in the communities. Also the line officers were offered a great responsibility in making decisions which helped to be able to respond to problems faced by neighborhoods. In1990s community policies had became strong and the police were serious in implementing its policy reforms receiving a great support from the office of community oriented services. They could hold annual conferences to sensitize people on the community policing. Societal organizations formed by the political department contributed to acceptance of the community policing in the community (Florenc et al pg 342). Police partnership with the community have are very effective in achieving good personal safety. The extent of relationship determines the degree in which social order is maintained in the society. There are different levels in which it can be tested and evaluated and then graded according to its affectivity and positive influence to the society (Mitchell Natasha, Julia Bryan pg 400). Nature of policing In a democratic society, it is very true that the police cannot work alone since they serve people and are supposed to be answerable to the people they serve. However there exist two different features of policing depicting the role of the police. Rude power of police which is only evident in times of violence in society as police exercise their duties can led them violating the rights and freedom of citizens regarded by the democratic society to be very important. The regulations governing police operation do not determine and moderate what police should do (Briggs Rachel pg 980). This brings an argument that policing is an activity where you make your own wise choices and judgments which make most of police actions to be seen an unjust and threatening to citizens hence police must consider public interest in their acts. Pros of community police partnership The relationship between the police and the community is very important since it ensure effective problem solving. It involves altering the norms of how police work in order to achieve their goals. When there are good relations between police and the community, everybody is responsible for maintaining justice. When a problem occur it easy to determine the source since the community offers the required information enabling the police to make vital decisions on how to deal with the problem. Partnerships and relations between the police and the community help to strengthen the community. Police involve the community members in the act of making sure that they eliminate criminal offences. In the process the community problems are solved since the most suitable solutions are sought. The aim of police community networks and relationships are aimed at reducing and eliminating the rate of crime and disorder in the community. The police are able to access very important information from the community which enable them to investigate and find out hidden criminal behavior in the community and be able to root it out (Crawford, T. A. M., Karen Evans). Police-community relationships help reduces fear in the community. Police presence in the community increases sense of security in the neighborhood. People in the community build more trust in police activities and therefore they are able to know the activities done by police men in on daily basis hence becoming responsible for elimination of crime from the community. Furthermore improve relations between the community and the police improve the quality of life in the community since crime cases are minimized. Also the community is able to give it suggestions and be listened and even the right action be taken. When community partners with police or law enforcement department, criminal offences are reduced and resources which could have been invested in law enforcement are investment in other activities in the community hence improving the living standards for the community. Cons in police community relation and partnership Power struggle This occurs where all the citizens in the community have not centered their minds on promoting and working with the police to bring justice and curb criminal actions in the community rather they are engaged in police community relations with bad intentions and reasons. These individuals use this advantage to fulfill their personal demand and interest. Different ideas Some people have different view on police presence in the community. This occurs on rebellious people and also people who commit crimes since they don’t want to be suspected. This makes it unworkable for some of people. Deviance creation Police relations with the community create deviance among the members of the community where it eradicates the cases or crime. The community no longer sees the importance of police actions since there are no criminal actions. This notion is very bad since it cultivate criminal actions again. Also creates an environment where criminal cases are overlooked without action being taken. Examples of partnerships Patrol police and Detective police Police involved patrol duties the in a neighborhood use wise skills which enable them to be effective in their duties. The police involved in patrolling base their relations with the people in the community who can inform them of any criminal offences and direct them the victims as soon as action has happened or when in action. Patrol officers with the agents they consult in the community help in pointing out the behaviors of parolees and other issues leading them to commit crimes. In doing so, the police can employ various strategies in order to reduce the cases of crime in the community. Example of team in this department is Redland police and correlation team in California. This relation involves the police officers visiting paroles in their homes and looking how they are doing. On the other hand detectives work hand to hand with the people in the community individuals in order to get information from victims. They also consult witnesses in order to get the information crime cases being investigated. Chiefs and executive officers Chiefs act as a link between the community and the higher level officers as they execute their duties in the community. Chiefs maintain and strengthen the relationships between the people in the community and police hence police are able to get enough information about criminal offences committed. Crime and Disorder act (1998) and other developments The act was put to action in 1998 and its main aim was to make strategies on how to ensure safety of the community (Millie et al pg 390). It called upon all the local authorities to partner with different agencies in order to achieve its objectives. It main objectives were: Stop youth from being involved in criminal cases. Eliminate unfriendly behavior in the community and make people to be responsible for crime and disorder. Deal with crimes encouraged by racial life in the community. Providing transparency in sentencing. Care people from mistreatments such as sex, violence and drug addicts. This act was aimed at bringing the community in a close relation with the police in order to effectively achieve the goal they had prioritized foe the community. The police major to partner with the community individuals because the service is directed to citizens (Crawford Adam pg 41). According to the scope of this act, it contained orders which were to be followed by authorities involved in the duties delegated. In 2002 a reformation was done on police act which had been made in 1988. The act was formally based on disallowance of driving off-road. However it was reformed in the police reform act of 2002 where it was based on the welfare of the community. The police were to take action vehicles used in anti-social way (Sanders et al). A vehicle distressing, annoying and alarming the public was said to be used in anti-social manner. Before the action could be taken a warning was to be given. Another act was done in 2007 to improve on identification of national background of criminals using special check systems. The act was amended in 2008 as and was referred as NICS act of 2007. Te act actions were that individuals were forbidden from buying firearms; have a close check of funds obtained from fines and whether do the work in which they allocated to accomplish and before taking an action to a criminal then he was to be determined on mental defectively (Maguire Mike pg 210). National criminal history improvement program was enacted in 2016 to improve the level of strategies of fighting to crimes and ensuring justice to criminals and also improving the accessibility of criminal information and records as well improving check supporting systems. It also aimed strengthening national record systems and use them in for criminal background investigation (Terrill Richard J). Conclusion Police partnership with different agencies is important since it bases its services on the community and leads to maximum protection of individual as well as fair execution of justice. The partnerships are also good since they root out crime from the society. Works cited Cordner, Gary. Community policing. The Oxford handbook of police and policing (2014): 148-171. Florence, Curtis, et al. Effectiveness of anonymised information sharing and use in health service, police, and local government partnership for preventing violence related injury: experimental study and time series analysis. BMJ 342 (2011): d3313. Mitchell, Natasha, and Julia Bryan. School-family-community partnerships: Strategies for school counselors working with Caribbean immigrant families. Professional School Counseling 10.4 (2007): 399-409. Briggs, Rachel. Community engagement for counterterrorism: lessons from the United Kingdom. International Affairs (2010): 971-981. Crawford, T. A. M., and Karen Evans. Crime prevention and community safety. (2016). Millie, Andrew. Anti-social behaviour, behavioural expectations and an urban aesthetic. British journal of criminology 48.3 (2008): 379-394. Crawford, Adam. Governing Through Anti-social Behaviour Regulatory Challenges to Criminal Justice. British Journal of Criminology (2009): azp041. Sanders, Andrew, Richard Young, and Mandy Burton. Criminal justice. Oxford University Press, 2010. Maguire, Mike. Criminal statistics and the construction of crime. The Oxford handbook of criminology 5 (2012): 206-244. Terrill, Richard J. World criminal justice systems: A comparative survey. Routledge, 2012.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Success of Franklin Roosevelt - 1431 Words
The Success of Franklin Roosevelt Franklin Delano Roosevelt was President of the USA during a period encompassed two of the most significant events of recent history- the American Depression and the Second World War. In this essay we will look at the qualities that made FDR such a notable President; we will also examine some of the circumstances surrounding the Presidency to discover if perhaps that also had an impact on perceptions of both the man and his Presidency. We will also be looking at Eleanor Roosevelt, his wife and one of his strongest political assets. Eleanor’s terms in the White House formed a bridge between the First Ladies of the past, where domesticity and duty to family†¦show more content†¦During the Coolidge era many people had bought radio sets, but the concept of media relations was still in it’s infancy. Roosevelt was very much a pioneer In that field. Roosevelt also developed the concept of the press conference; he held nearly 1000 in his Presidency. As he was able to operate without having had vetted questions presented beforehand, this must surely have indicated a man confident of his own intellectual abilities. In modern times Presidents spend vast amounts on media consultants and press relations; Roosevelt seems able to have had an innate aptitude for this. As well as being a natural leader, imbued with both charm and self belief, Roosevelt was fortunate to have been in the right place at the right time. When Roosevelt campaigned for Presidency, there were doubts whether capitalism and democracy could survive the Depression; Stalinism in the USSR and the rise of the Nazi party in Germany show evidence for this concern. Theologian Reinhold Niebuhr was particularly concerned with the ‘threat’ from the Communist party: ‘Capitalism is dying.. Let no-one delude himself by hoping for reform within’. (Time Magazine 100). In fact, by combining to some extent the national control of a dictator with philanthropy, humanitarianism and a belief in Democracy, Roosevelt maintained the ‘AmericanShow MoreRelatedFranklin Roosevelt : A Man Of Hope1512 Words  | 7 PagesFranklin Roosevelt: A Man of Hope Third Draft Megan Stone To be president, it takes a great amount of courage and boldness to withstand all the pressure and stress of an entire nation. When America was at its lowest point of hope, one man stepped into presidency and changed America’s outlook on the country. His decisions made an impact on America and also America’s allies. This man knew that the decisions he made would not only affect the present time, but also the future. If it were not for FranklinRead MorePresident Franklin D. 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The Myth Of A Myth - 1612 Words
all around the world Something that is found a lot in every culture is storytelling. The majority of people love listening to stories. Storytellers have fulfilled the want for a ‘good story’ for many years. A myth is a type of story based on a tradition or legend which has symbolic meaning to culture. A truth is conveyed to those who tell or hear a myth. Some myths are accounts of real events. Myths become shifted in time or place and changed by symbolic meaning. Myths can be used to explain local and universal beginnings, also they can sometimes contain supernatural beings. A myth contains a great power of meaning to the culture from which it blossomed. This is the main reason why myths stay around so long- sometimes even thousands of years. People sometimes confuse myths with legends and folktales. A legend is half true and is passed from person to person. A legend is based on historical facts but they also has mythical qualities. Legends can involve heros and incredible places. A folktale is a popular story passed on to generations by speech. Usually the author of a folktale is unknown. Folk Tales are fairy tales, old legends, and urban legends. Folktales may have been based on truth that is lost over time (Myths and Legends†). There are so many different civilizations all around the world each one with their own myths. These civilizations also have creation myths. Creation myth are symbolic narratives about how the world began and how people first came to inhabitShow MoreRelatedMyths And Myths Of Myths856 Words  | 4 Pagesthus spurring a debate on what it is that myths actually mean and what they should teach us. It seems that myths and mythology should create both independent and creative thought while solidifying the culture/s that the myth is designed thus creating both a sense of individuality and community with in the world. 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Tiresias lived for seven to nine years, and in those years he lived as man and woman. Hermes, Sirens, and Tiresias are important in Greek mythology because they reveal the values of GreekRead MoreMyth 17 And Myth 20 From The Book Language Myths836 Words  | 4 Pagesage it is important that one understands the different myths in society. Myth 17 and Myth 20 from the book Language Myths edited by Laurie and Peter Trudgill address many myths that the average layman may have concerning language. I will address the main ideas and my overall insight about My th 17 and Myth 20. Myth 17 Myth 17 describe by Dennis R Preston is on the topic of language and the different way people speak in the states. The myth is that some varieties of a language are not as good as
Logistics Management Zara
Question: Discuss about the Logistics Management for Zara. Answer: Introduction The purpose of this study is to discuss about the supply chain and logistics management of one of the leading brand Zara. The supply chain and logistics management helps in the management of supply chain in an effective manner of all the activities. The aim and objective of this management is to maximize the value of the customers as well as to have sustainable development in the company (Miles, and Snow, 2007). It will help the company to attain competitive advantage over the competitors. The supply chain management is an effective effort putted by the companies whose aim is to run and develop prominent supply chain. There are lots of activities that come under the parameters of supply and logistics management and they range from products, logistics, sourcing of the products, etc. it also includes information system, delivery of the goods, production process, coordination of all the activities, etc. The concept of logistic management is a very old concept. Though, there are many modifications takes place that give a real meaning to the management of supply chain and logistics (Carter, and Rogers, 2008). The logistics management of both the companies is divided according to their own strategies and policies. Body Logistics management Strategies The logistics management and strategies help the company to become successful organization as they help in effective and efficient management of the supply and chain management of the same. There are various types of strategies that are used in the supply chain management and logistics mansgment. The concept of logistic management is a very old concept. Though, there are many modifications takes place that give a real meaning to the management of supply chain and logistics (Carter, and Rogers, 2008). The logistics management of both the companies is divided according to their own strategies and policies. The company is trying to improve its logistics management. The company tries to maintain the high level of customers service by using effective management system of transportation (Richey, Roath, Whipple, and Fawcett, 2010). The company is also trying to lower the cost of the management of the transportation system. Fundamental Reason for Success and Comparison with other Company The first thing about the company Zara is the focus to have unique styles which provide a base to the company and a wider market in which they can sell their products to the customers. The range and prices of each Zara top is similar at every store all over the world. This is the unique feature of this brand that helps to retain the customers for a longer period of time (Vargo, and Lusch, 2011). Zara has a strategy to divide it stores in to various sections like male, female, undergarments, lower garments, etc. the affordable prices offered by the company are perceived as the best thing that the other competitors failed to perceive. The stores are opened which help in clearance of strategic at the stores. The Zara do not believe in investing money on the process of advertising. The company Zara is enjoying a reputation of famous manufacturer of fashion clothes that was launched in 1975. The technology used by this company is very upgraded and new. The point of sale of this company used the stores and gathers the information about the other brands and then makes strategies accordingly (Stock, Boyer, and Harmon, 2010). The point of sale system is one of the effective systems of this company that helps to make it as one of the leading brand in fashion (Magnan, Lalwani, 2011). The information protocols of this company are very high. They are completely different for the competitions. the supply chain management and logistics management is the pillar of success as it is related to the overall management of the company starting from the procurement of the ram material, to the production and at last the delivery of the final products the company Zara and its supply chain management is very effective due to which the company is enjoying a place of the most reputed brand in the fashion and clothing industry all over the world. There are other factors also that help Zara in having competitive advantage form its competition like H M. The company has invested a huge amount in establishing effective protocols. It has spent approach .5 percent of its revenues on the protocols of the company. The protocol is of the competitors like H M (Ponomarov, and Holcomb, 2009). The logistics management of both the companies is divided according to their own strategies and policies. H M has used the most physical distribution of its products. They have more than 3450 stores across the world. The Zara has more than at present 2000 stores across the world. The brand H M try to provide featured clothes and products to their customers which help them to attract the customers. They use designers themes colors and clothes that are very well known designers. In this way, by purchasing these types of clothes to their customers, they provide them different experience of shopping. They try to boost their brand image at the locations where the stores of H M (Ballou, 2007). they also try to cover the brand image by doing partnerships with the most valuable figures present in the markets and in the fashion world. It helps to offer additional advantages to the customers so that they purchase more and able to look totally different from the basic style and design of oth er brands. The company Zara has a total different strategy in the supply chain and logistics management as they company believes in higher number of available items in the stores they try to maintain a good and higher number of collection in their showroom. They try to provide a wide range of products as compared to its customers. in this way, the supply chain and logistics management of Zara is much better than any other brand or H M. at the time when the other branded stores provide and made valuable the number of products that is 2000 to 4000, Zara is a brand that provides more than 10000 pieces and items to its customers this is how the company is able to maintain a very high value of collection to its customers (Rubio, Chamorro, and Miranda, 2008). The market and customers are very much attracted with the high number of pieces made available at the stores of Zara. This is one of the unique features of Zara that helps it in managing a brand value by effective supply management. It helps to attract a broader number of customers at their stores who have unique taste of fashion (Zhang, Song, and Huang, 2009). The Ways by Which the Company is able to have Competitive Advantage There are various reasons due to which the company Zara proved itself as a better brand than any other brand. There are lots of competitive advantages that Zara is enjoying in the fashion markets more than its competitors. The first thing Zara focus is to have unique styles which provide hopes of the company and a wider market in which they can sell their products to the customers. The range and prices of each Zara top is similar at every store all over the world. This is the unique feature of this brand that helps to retain the customers for a longer period of time (Vargo, and Lusch, 2011). Zara has a strategy to divide it stores in to various sections like male, female, undergarments, lower garments, etc. the affordable prices offered by the company are perceived as the best thing that the other competitors failed to perceive. The stores are opened which help in clearance of strategic at the stores. The zara do not believe in investing money on the process of advertising. They use different brand strategy to promote their goods and services by providing high quality of the products. The supply chain management and logistics of Zara are totally different for the competitors (Tummala, and Schoenherr, 2011). They try to employ at the first position in the fashion company and want to create their own label which they have already done. The company has done their own manufacturing and clothing. they do not use website sand online selling in some countries as they believes direct selling is the best way to do shopping for clothes. The designs are very simple so that the customers can look stylist an ell as brandy at the same time (Green Zelbst, Meacham, and Bhadauria, 2012). These are the ways by which the company is able to have competitive advantage as they have different types of items under one floor. They have perfumes, footwears, handbags, belts, undergarments, and many other products. It helps to provide a wide range of products (Wagner, Bode, 2008). The Suitability of Competitive Advantage for other Companies The company and its competitive advantage are very unique. They can be adopted by other companies too but the only need is the effective and efficient implementation of the policies and strategies in the stores of competitors. The companies used factors of production. They have their own designers, manufacturers, and try to sell their products by their own using their own stores. This is because they want to give a unique experience to their customers (Williams, and Tokar, 2008). The company use vertical stores to sell their products. The main plant of Zara is very he that manufactures all of the clothing that is in la Corunna the retailer of this brand is also found there. The brand tries to gather the information related to the customers. They try to identify the needs of the customers so that the customers feel goo after using the brand. They do not focus on the current trend. Instead of this they focus on the comfort and simplicity which is liked by almost all the people (Zhao, F lynn, and Roth, 2007). The Zara is enjoying a high turnover of the production and sales but the article of clothing is comparitevely low. Concept of Sustainability and its Relevance to the Company Sustainably play a vital role in each and every company whether it is a multinational organization or a small company. Sustainability has its own relevance everywhere. It is a type of broad discipline that provides the company a long term benefit. Sustainability refers to the study of diversity and production that is done with a view that nothing can be harmed. There are basically three pillars on which the sustainability depends that is economic development, social, environmental and sustainable development. In this way, the company Zara and the other companies faced every day challenges related to the sustainability (Selviaridis, and Spring, 2007). The economic factors are related to the employability, profitability, jobs, etc. the other type of sustainability is social development. It is related to the society in which the company is doing its buisness opeartions. It is related to the laws of the government, the culture in which the company is dealing, the program of the location, ethics, festivals, etc. the third kind of sustainability is environmental protection. It is one of the most relevant sustainability that is required in each and every organization. There are various types of goals that are required to be sustainable company. The need is to have a sustainable development (Attaran, and Attaran, 2007). Conclusion The aim of this study is to learn about the supply chain and logistics management of one of the leading brands of fashion and clothing that is Zara. It is clearly said that the supply chain management of every company plays a very important role in the success of the company. It is a pillar of success as it is related to the overall management of the company starting from the procurement of the ram material, to the production and at last the delivery of the final products the company Zara and its supply chain management is very effective due to which the company is enjoying a place of the most reputed brand in the fashion and clothing industry all over the world. There are other factors also that help Zara in having competitive advantage form its competition like H M. The discussion was also on the comparing between both of the famous competitive brands. The study have also discussed about the comepetitive factors that Zara have other than it competitors. They are also relevant for the competitors but they must be applied and implemented in an effective way to have best results. The sustainability plays its own role as it is related to the present and future growth of the company. As the company grown, the factors relayed to the sustainability should also require to be change. They are related to the requirement of the time and the growth and development of the brand taking place. References Attaran, M. and Attaran, S., 2007. Collaborative supply chain management: the most promising practice for building efficient and sustainable supply chains.Business Process Management Journal,13(3), pp.390-404. Ballou, R.H., 2007. The evolution and future of logistics and supply chain management.European Business Review,19(4), pp.332-348. Carter, C.R. and Rogers, D.S., 2008. A framework of sustainable supply chain management: moving toward new theory.International journal of physical distribution logistics management,38(5), pp.360-387. Green Jr, K.W., Zelbst, P.J., Meacham, J. and Bhadauria, V.S., 2012. Green supply chain management practices: impact on performance.Supply Chain Management: An International Journal,17(3), pp.290-305. Magnan, J., Lalwani, C., 2011. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Koran and Women1 Essay Example For Students
Koran and Women1 Essay The Koran is a book following the religion of the Muslim people. In it, many aspects of their ways of life and their attitudes towards different people are addressed. It mentions the strong feelings of the true believers towards Jews and Christians, however it gives a view of women that is taken two ways. A major part of their religion is the way women should be treated. This idea is a controversial topic as seen from a person that is not a true believer, or a Muslim. Conventional thinking brought out by the media have led non-Muslim people to perceive the treatment of women as suppressive. The Koran shows the reader both sides of the coin, and therefore, the reader must form an opinion of the way they thing women are treated. After reading The Koran, one would think that it belittles women, such as the way they are treated, and the role they play in society. However, with respect to their society habits, rituals, ways of life, and their religion, Muslim women are actually treated with more respect, and with more decency. The people of the book have very strict ideas about how society is to be run based upon their religion and culture. They are given certain rules and are expected to follow them. They have a proper understanding of how they are to live their life and how they are to treat other people. In the case of women, The Koran is very specific when it comes down to how they are to be treated and their role in life. Women shall with justice have rights similar to those exercised against them, although men have a status above women.As long as you are not a true believer, you will never really know what this exactly means. Obviously in The Koran, men have more rights than women. But then how is this statement to be understood? In The Koran, men and women have rights that are far more gender bias; men are guided more towards money and power, while women are guided towards a family and the home. It is a society in which the woman is in charge inside of the house while the man has more power outside. People would think of this as degrading towards women, but it is done to look after them. As a protection to women, men are forced to go outside of the house into the world that is cold and evil. They are told that they must do this everyday and bring home money to provide for their family and wife. The woman is to stay home in a safe place and take care of what she knows best. This is not mean to make women feel inferior but to make them feel safe and free from the world. There are many reasons why people believe that women are treated without respect in the Islamic nations. First and foremost, it says in The Koran that women may be beaten:Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them, forsake them in beds apart, and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them. (64)Many people see this as wrong, but why? It is clearly stated in the Islamic religion that women may be beaten if they are disobedience. Why then, would a woman do something defiant if she knows that she will be hurt? She should realize that she must be a true believer and not be insubordinate; and if she is, then she must realize that she did something wrong, and according to her religion, she must be punished. .u13d31058d5b9cc812970f9a719a10298 , .u13d31058d5b9cc812970f9a719a10298 .postImageUrl , .u13d31058d5b9cc812970f9a719a10298 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u13d31058d5b9cc812970f9a719a10298 , .u13d31058d5b9cc812970f9a719a10298:hover , .u13d31058d5b9cc812970f9a719a10298:visited , .u13d31058d5b9cc812970f9a719a10298:active { border:0!important; } .u13d31058d5b9cc812970f9a719a10298 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u13d31058d5b9cc812970f9a719a10298 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u13d31058d5b9cc812970f9a719a10298:active , .u13d31058d5b9cc812970f9a719a10298:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u13d31058d5b9cc812970f9a719a10298 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u13d31058d5b9cc812970f9a719a10298 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u13d31058d5b9cc812970f9a719a10298 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u13d31058d5b9cc812970f9a719a10298 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u13d31058d5b9cc812970f9a719a10298:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u13d31058d5b9cc812970f9a719a10298 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u13d31058d5b9cc812970f9a719a10298 .u13d31058d5b9cc812970f9a719a10298-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u13d31058d5b9cc812970f9a719a10298:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Writing for an audience Essay She will know that she has done something wrong, and unfortunately will get beaten; however, if she is smart, she will know not to do it again and obey her husband. Another point that is stated in The Koran is that if a woman feels like she is being treated unfairly by her husband, either emotionally or physically, she may go to him and others of the community and ask them for help. She can make an agreement with her husband, for agreement is best. (74)Another reason why the idea that women are treated fairly is disagreed with is because women arent given as many rights as men. A prime example of this is for divorce. When a man wants to divorce his wife he can do so with ease, whereas a woman has to pronounce it many times before it can occur. People use this case to say that men are superior to women, which is true, but the woman still has the right to divorce and if she chooses to divorce her husband, she isnt looked down upon, and isnt treated without respect. It says in The Koran:Divorce may be pronounced twice, and then a woman must be retained in honour or allowed to go with kindness. It is unlawful for husbands to take from them anything they have given them, unless both fear that they may not be able to keep within the bounds set by God; in which case it shall be no offence for either of them if the wife redeems herself. (33)In anything that a woman has the right to do, even if that right is inferior to a mans right, she is treated with the utmost respect and love. In the Koran it says that men are higher in status than women but that the duty of the man is to protect the woman. They are to be cherished. It says:If you fear that you cannot treat orphans with fairness, then you may marry other women who seem good to you; two, three, or four of them. But if you fear that you cannot maintain equality among them, marry one only or any slave-girls you may ownmaintain and clothe them with its proceeds, and speak kind words to them. (60)Quite opposite from what is expected, this does not demean women but shows them respect. Men are told that they cannot marry a woman unless he can support her, feed her, clothe her, and treat her well. If he does not have the money to afford and supporting a wife, then he is not allowed to marry her. When he does marry her, he must offer a sufficient dowry as a free gift. Men are not allowed to marry more than one woman if they cannot support each of them equally. For a woman, this is reassuring. She knows that she will marry someone who cares for her, and who will support her as well as the family she might have. This is also a reason why in inheritance, men receive more than females. The men must have money to some day take care of and raise a family.In The Koran, it may seem that men are disrespecting women, however they are not. It does say, Women are your fields: go, then, into your fields whence you please. Do good works and fear God; however, this does not mean have sex with any woman you please. It means that a man should treat a woman with respect and then if he likes her, he should ask her to marry him. Only then, after they are married, can they have sex as the man pleases. The Koran gives a list of women that men are forbidden to have intercourse with due to the rules of their religion, but then goes on to tell men that the ones that they can have intercourse with must be treated well. Forbidden to you are your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your paternal and maternal aunts, the daughters of your brothers and sisters, your foster-mothers, your foster-sisters, the mothers of your wives, your step-daughters who are in your charge, born of the wives with whom you have lain, and the wives of your own begotten sons. You are also forbidden to take in marriage two sisters at one and the same time. Also married women, except those whom you own as slaves. .ue4d7900b9865ea5c5cf30f802e48f457 , .ue4d7900b9865ea5c5cf30f802e48f457 .postImageUrl , .ue4d7900b9865ea5c5cf30f802e48f457 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue4d7900b9865ea5c5cf30f802e48f457 , .ue4d7900b9865ea5c5cf30f802e48f457:hover , .ue4d7900b9865ea5c5cf30f802e48f457:visited , .ue4d7900b9865ea5c5cf30f802e48f457:active { border:0!important; } .ue4d7900b9865ea5c5cf30f802e48f457 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue4d7900b9865ea5c5cf30f802e48f457 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue4d7900b9865ea5c5cf30f802e48f457:active , .ue4d7900b9865ea5c5cf30f802e48f457:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue4d7900b9865ea5c5cf30f802e48f457 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue4d7900b9865ea5c5cf30f802e48f457 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue4d7900b9865ea5c5cf30f802e48f457 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue4d7900b9865ea5c5cf30f802e48f457 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue4d7900b9865ea5c5cf30f802e48f457:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue4d7900b9865ea5c5cf30f802e48f457 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue4d7900b9865ea5c5cf30f802e48f457 .ue4d7900b9865ea5c5cf30f802e48f457-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue4d7900b9865ea5c5cf30f802e48f457:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Recycling Essay Example All other women other than these are lawful for you, provided you court them with your wealth in modest conduct, not in fornication. (63) It goes on to say that God is watching them and she will know if they mistreat women, or force them to do anything against their will. In the Muslim religion, women are to be loved and respected and not thought of as a piece of meat. That is why their bodies and head are hid by a covering or clothing or cloth. The main reason for this is so the women do not tempt men, other than their husbands, if they are married. Also, they do not want women to be thought of as a sexual object but as a person. They are to be respected as a person and not thought of as an object. They cover themselves so men around the town dont think of them sexually but get to know them personally. If they wind up marrying a woman, only then will he get to see her figure. This is very respectful for all women. It is protecting them from the everyday reality of being a woman. Whether that is to be meant as being inferior or just being something other than a man is a debatable question. However, it is up to women to make a name for themselves. It is hard however, when men whistle or make catcalls at women, or give them reputations just by how pretty they are or how good their body is. Having that said, it is very clear why Islamic women should be thought of as people and not things. They are respecting themselves as well as the people around them. They are given the chance to be whom they want to not what other people see in them. As people of the Islamic culture, women are devoting themselves to a religion that they know of, and know well. They understand what is to be done, and not done, and know what it is that the religion asks of them. Women know their part in society, and it is up to them to decide how they want themselves to be treated. If they obey their religion, they will be treated well, but if they go against their religion or their husband, they will be punished. On the other side, Muslim women are respected overall as well looked after, and protected. They are not treated as some women all over the world are treated; like objects. They are treated as women should be treated and seen as women should be seen. They are not belittled but uplifted by both society, and their religion. Bibliography:
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