Sunday, November 10, 2019
History 17-a American history Essay
Known as the American experiment in liberty and equality, the Civil War of America is supposed to be a major turning point in American history. Originated due to slavery, this war was first revoke from American citizens to acquire the right of liberty and equality. By the war, slavery was extinguished in America. Beginning of nineteenth century was much different from the eighteenth century; this was a revolutionary era in which industrialism was rising against agriculture, nationalization against state particularization and desire of freedom was heading against slavery. However, this moral idealism is not believed as an appropriate reason for the war. In accordance with some historians, it is also called as the war of power and economical affluence. It is said that South was economically abundant than the North. It was making good money in trade and commerce in comparison of North. North was not ready to accept this fact and this resulted as the Civil War. By the time of war, South occupied an area as large as Western Europe and ‘North’ has a strategic assignment to invade and conquer the southern confederation. In this war, southerners were fighting for independence, self-determination, self-government and preservation of life. Nevertheless, results of this war became the decision points for American history as the war grown the offspring of Nationality in Northerners. Southerners wanted to be separated from the American Union and Northerners were not is the support of that. In the battle against southerners, few incidents worked as the turning points of Civil War and American History as well. As instance, Northern Unions hold on Kentucky and Border States in considered as the first turning point of American civil war. This was of a great importance for Northerners. Even president of the nation, Abraham Lincoln said that ‘I can’t think of loosing Kentucky’, Kentucky was a southern state. Considered as the first modern war, the civil war of America made the nation, which is known as ‘United States of America’. During this war, Abraham Lincoln was mainly focused on Border States. He was not in favor of self-government in these states. Border States were extremely crucial for Northerners, as these states were physically separating Northern Union and Southern Confederacy. Bull Run is taken as another major defining moment in the history of Civil War. This was a land battle. This battle was full of anticipations and both sides were sure about their victory. However, Northerners managed to win this was a Herculean task for them and it was an end of southern hopes to set the self-government. Union capture on Mississippi, Forts Henry and Donelson in February 1862 is also considered as the major turning point in Civil War. It was first significant victory of union. Victories in Battle of Anteitam and Battle of Gettysburg made unions to move more rapidly in the direction of uniting American states. A defeat of Confederacy in the Battle of Chattanooga is taken as one of the most prominent turning point of Civil War. In this war Union reduced Confederacy to the Atlantic coast. This opened the way for Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign. Two incidents that took place in 1864 are taken as the last nail in the coffin of southern confederacy’s desire of self-government, independence and self-determination. These two incidents were Union capture on Atlanta and reelection of Abraham Lincoln. Both incidents respectively took place in September 1864 and November 1864. Civil War: the First Modern War American Civil War is taken as the first modern warfare. Confronted with various viewpoints and issues, this war is marked as the well mobilized war of the modern age. In accordance with historians, it deserves to be the first modern war due to its two important reasons. First reason is its technological advancements and another is a great change in the logistics and tactics applied in the battlefield. Northern generals Ulysses S. Grant and his sub-ordinates applied strategies those were far ahead from the war approaches applied by the time. The morality war of Northern Americans against Southerners also resulted in many mesmerizing innovations, those helped in nation moving at the forefront from rest of the world. Cannons, rapid fire guns, Gatling gun, telegraphs and aerial warfare are considered as some of the stirring innovations of Civil War period. The civil war also worked as the rapid fire in the growth of American economy. It is also said that this was the beginning of American supremacy. This war was the first war in which army was not involved in killing on one-to-one manner. It was entirely technical. Both Unions and Confederacy army troops were relying on technical weapons instead of traditional ones. This was the first time when air warfare and sea warfare modes were also used. This war was the first war when a strategy of destruction was used and it also boosted he idea of unconditional surrender in the battle-field. In this was Union troops used telescopes and air-balloons to locate the position of enemy. Civil War of American History is known as first war due to it’s a completely foreign planning in accord with the world of nineteenth century. Following reasons the major basis of knowing this was as the first modern war- Railroads: Invention of railroad played a very important role in supplying armies with food, bullets, and soldiers. These cars were armed with weaponry. Hospitals: This was the first time when hospitals were set in battle field. Women s uch as Clara Barton and Dorothea Dix worked in these hospitals to give medical treatments to inured soldiers. Nevertheless, by the time medical knowledge was not advanced as today and mortality rate of soldiers due to disease was greater than their death in battle field. This was the first time in the context of using dogs as armor. Photography and Telegraph- by the time ‘Photography’ and ‘Telegraphy’ science had been introduced. Army troops used the science of photography is taking pictures of enemy position and Telegraph helped them in sending urgent messages. This is considered as a boon created from the devastation of Civil War. Secret Service: Both sides employed highly structured spy service to gain knowledge of army movements. Women and slaves played major role in this. Personnel: Numbers of African Americans fought in the Civil War was not less, most of them participated in the war from the side of Union army. They often fought in regiments those were separated out regiments. This was the first time when they had an identity of soldiers other than slaves. An ambitious win for Abraham Lincoln, civil War was the first time when rights of equality were believed to be a reason of war.
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