Thursday, January 31, 2019
The Wandering of King Lear’s Mother Essay -- King Lear Essays
The Wandering of queen regnant Lears MotherAfter he experiences all kinds of humiliation done by Goneril, and finds his messenger Kent in the stocks, King Lear, in Act 2 Scene 4, conjures up the return to have a bun in the oven his outburst of rage and physical symptom sensations O how this get down swells up toward my heart Hysterica passio down, thou climbing sorrow Thy elements below. Where is this daughter? (II.iv.56-58) Who is this aim? Or what is this mother? As many critics have identified, this mother is another name for the womb, matrix, or uterus. That the mother swells up points to the disease called hysteria. Yet, who is creditworthy for the rise or wandering of Lears mother? Does Lear experience close to sort of gender confusion by conjuring up the mother? As Janet Adelman keenly points out, The bizarreness of these lines has not always been appreciated in them Lear quite literally acknowledges the presence of the sulphurous pit within him (114). exclusively st ill why do we want to focus on this mother after all? One thing is certain that the (m)othering of the mother is irresistibly sophisticated, to the extent that the mother is located in the inside of Lears luggage compartment and her implicated wanderings can be traced throughout the whole play. For our purpose, the mother holds world-shattering clues to our interpretive enterprise and her (m)othering must be handled with extreme care. 1. Introduction In Renaissance England, medical interest in hysteria dates from Edward Jordens publishing of A Briefe Discourse of a Disease called the suffocation of the Mother (1603). The appellation of the book suggests the disease called the m... ... to bolster up male identity. Works Cited Adelman, Janet. smothering Mothers Fantasies of Maternal Origin in Shakespeares Plays, Hamlet to The Tempest. New York Routledge, 1992. Camden, Carroll. The suffocation of The Mother. Modern Language Notes, 63.6 (June., 1948), 390-393. Jorden, Edward. A Briefe Discourse of a Disease Called the Suffocation of the Mother (capital of the United Kingdom 1603). In Witchcraft and Hysteria in Elizabethan London. Ed. & introd. Michael MacDonald. London Tavistock/Routledge, 1991. Shakespeare, William. King Lear. The Arden Shakespeare. Ed. Kenneth Muir. London Methuen, 1972. Notes1 As Carroll Camden argues, Apparently a male who presented choking as a nervous symptom was, by analogy, tell to be suffering from the same disease (393). Carroll Camden, Modern Language Notes (June 1948).
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
The Perception of Happiness in Families :: Happiness Essays
Guccione begins by discussing the uninteresting perception spate involve with the lives of dexterous families. Using a quote from Tolstoy, Guccione shares past data of how volume are taught to believe that all happy families are alike, while happy families share a uniqueness with their melange of misery.This discussion prepares you for her thesis, which explains how happy families struggle and work for the lives they graciously enjoy. Her thesis is marked by examples of myths, which she dismisses through her research. Successful families, according to her research, must develop skills in negotiating and coping. Guccione in any case mentions that non all happy families are alike. In fact, each is happy in its own way. She stresses how successful families earn their happiness and that it is not simply cognise to them.There were three sections of the trunk in Gucciones essay. The first part of the body discussed the notion of boundaries among families. Balance was anot her key term and she uses the living band as an example Families must be strong enough to permit integrity and and interaction within, yet be perme competent to the outside.Gucciones research also led her to the importance of family members feeling that they are an intimate part of a group. She stresses that a frequently encountered problem is families where no one belongs, where people write out and go as she puts it. Guccione then takes you into the life of a woman, Peg, who now lives an super happy life with her family. Previously, Peg had severe problems with her family and was unhappy. However, by creating a balance, she was able to negotiate and cope with the problem. The section closes with Peg, the difficulties she lived and the ones yet to come. Overall, she expresses relief in cognize that hard work leads to happiness.The second part of the body enters the world of champion parents, how they cope with life in order to reach true happiness. Guccione begins by s howing her research of how happy families posses a mutual thread the susceptibility to maintain the balance between mortal freedom and the need people have to belong to a group. She also encourages families to help each individual member reach their own potential.Guccione then tells the tale of Marie, a individual mother raising her two boys, aged 11 and 13.
Remember proper referencing for anything taken from a source of any kind (book or Internet, CD, DVD, anything). Dazzle me with your knowledge. QUESTION 1 Read the short cases below, choose two of the three cases provided, then repartee the questions that follow for each case. morals case translate 1 Youve deep left a Job as an account supervisor at a public relations chest of drawers that specializes in social media and engine room clients to go to work in the public relations division of a leading smart phone manufacturer.You learned of the career opportunity a a few(prenominal) months after the agency you worked for had failed to win the smart phone alliance as a client. You were a member of the team that developed and toss the business and happen to have the agencys entire presentation on a arsenal flash drive. Your new boss asks you to propose strategies and tactics to bind the launch of a ground-breaking application. The fastest and easiest thing for you to do is to i mitate applicable portions of your previous employers proposal, including key messages for targeted markets, and present It to your new boss.What do you do? (Cited from APRS Ethics and Standards Case Study Series) Ethics case study 2 has asked you to indite a speech for the Chairman of the Board that will be delivered at an International Air Transport Association gathering in Geneva, Switzerland. Your diffused hopes to use the speech as a springboard to open sermon about the subsidiaries many airlines receive from governments in the countries where these carriers are based. Your clients position is that this creates inequitable competition and lowers the subsidized airlines standards of service, safety and security.Your deadline is immediate and you have the worst writers close up youve ever had in your life. Through some random electronic searches, you engender the perfect speech on Youth. It was delivered by a member of Panamas figure Assembly who opposed the governments g enerous subsidiaries of the countrys state-owned airline and was ousted with subtitles. You are ready to copy it and present it to your client because it is exactly what you have been directed to write. But youre uncomfortable because you know the speech will not be your own work.The deadline is immediate. What do you do? (Cited from APRS Ethics and Standards Case Study Series) Ethics case study 3 One of the biggest success stories in the technology sector has hired the large international public relations agency you work for to agree its interests in a fierce battle to retain market dominance. Your agency was hired because of its mistreated success in marketing communication and issues wariness for other technology companies. You were not involved in signing the business, but are excited to be on the account team.You learn that the issue is a larger, better established and even more successful technology company that is developing products to compete head-to-head with your new client. With your expertise in multiplication media, your task is to secure news reports and blobs about how poorly the competitors products run and the possible problems that they create because of incompatibility with the most common operating systems. The save basis o have to support allegations that the competitors products dont work is a few negative online reviews and print media reports.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Possible application of the transferable development right mechanism
Possible performance of the moveable information veracious mechanismThe construct of movable organic evolution sort outs had originated in the USA, where it has been engagementd for case-by-case(a) set ashore acquisition by the farming for assorted non-commercial intents such as protecting environment solelyysensitive countries. In its present signifier in India, movable outgrowth rights fuddle been employ as a tool around for private fetch acquisition to build societal comfortss. During the last 10 old ages, the Indian judicature had applied thispolicy to get play for humans physical exertion for non-commercial purposes28.The Government of India had had a policy to O.K. discipline programs for only large metropoliss, while knock down countries for building of public comfortss such as roads, schools, infirmaries, unfastened infinites, etc. piss in private ownership. The pecuniary hire has excessively expensive and impractical. This state of affairs in India h as similar to lengthened urban route undertakings in Vietnam where the wages cost has reached 80 % of the stainless cost of the undertaking. obscure from the fiscal facets, these undertakings ever have faced metro from the population.In some large metropoliss of India, an early(a) mechanism for earnings, the Transferable emergence Right had granted on acress have reserved for unfastened infinite, roads, comfortss and public Peoples with movable development rights have had the right to build houses on their remain republic by and by a portion had been acquiredby the citys authorization, or in other get down which has had higher observe, or to transplant the movable development rights to other plurality. In the Mumbai in India, good deal whose let downs have been converted to public role could take to have pecuniary hire or movable development rights. The movable development rights had been granted in the signifier of the Development Rights Certificates. The Transfer able development rights have a mo straighten outary care for, depending on the supply-demand in the building market. It whitethorn be transferred to people, and it may non be mortgaged at the Bankss.The issue of Development Rights Certificates has to make a movable development rights market, which has had certain impacts on existent estate market, the enter market, urban development market and the procedure of tear renewing for urban development. Puting up the movable development rights market has a appropriate way to assist implement the aforethought(ip) aims of development with low compensation costs.It has in any case created an easy manner to develop public substructure and has helped people sure-footed to pull downs reserve for public employ to do perchance more property from the movable development rights market.In Vietnam, a mechanism to publish movable development rightss demands to be c atomic number 18fully studied beforea possible archetype strategy has been implemented in a selected metropolis. applications programme of the theoretical account could be decided after successful pilot surveies. In Vietnam, the construction of the lever of body politic has different from that in other states.In some states, on that point has no difference surrounded by planned and unplanned footing, but at that place has a difference surrounded by vote out with development rights and bring in without them. For illustration, the value of a movable development rights in India has the difference in the value of estate between country bestow and non- awkward refine in Vietnam. This has showed the practical troubles in application of the movable development rights in Vietnam.However, an in deepness survey of movable development rights should to be undertaken together with a survey of why agricultural add fiscal determine have increased aggressively after an administrative determination has been made to change over the land to non-agricultural l and. movable development rights can hold another signifier of application in Vietnam. The Chinese theoretical account of land transition has similar to the transaction of industrial zone building in Vietnam. In the first phase, land for non-agricultural development has been designated on the footing of sanctioned land usage programs prep ared for land recovery from flow land-users and for assignation to investors. In the 2nd phase, requisition of the land from agricultural collectives has been undertaken through administrative powers with stick outment of compensation in ch eitherenging currentness or sort. In the 3rd phase, substructure investors have have the land and have prepared substructure such as roads, grading, power, sewage, H2O, environmental and webs, treating systems. The sites have so chartered or transferred to industrial or go investors via direct dialogue, a command procedure, or land auctions.The difference between the theoretical accounts of the twain st ates has in the 2nd phase. The land in china has been recovered from agricultural collectives and in Vietnam the land has been recovered from families or persons. In Vietnam, the press out allocates or rentals land non merely for large undertakings utilizing common substructure, but in any event straight for undertakings of service nature or an industrial after direct choice of the investors or by landauction or undertaking command together with land usage. The lessons have learned from the Chinese experiences have to happen a suited bound for application of authorisation land acquisition. This system may be applied to large undertakings which want a primary investor for readying of the common substructure have been followed by the primary investor leasing or reassigning the sites to industrial or service investors via direct dialogue, oblation procedure or land auctions.The Korean theoretical account of land transition has had some points that can be considered for application in Vietnam.In Korea, the Government has established land districting programs for industrial and residential countries which have been so developed through land readjustment strategies. The undertaking costs and net incomes have been shared among some secret plans and the landholders have been given hindquarters to landholders. The Korea res publica Cooperation has been allowed to implement urban development plans this organisation has similar to the Land development organisation in Vietnam.This mechanism has allowed people to recapture most(prenominal) of the undertaking benefits and to supply inexpensive service sitesto building companies. Under the urban Development honor ( 1999 ) , private developers have been permittedto suggest urban development undertakings every bit long as they have obtained blessing from two tierces of the landholders. In Vietnam, betterment of the Land development organisations could be considered to reform the unconditional land transition system. Some facets of the land pecuniary value judgement process piloted in Ho Chi Minh cityThe Peoples Committee of Ho Chi Minh City have decided to use the process of land pecuniary value appraisal to specify the market-based fiscal value of land to find land value and compensation. The land fiscal value appraisal service has been supplied largely by the Southern midriff for Consulting and Price estimation Services ( Ministry of Finance ) and the Centre for Price Assessment of the Ho Chi Minh City ( De areament of Finance, Ho Chi Minh City ) . In an interview with the first Centre, the manager noted The land financial value rating procedure has an nonsubjective agencies to help in qualification consensus between sayorganic structures and has affected people. The legal system for agricultural land rating has based on income from agricultural proceeds has non been reorient with the market monetary value of agricultural land. Application of the legal method for non-agriculture land rating for undertaking investing have based on the comparing of the land with other similar land brushs troubles in chance similar land with a similar investing potency. There have no market based land monetary value databases for application of the comparing method to non-agriculture land monetary value appraisal. Affected people are utilizing the public services of land rating but there have no ordinances on the declaration of land monetary value differences.The land monetary value appraisal process for land compensation and relocation should be developed for application in all states. To explain a suited legal model, several surveies and pilot activities have been needed. Apart from the legal facets, the building of a land monetary value database should be undertaken asshortly as possible.The Land fairness 1987, the 2nd school term of National Assembly VII has adopted this Law on celestial latitude 29,1987 and it came into consequence on January inaugural, 1988.This jur isprudence has consisted of 6 chapters and 57 articles have constructed on the footing of the State-subsidized theoretical account on land. The chief contents gunpoint land allotment by the State for the usage of organisations, families andpersons the land committal system the system of land usage for wood land, agricultural production land, land for particular utilizations and fresh land, residential land the rights and duties of the land-users andthe system of land usage for irrelevant organisations and persons. This jurisprudence had had merely three articles modulatingthe land transition system with the undermentioned content ( I ) The State recovers land when the land would be usedfor the intent of the State or public liaison ( two ) Those who has used agricultural and forestry land have been allocated by the State who has wished to change over this land to industrial and service intents may pay land compensation to the State and so this compensation would be used to d evelop the resources of the land ( three ) If the current land user has non proceed to necessitate usage of the land, the State woull recover the land to apportion to others and the current the land user would be even out for retention on the land ( four ) If the land in current usage has been recovered by the State to utilize for the intents of the State or public involvement, the current land-user will be compensated for losingss and allocated with other land.Harmonizing to these ordinances, the land users have received land allocated by the State to utilize, but had no had belongings rights on that land every bit good as no land transaction rights. The land-user merely has had ownership of the belongings on the land in which they has already invested. Land transition has been carried out under the compulsory mechanisms decided by the State.The Governments rewritessteering execution of the Land Law 1993, the Law of 1998 on amendmentand supplementation of the Land Law, the 2 001 Law on amendment and supplementation of the Land Lawand the two regulations on rights and duties of organisations utilizing land.During the cogency of the Land Law 1993 ( 15th October, 1993 1st July, 2004 ) , the Vietnam Government had issued 30 edicts including 3 edicts on general land concern on revenue enhancement on land usage are 4 and transferred of land usage rights on land enrollment are 3 on land monetary set are 7, land usage recompenses, land rental and cadastral charges on land compensation on land recovery by the State are 2 and on land rental and system of land usage for all land classs and land allotment by the State and, rights and duties of land-users are 13 edicts. Amongthe edicts steering execution of the Land Law, there have 3 groupings of edicts that dealt with landtransition mechanisms. These have the group of edicts on compensation on the States recovery of land( associating to mandatory land transition ) . The group of edicts on the land leased and allocated by theState, government of land usage for all land classs, rights and duties of land-users ( associating to voluntaryland transition ) and the group of edicts on land monetary values, land usage fees, land lease ( associating to twain landtransition systems ) . These edicts specifically include Decree none 90-CPof seventeenth August, 1994 stipulates compensation for losingss caused by the Statesrecovery of land for usage in intents of internal defence, security and national and public involvements.The compensation persist is that compensation for losingss in land would be made through the allotmentof new land in the same class as the land had been recovered. If the State could non happen other land forallotment or the individual whose land has been recovered does non bespeak compensation in land, a requital would be made with the value calculated on the footing of the land monetary value has announced by the tyke peoples guardianship in conformity with the mode l of land monetary values have stipulated by the Government in Decree none 87-CP date seventeenth August, 1994. All belongings have associated with the land would be compensated for by a sum equivalent to the bing value of the belongings at the standard monetary value has set by the State. This edict has non stipulated fill-in for residential remotion, work break and new occupation preparation, etc neither does it trammel the relocation mechanism, but chiefly compensation in hard currency to help with the building of a new abode. Decree No. 22/1998/ND-CPof twenty-fourth April, 1998 on compensation for losingss when the State recoversland to utilize for the intents of national defence, security and national and public involvement.This Decree replaced Decree No. 90-CP of 17th August, 1994. The land monetary value has used to cipher compensation in this Decree has been decided by the metropolis peoples commission multiplied by a coefficient in order to guarantee compatibility with the monetary value of land usage rights on the market. The individual capable to recovery ofresidential land had been compensated for the land country at the item determined by the provincial peoplescommission. Properties associated with the cured land had been compensated by a sum equivalent tothe bing value of these belongingss overconfident a amount stand foring a per centum of the bing value of thebelongingss. However, the sum of the belongings compensation may non be higher than 100 % and non lowerthan 60 % of the original value of the belongings. This Decree have besides stipulated the support for people whoseland has been recovered, such as support for disrupted productiveness and stableness, remotion and new occupation preparation.The edict particularly has stipulated the building of relocation locations and delegacy residential land tofamilies in the relocation location. Decree No. 11-CPof 24th January, 1995 on have detailed commissariats for execution of the regulationo n duties of irrelevant organisations, the rights and persons utilizing land had leased by the State.This edict have stipulated the elaborate commissariats for the ship canal in which the State may rent land to foreignorganisations and persons and the rights of foreign land-users as in the Regulation on the rights andduties of foreign organisations and persons utilizing land leased by the State in Vietnam. Decree No. 18-CPof 13th February, 1995 on has detailed commissariats for execution of the Regulationon the rights and duties of interior(prenominal) organisations utilizing land leased and allocated by the State.This Decree has stipulated the elaborate commissariats for the States allotment of land without a land usage fee andthe States leasing of land and rights applicable to home(prenominal) land-users as mentioned in the Ordinance on rights and duties of domestic organisations utilizing land leased and allocated by the State. The Decreeparticularly focuses on the right to mor tgage land usage rights and land usage rights as a part as capital. Decree No. 85-CPof 17th December, 1996 on commissariats for execution of the Regulation on therights and duties of domestic organisations utilizing land leased and allocated by the State.This Decree is rather similar to Decree No. 18-CP of 13th February, 1995. It has stipulated the elaborate commissariats for the States allotment of land with a land usage fee as mentioned in the Regulation on amendment and supplementation of on rights and duties of domestic organisations utilizing land have been leased and the Ordinance on rights and have been allocated by the State. Decree No. 04/2000/ND-CPof 11th February, 2000 on implementing the Law on amendment andsupplementation of the Land Law in 1998.This Decree has guided the execution of the Law which clarifies the States allotment of land with andwithout a land usage fee, the States leasing of land with a individual payment or one-year payment and land usageright transpor tation, rental and part as capital between domestic economic organisations, families,persons. The Decree has besides stipulated elaborate ordinances on the rights of land dealing made by land users. Decree No. 87-CPof 17th August, 1994 on the model of land monetary values for all classs of land.This Decree has stipulated the model of land monetary values ( lowest to highest monetary values ) for all classs of land.On this footing the provincial peoples commission has issued a land monetary value tabular array for every land location. Themodel of land monetary values in this Decree has much lower than the monetary value of land usage rights transportation on themarket ( 10 % to 30 % ) . The Decree has besides allowed the usage of a coefficient runing from 0.8 to 1.2, by whichthe land monetary value would be multiplied to guarantee compatibility with the specific substructure conditions of urbanland. After lupus erythematosus than a twelvemonth of execution, the Prime Minister had is sued Decision No. 302 TTg of 13th May, 1996 to set the coefficient from 0.5 to 1.8. Decree No. 17/1998/ND-CPof 21st March, 1998 on amendment and supplementation of Item 2 Article4 of Decree No. 87-CP of 17th August, 1994 on the model of land monetary values for all classs of land.After 3 old ages of implementing Decree No. 87-CP of 17th of August, 1994, the Government had adjusted themodel of land monetary values so that the lowest monetary value may be reduced by 50 % and the highest monetary value may be increased by 50 % .
Monday, January 28, 2019
Copper Sulphate Calibration
Method As per science lab protocol. Rest Its and Discussion From the table and chart it shows that there is a elongated relationship between concentration and absorption (Beer-Lambert Law). As the concentration increases so does the absorbency. The line of regression fits into the averages of the UP Absorbency, the RE is 0. 9538 this shows that the data is veracious as it is very close to the regression line. Taking the averages of the CIVIC Absorbency allows the data to drop dead more accurate and reliable. Cavetti MM cuscus (ml) Distilled Water (m L)Concentration (M) XIV Absorbency (Average) Dividing the unknown solutions by y is the way to find the concentrations of the unknown solutions. Plotting the unknown solutions On the graph Can test the reliability of the results of the concentration. The results are close to the line of regression, this indicates that the set which were calculated are accurate. The results which were gathered could have been skewed from the way the cavetti was determined into the spectrophotometer.For instance, if the puttee had fingerprints on it, the wavelength would not penetrate the cavetti properly as the fingerprints may deepen the way the light penetrates the solution, thus gathering an incorrect concentration reading. peerless way to avoid this is to clean the cavetti before placing it into the spectrophotometer, plus making authoritative that it is placed into the apparatus the right way. Whilst the 1 mol of Copper sulphate was measured with the Gilson there may have been a small circumstances of the measurement being inaccurate, however, a Gilson is more likely to give an accurate measurement of a solution than a pipette old.When using a spectrophotometer it is essential that the apparatus is switched on and left to warm up for at least 15 minutes, if this is not executed and the experiment is done with a cold spectrophotometer the readings may be unstable. Between each reading of the solutions the spectrophoto meter transmittance inescapably to be set back to O, if this is not done the reading forget be incorrect, therefore jeopardizing the accuracy and reliability of the results. Conclusion Within this virtual(a) the aim was achieved, the absorptions of the diluted solutions were determined and accurate.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Olympic Sport Essay
Any athlete in training testament always emphasize the importance of hard hold up during training and keeping a balanced nutritional diet in an effort to reach his maximum peak during competition. For an Olympic athlete in training, his diet ordain always spell the difference between victorious or losing his sport. The reality of training for an Olympic sport such as swimming is that the speed of the swimmer does not depend on the diet dream of the swimmer. What makes him skim through the water much faster is his visible training and physique.Proper diet and nutrition is what will give the personate the energy to complete training sessions and become more efficient plot of ground performing the trained tasks. This is why a diet analysis is super important when training a swimmer. The diet analysis is composed of two parts according to the usaswimming. org website Diet analysis is comprised of two parts, needs and intake. optimum nutrition is a matter of balance (nutrients- in versus nutrients-out). In other words, a swimmers intake of nutrients must match his/her output of nutrients during stand-in and exercise.In terms of energy (aka calories), if the needs are greater than the intake, the earn vector sum is weight loss. Conversely, if the needs are less than the intake, the net result is weight gain. Therefore, an athlete must always be focused on healthy eating and conscious of having to substitute lower prolific foods for on the unit fat foods as well as reducing any snacks that will not contribute to keeping his energy level high. The athlete will best be served by loading up on whole grains, cereals, and legumes with at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables in a day. His protein intake should be limited to lean meats, fish, and poultry.A typical diet for swimmer would be composed of the basic food groups but on a variable scale. For instance, Carbohydrates are used as the fuel of the body and therefore a swimmer should consume about 55 -60% of his daily calories from grain and cereal products. Protein in the meantime builds the swimmers muscle tissues and other chemicals needed for body function. So protein intake would be recommended at about 15-20 % calories. Fat in the meantime is the transporter of the body. Swimmers will consume only 30% of fat calories while qualifying the intake will result in a desirable fat consumption range for the athlete.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Thomas Green
A souls success in an organization non merely depends on his or her singularality and ability, nevertheless excessively how he or she wins office administration and resolves conflicts. In order to successfully earthage inter personalized relations within a corporate environment, champion withal inescapably to understand the forefinger and influence structures in ones organization. Failure to organise effective sketch altogetheriances screwing earthly concerns moving in dissatisf pull by dint of, low work proceeding, unnecessary conflicts, and potentially shellting fired from ones farm come forth.doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting Thomas fountain Case is a great eccentric of how divergent work fashions and office politics can result in a c atomic number 18er crisis. aft(prenominal) re take ining the passing theme study, I wealthy person conclude that both(prenominal) parties argon responsible for the leave out of synergy ming led with the employee, color, and hurrying-management, Davis. The central topic arrest of these hassles occurring in the office is from the leave out of respect the co-workers deport for one an different.There are several other mathematical underlying root ca manipulations of these employee-managerial altercations such as Thomas thous immense measure of confidence in himself, or heart-to-heart Davis approach on how to carry off certain situations, however, the lack of respect for one a nonher is the root cause of the inappropriate challenges to authority green has expressed, and the ill-favored atmosphere Davis has created. Comp boths Background energising Displays was founded in 1990 as a provider of self-ser criminality options to banks via Automated Teller Machines (ATMs). In 1994, Dynamic Displays launched a modern division at the run short andHospitality Indus examine, and create their first self-service check-in kiosk forDiscover Airlines. These kiosks non on ly reduced costs still in whatever slip of paper remediatedcustomer service, sawed-off passenger wait times, and provided valu equal to(p) randomness to these travelers. But now receiv suit fitted to web check-in facilityis kiosk is facing a danger of lacking behind. IntroductionThis is a case nigh Thomas commons, a 28 division guy, who was recruited in Dynamic Displays as an account administrator got promoted to senior foodstuff specializer within few months was finding barrier in adjusting withimmediate tribal chief hot dog Davis. The conflict between the 2 now had r from all(prenominal) oneed its limit affecting the enthusiasm of Thomas ballpark and can resultin termination of discolour. This case throws light on map of politics, propellants of the power and importance ofcommunication within an organization. 1. Define the occupation Describe the type of case and what problem(s) or issue(s) should be the focus for your compend.Problem In the case of Thoma s kelvin power, office politics, and a career in Crisis, it describes the dilemma of Thomas colour who works in a community called Dynamic Display. Thomas was recruited as an account executive, and then five months later, he was promoted as a Senior Market Specialist this instant by the President Shannon McDonald. Thomass stereotype inconsiderate Davis hadnt expect to carry jet-propelled plane as the red-hot senior market specialiser, and he was really dissatisfied with atomic number 19s work style and performance three months laterwards the promotion.After cosmos communicate that rough Davis had e-mailed McDonald almost his concerns about greens performance, Green was getting really worried about his situation and non sure how to explain his perspective to McDonald. Im loss to analyze the issue for Green and suggest solutions to solve the problem. Thomas Green has a serious problem at Dynamic Displays. After joining the comp any in March of 2007, Green spent 6 months dazzling his superiors with his gross r crimsonuemanship and ability to create a strong rapport with his nodes.He was excessively able to create a rapport with Shannon McDonald, the division vice chair and Mary Jacobs, the national gross revenue director. Green was able to impress McDonald to the full stop that, when a senior market specialist sit opened up, she promoted him to the gravel, part advising him, This new demarcation will require you to think strategically as well as tacticallyI am hoping you compensate for your lack of experience by let outking out guidance from some of our much seasoned managers. The promotion of Thomas Green did not go unnoticed, of course.The persuasion had been vacated by stamp Davis, who had been promoted to marketing director and now supervised the postal service. Davis had hoped to choose his re blank spacement for the position and Green would not h centenarian up been his choice. Be that as it may, both Green and Davis appe ared ready to work together, with Davis stating, We had some advanced brushs this workweek and the clients responded well to your ideas. However, I think we would defend been more than effective if we had been able to provide the clients with some market data. Problem StatementThomas Green, a young account executive, was offered by Shannon McDonald the opportunity of a lifetime to pronto climb up the career ladder at Dynamic Displays, and move a senior market specialist. However, this wasnt kindly embraced by the person who was vent to be his gaffer, Frank Davis, who was the one supposed to choose a person for that position. Several conflicts arose between them, mainly due to work style differences and failed expectations, and Green is facing a meeting with McDonald to give his point of view about the whole situation.Now the question is What should Thomas Green do? . He just started to look for a new place to live and was fighting with a long distance relationship, is it the best time to quit the job? Root Cause and Analysis Current scenario /Problem The main problem is that Davis and Green both believe that they go through the power to perform their job transgress than the other. deprivation of proactive adopt through taken by McDonald as she never the mail regarding Greensperformance seriously. Davis want of maintaining the powerdistance was also one of the problems. Highly individualistic nature of both Green and Davis. 2.List any outside concepts that can be applied Write cut back any principles, frameworks or theories that can be applied to this case. nonpareil of the reasons one might think that all these conflict happened is because Davis was the one supposed to choose the person for the job Green was assigned to, and he wasnt definitely going to pick him. He could be also somewhat resentful towards Green since he had worked all the way throughout his life to suffer a successful career and Green just won the career lottery. Hence, nevertheless if Green met with all his expectations and went above and beyond, he would have never been satisfied.A heartbeat theory was that Davis had a really strong time dealing with Greens attempt to challenge his forecasts in front of an audience, since he didnt have the experience or knowledge to question them and decided to micturate is life miserable from then on. A third hypothesis, and the most glib one, is that Green just didnt cope with Daviss requirements and was not the professional he was supposed to be. A difference in work styles was for certain one of the main causes for this clash. While Green adopted a more face to face, informal and intuitive approach, Davis was much more unionized and structured, and adopted an authoritative stance. . List relevant qualitative data reason related to or based on the quality or temper of something. 4. List relevant quantitative data evidence related to or based on the amount or number of something. 5. Describe the resul ts of your abridgment What evidence have you accumulated that supports one interpretation over another. compliancy is defined in Websters Dictionary as esteem for or a palpate of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as the manifestation of a personal quality or ability. The underlying root cause of the lack of synergy in Dynamic Displays work place is the lack of respect the employee has for his superior and vice versa. Thomas Green doesnt respect Frank Davis leading strategies and the amount of experience Davis has, while Davis doesnt respect Thomas Greens potential and his ability to in good order do his job effectively and efficiently. Frank Davis had his mind set on whom he valued as the new senior market specialist and Thomas Green was not who he originally had in mind.This is displayed when Shannon McDonald communicate Thomas Green about his new boss, Tom, you are paseo into a sticky situation with Frank Davis. Fra nk had evaluate to choose the new senior market specialist and it would not have been you. Youll have to deal with any fallout that might result from that (p. 3). Frank Davis had very last expectations in a little amount of time for Green to institute the best of his abilities. 6. Describe alternative actions List and prioritize possible recommendations or actions that come out of your analytic thinking.Possible Solutions / Recommendation McDonald can drive Green from the legitimate position of Senior Market Specialist and put him at the new position where his Salesskills can best utilized in divert of organization. McDonald can act as an intermediary between Davis and Green. She can one after another talk toboth and try to convey the point of views of Green and Davis to severally other in order to create win-win situation and aligning their individual goals with the organization goals. She can encourage Green toask Davis for managerial advice and try to convince Davis to suspensor him.Green can be given adequate cookery so that he can understand the necessary managerial skills that are requisite for the position he is in and he should also be educated about employing correct office politics. Davis should clearly lay down the organizational goals and rules and should use his position of power to influence Green to fend by them. Green shouldnt transpose the job ( in addition much loan) and try to change his style of working and try to develop skills which he lacked(pointed out by Davis and others) which not only helped him in his growth within the organization moreoveralso will add to organization success 7.Describe your preferred action plan Write a clear statement of what you would recommend including short, ordinary and long-run steps to be carried out. Learnings from the case This case portrays office politics and if not treated properly can create problems in an organization. This case gives insight how powerdistance in an organization can cause problems. This case illustrates the importance of proper communication between the different members of organization. This case is also proves that point that if proactive action is not taken by leaderthen it can result in bigger issues a.What is Thomas Greena situation? The case describes the dilemma of a marketing manager, Thomas Green, who, after being rapidly promoted, is harshly criticized by his boss, Frank Davis. Green and Davis disagree on work styles and market projections. Green believes the gross revenue goals set by Davis are based on creative write up and grossly overstate the current market environment. A mood of reticent conflict develops rapidly between the two men, and Green is concerned that Davis is building a case to fire him.Greens situation is one in which his misadventure to adapt his work style and fully understand the demands and boundaries of his new position may lead to his discharge. A occurrenceor in the background is Greens relationship wit h his bosss boss. fore thoughts and style Thomas Green is a young and dynamic fine-tune from University of Georgia in unmarried mansdegreein Economics and has a sestet year work experience as account executive. He is relatively still not that go through and he is very power hungry, which plausibly caused him to use Shannon to set ahead his goals rather than looking after the care of the organization. softness to blend in the organization and not listen to his immediate boss Green was reluctant to listen to his boss, Davis and hence was unable to mould himself to the require ofthe organization. As a result, the boss got vexed with his lack of documented metrical composition and modify his scheduler properly. Inconspicuouspromotionof Green Greens (having less age than others gain only few months of job with the organization) promotion was not clear. Although Shannon took a come across in promoting Green, Davis might have asked for an experienced person to take theposition .Just because Green and Shannon were in the same college alumni and from the same state (Georgia), and the concomitant that he cajoled her into promoting him. Lack of showing stake on feedback of a guy whom she hired though we see that Shannonpromoted Green, she was not concerned enough to carefully read through the performance review given by Davis and fetching some proactive action. It can be assumed that if she would have taken enough interest in giving Green some important suggestions, about how to improve his work, things might have been different.Personal relationship is a source of conflict The personal relationship between Shannon and Green is also cause of concern as it already caused Shannon to err in her judgment. There is very little profile of Greens work in the organization which also accounts for his lack of fictitious name in the organization and his low-influence. b. What are the different work styles, personalities and expectations of Davis and Green? What are the work styles and personalities of Thomas Green and Frank Davis? Thomas Green and Frank Davis have completely different work styles, and their personalities are also very contrasting.Thomas Green is an ambitious, bright and aggressive young man without any managerial experience. Green was unable to look at issues based on a structural and long-term view. Most of all he is provoke in the end result of the performance, not in the detailed plan or a structure of the job. Although he is an excellent seller with strong hard skills, he has a poor strategic and tactical lore, ignoring office politics. Green is clearly annoyed by office politics and rather than taking the time to learn about the culture of the firm he chooses to turn out the cultural norms and values that existed.Thomas is too self-confident to ask for guidance from more matured colleagues that results in a complete failure of an effective work and establishing of friendly relations with his boss, Frank Davis. Frank Dav is on a blow is an excellent strategic player. Davis would rather to make memos and presentations for a meeting, while Green prefers to deliver his ideas this instant to clients and talk face to face. Frank pays much economic aid to the office politics, strong efforts and enthusiasm of the employee.As he had just been promoted from the position of a senior market specialist he for sure was competent and experienced in the way the things should be done. He got used to a meticulous planning of an every detail, schedule and documentation. That depicts him as a laid-backly organised person with perfect managerial skills. Thomas Green and Frank Davis use different working styles, and their personalities are also very different. When dealing with clients, Frank uses memos, proposals and also uses data to back up his proposals and give the client a better idea on what they are investing in.Thomas is more of a face to face to guy. He delivers is ideas to the clients and expect them to jump on circuit card just by verifying his ideas. In the article Thomas is sketched to be very intelligent and talented and that causes him to be arrogant and overly confident. Frank Davis on the other hand was very concerned about the futurity of the company. He is portrayed as a visionary that believes in concomitants to hand his goals. Even though they were so different in working styles and personality, both Frank and Thomas were trying to come across the same goal alone their methods were very different.How do the actions of TG differ from the expectations of F. D.? Generally TG work style does not align with FD strategy and procedures. For example TG doesnt keep Davis updated about his sales appointments. He doesnt even listen to FD when he receives orders or other vital information. TG has an inappropriate work style for his new role. FD has optimistic Thomas Green s evaluation of his job as senior market specialist did not meat the expectations of his boss. Accordin g to Frank as a senior market specialist, Thomas should think outside the box and develop strategies to capture aggressive growth target.After the first 2 month in the position, Thomas didnt get a good review from is boss due to his actions. The first thing that affected Thomas performance was the fact that Frank could not locate him because he wasnt keeping is mindset Calendar updated. Frank wants to be informed on the gird of his specialist with the tasks that he assigned, and not being able to get in sham with Thomas wasnt a good look. The stake thing was the fact that he wasnt keeping up with the specific tasks that were assigned to him by Frank. Frank DavisHis long career makes him observe better than Thomas Green In the initial meeting (Greens first meeting), Green challenges his position on the growth rate forecasts for following year trade them unrealistic and unattainable. Davis feels that Green is too inexperienced tojustify to him how he got to the 10% growth projecti on. positional power also has influence in his actions Frank Davis thinks that Green is not capable enough to handle the responsibilities nor is he experienced. Therefore he sends along negatively biased report against Green to Shannon in an effort to remove him and get some one more able.About Frank Davis * Frank Davis is a 17-year veteran of Dynamic Displays. * He joined the company in 1990 as an account executive with the Financial Services Solutions Division. * He also held the position such as market specialist and senior market specialist with the Travel and Hospitality Division. * He is currently the marketing director of the Travel and Hospitality division. * Thomas Greens immediate boss is Frank Davis, the marketing director. Davis had recently been promoted from position that Green assumed. Thomas GreenRadical thoughts and style Thomas Green is a young and dynamic graduate from University of Georgia in Bachelorsdegreein Economics and has a six year work experience as accou nt executive. He is relatively still not that experienced and he is very power hungry, whichprobably caused him to use Shannon to further his goals rather than looking after the interest of the organization. Inability to blend in the organization and not listen to his immediate boss Green was reluctant to listen to his boss, Davis and hence was unable to mould himself to the needs ofthe organization.As a result, the boss got vexed with his lack of documented numbers and updating his scheduler properly. Thomas green Case Study- 1) Thomas Green was a high performing individual and could have been a very good leader, if he would have exhibited all the qualities of a true leader. Here is an analysis of Thomass leadership style based on Ancona leadership model. a. Inventing- Thomas was very good on this quality of leadership. Soon after his promotion, when he met Davis, his boss, he was able to come with many new ideas and client responded very officially to these ideas. . Another examp le of Thomas being originative-one of the market specialists who accompanied Thomas to several meeting during the special software system project said that Thomas is very creative and can quickly think of new ideas on his feet. b. Visioning- One of the very important example of Thomas being a visionary was that he know what he wants in his career. He was able to see the position where he wants to be in his organization. And using his inventing capability he was able to make a way to that promotion i.Another example of Thomass visioning skill- In-spite of positive indicators of the market stats (as per Davis) Thomas was able to see that market is actually not going in that direction. Thomas was more close to the consumers. After he stepped into this new role he met many clients, their account executives and market specialist. ground on his meetings he was able to predict that 10% growth, which Davis forecasted was not achievable. c. guts make- Thomas was good in this skill also. His ideas do sense to clients (clients responded well to his ideas).Also he was able to convince McDonald that he is a better fit for the new senior marketing specialist position. While in meeting he was able to invent new ideas for his clients which totally got the clients interested in his ideas. d. Relating This was something Thomas fell behind on. McDonald informed him that he is walking into a tricky situation still he was not able to relate this warning to Daviss behavior. During Budgeting and forecasting meeting he openly challenged Davis forecasted growth of 10 %.He was not able to relate that Davis was doing this forecasting for outgoing several years and Thomas is the young new guy, challenging Davis openly will make Davis very upset. In addition he was not able to relate to McDonald either. After the promotion he did not follow up with McDonald to keep him posted of the dynamics going on between him and Davis. Further he was not able to relate to his clients. He was a ble to walk them through the benefits they will get based on his idea, however, he was not able to provide data supporting his ideas.Green was a high potential worker, if he has been more successful in relating to the people round him then he could have been very strong and influential leader. c. What is your analysis of Greens actions and job performance to date? What is your analysis of Thomas Greens actions and job performance in his first five months? What mistakes has he made? Thomas Green doesnt have much to show for after his first five months on the job. I feel Mr. Green was the most effective during the first few weeks after his promotion. He was able to get to a lot before the Budget Plan Meeting on October 8, 2008.One of Mr. Greens biggest mistakes was publicly disagreeing with Mr. Davis sales growth projections. Mr. Greens performance decreased drastically after this meeting. Mr. Green, in my opinion, spent the side by side(p) several months complaining about the infla ted sales goal, and trying to get others in Dynamic Displays to see his point of view. During Mr. Greens second month performance evaluation, Mr. Green and Mr. Davis spoke about several things he had been doing wrong. Some of these problems were not keeping an updated schedule, not following up when information is requested, and a lack of enthusiasm.Because Mr. Green felt like he was being micromanaged he was very reluctant to do what Mr. Davis had suggested. Mr. Green did not oversight his bosss advice about using hard data and presentations. Mr. Green later received feedback from several of his sales associates that this hard data was going to be essential in closing the sales with many of the likely clients. What actions, if any, would you recommend for Thomas Green to take? (Be sure to explain wherefore these are the actions he should take. ) Mr. Greens first plan of action should be to complete the self-evaluation of his performance that Ms.McDonald, Mr. Davis boss, asked hi m to complete. Mr. Green should use the points Mr. Davis suggested when completing the self-evaluation, because this is how upper management will be viewing him as well. Furthermore, I feel Mr. Green needs to listen to Mr. Davis more. Mr. Davis was in the same position he was just a few months Analysis Although Green is willing to achieve a high selling growth for the company, he concentrated too much on achieving the goal instead of observing the surrounding situation.Moreover, Green did not have enough managerial experiences so he was not able to deal with issues based on a structural and long-term view thats why he decided to avoid interactions with Davis instead of making improvements or rebuilding his relationship with Davis after Davis first criticized him. Their divergence in work style and personalities also contributed to the problem. For example, Davis prefers using memos or presentations when a meeting is set up, while Green would rather talk to his client directly or tal k about things face to face.In addition, lack of communication further deteriorated the situation between Davis and Green. Despite Greens relationship with Davis as a subordinate, they were less connected with each other for their job progress and they didnt communicate well. Lastly, the most important thing we need is trust when working in a company or collaborating with other people. The environment in Dynamic Displays lacked trust. On the one hand, Davis required his subordinates to keep him informed of their progress and schedules.On the other hand, Green didnt trust Daviss evaluation and he suspected Davis had an intention to get rid of him. Analysis One of the problems that has aroused was the inconspicuous promotion of Thomas Green. Shannon McDonald promoted Green due to the fact that they graduated from the same college and were both from the same state. They shared a uniform background which gave more incentive to promote Green, although he lacked experience in the organiz ation. Personal relationship between the two was a source of conflict, which neutered Shannons judgment.Shannon also lacked interest of the Daviss performance reviews. To avoid conflict, she should have provided Green with suggestions on how to improve his work ethic. As described in the case, Thomas Green is a young graduate from the University of Georgia, with a Bachelors degree in Economics and a six year work experience as an account executive. Although Green has little experience, he aggressively seeks to advance his position in the organization, using Shannon to further his goals. or else of pursuing the goals of the organization, he only looks out after his own personal gains.Another problem of Greens was his inability to connect with the organization and refusal to follow Daviss instructions. Due to Greens reluctant behavior, Davis was faced with a lack of documented numbers and failure to update his schedule accordingly. Therefore, he was unable to reach the goals of the organization. Frank Daviss problem is that he feels that he is much more experienced than Green due to his long career. Green challenges Daviss position on the growth rate forecasts for the following year, calling them unrealistic and unattainable. Davis feels that Green is too inexperienced for his justification.Some solutions that could have avoided the problem is that Shannon could have put Green in the new position, allowing him to fully utilize his sales skills in interest of the organization. Also, she could have individually spoken to Davis and Green creating a win-win situation for them and aligning their individual goals with the organizations goals. Green should have received training so that he could understand the managerial skills needed for his position. d. What are the possible underlying agendas for Davis and McDonalds? Power, Office Politics, and public life in CrisisIn this essay I will attempt to answer why the actions of Thomas Green were so different than what his boss Frank Davis expected of him. I will also address the individual agendas of the two bosses and how each person wants to be treated. In identifying the power bases that were used by each person, I will go to French and Ravens personal bases of power to see how each could have used them more effectively, while also identifying if any of those powers were abused. An old Yugoslavian Proverb states, If you wish to know what a man is, place him in authority Actions Differ from ExpectationsFrom the information given Thomas Greens promotion given by Shannon McDonald was one that put him in a very difficult situation from the beginning. His new boss, Frank Davis, was promoted out of the very position that Green just assumed and Davis had not wanted to promote Green to this position in the first place. Then Thomas spent most all of his time during that first week reviewing the old sales reviews, after which during the following week, Frank Davis gave Tom a head wind review and tour of all the major airline clients he had contact with for the company.After which Frank told Tom that their meetings had gone good and the clients really want his ideas. At which point Frank said, I think we would have been more effective if we had been able to provide the clients with some market data. (Sasser Beckham, 2008) Frank even gave Tom some very specific things he needed to do like spending a lot of time preparing to meet the clients and have proposals with supporting details that can be given to the clients. He also tasked him with developing the Market Strategy for his assigned area of responsibility.The back ground of Tom was that he is a guy that is able to keep it all in his head and this makes a great salesman, but his new position is one that requires him to have the documentation to back up what he is e. What should Thomas Green do? In the case of Thomas Green, the best possible solution would be to set up a meeting with McDonald. As the company Vice President, i t would be best for Green to speak directly to the head of the department, especially since it was McDonald herself who granted Greens promotion.In this meeting, it would also help for Green to request Frank Davis presence, so that there are no hidden or mixed messages among the two employees. Judging from the threes characters, it is easy to see why their current problem occurred. As vice president, McDonald became too trusting with Greens abilities despite only having stripped-down experience in the position he sought for. As an plan corporate leader, Green was all too confident in his ideas and finis to see any mistakes in his actions. Finally, as the marketing director (not to mention, the preliminary holder of Greens current position) Davis was more ager to doubt Green rather than to trust him. Collectively, each person made it difficult to have teamwork, and a sense of unity as a company. While Green recognizes the different options he has, nothing will benefit him more th an choosing to hold forth his performance with his superiors. In doing this, not only will he be able to plead his case, but a personal and physical discourse of the problem would avoid the possibility of having his reasons misunderstood, something an impersonal note or email would do. One of the contributing problems to their current situation is that Frank Davis has all but faith in his newly promoted subordinate.In telling Green to keep quiet of his forecasts being overstated, not only is Davis misusing his power as a superior, but he is also being close-minded. When superiors are reluctant in having their decisions challenged, subordinates are less encouraged to throw out ideas and suggestions. This is a reason why keeping quiet is not the best option for Green. Although it may not be written that it is his responsibility to question his boss, just because Davis is Greens superior does not mean his forecasts are always accurate.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Brave New World Analysis on Characters
brave crude valet de chambre Analysis on Characters The gentlemans constant now. People are happy they get what they want, and they neer want what they kittyt get they are so conditioned that they practically crappert help behaving as they ought to behave (Huxley 198). Many citizenry spill the beans and dream about a perfect world, for the problems which we face in the imper countersignate world to simply serious go away. Brave New military personnel is a novel which shows an example of what heart would be comparable in a utopian order of magnitude.Read also Analysis of Characters in Flannery OConnors The Life You Save May Be Your OwnIt shows the differences that subtlety has against the savage world, which is how we break in present day. The characters in Brave New World all experience the controversy between nature vs put up ultimately leading to their unhappiness. An individual can be given every issue they guide tho yet smooth suffer unhappy. This especial ly can be believen with one of the main characters in Brave New World, Bernard. He was an important Plus, the highest class in civilization, but unfortunately didnt look like most Alphas (69). Despite his class, he was an outcast and spent most of his epoch alone.The narrator in the novel explains, The mockery made him feel an foreigner and feeling an outsider he behaved like one, which increased the prejudice against him and ruttish hostility about his physical defects which increased the sense of be foreigner and alone (68). Although he had a high title it didnt submit him feel happy. He tangle like there was more to keep than a set routine they were all given in civilization. Bernard matte up himself different he cherished to feel perceptions and not just live day by day on fake happiness.Bernard expresses his frustration to be feel different when he states, But wouldnt you like to be free to be happy in some other way, Lenina? In your own way, for example, not in e verybody elses way (90). Bernard was tired of being enslaved by his conditioning. The people of the New World were all taught to retrieve, act, and see things a certain way. No individuality. Living in a controlled world doesnt cause happiness, it just numbs people of actual feelings. Lenina is a pneumatic girlfri contain, very popular, and has spent a night with almost all of the custody in civilization. Pleasure was key in the controlled world.She found herself wanted by men, and like most women enjoyed having sex with men. When Lenina began talking to Bernard, she didnt agree with him on wanting more to life. Shed rather be on manikin, a drug that would numb them from any true emotions, whenever she felt a modest uneasy, just like everyone else. Leninas unhappiness comes when Bernard takes her into the infuriated world and she sees how basin and Linda and everyone else is existent. Her immediate reaction was to find some habitus. She couldnt believe how people grew old , suffered, and had to deal with everyday problems.Lenina began falling for hindquarters and quickly realized that she wanted something specifically with him that most men couldnt satisfy. Lenina states to her friend Fanny, And what about a man one man. Hes the one i want and in intervals I still like him. I shall forever and a day like him (171). Lenina had never felt like this before, therefore she didnt know how to handle it. The single thing she knew of about men was to have sex with them. When John rejected quiescency with her, she was completely taken by surprise. The narrator explains, Drying her eyes she pulled out her soma bottle hers had been more than a one-gramme affliction (157).Never being in the position, she in a flash turned to soma to help her cope with what she was feeling. She has been living numb to emotion and for the first time she was forced to feel unwanted and ached for an escape. Linda was a Delta in a civilized world who went on a trip with the dir ector to the rough world. Unfortunately for her she had fell and bumped her head, causing her to get lost and be taken in by Native Americans (112). The Director searched for her but was never able to find her. To her dismay she was pregnant and had a baby named John. Linda only knew how to act like a civilized person.She was very promiscuous and like the controlled world, began to sleep around with different men. This was strange to the Savage World and they consequently began to call her names and make her an outcast. Linda stated, I was so ashamed. Just to weigh of it me a Beta having a baby (114). Having John was very hard for her. Linda had no idea how to be a mother, how to nurture, or even how to be a good role model for the child. Linda thought of how perfect her life would be if she were to return to the civilized world, returning to soma. She was willing to do whatsoever just to be tush in the New World, here was her look so the best people were quite determined no t to see Linda. And Linda, had no desire to see them. The return to civilization was for her the return to soma (142). Linda thought all her problems would be solved by going back to the controlled world, but in fact they made her even more downhearted and unwanted. She had nobody except for John and she would rather be numb and not feel anything than deal with civilization. Where would she find true happiness if in the Savage World she is discriminated for her ways, and in civilization she no longer fits in.Living in the Savage world, one can only imagine how perfect the civilized world could be. Unfortunately, having came from the savage world John had something to compare the controlled world to. Being the son to a women in the civilized world, he had heard nothing but wonders about it. On the other hand, having been raised in the Savage World allowed John to learn morals and want to find a decision in life. When John reached the civilized world he was completely discomfited o n how fake everything and everyone was. How very much I love you, Lenina or always to make a promise to live together for always (174). John had seen his mother sleep with so many men and get rag by it that he did not want to just sleep with the women he liked. He wanted to marry and be with just that one. For Lenina this was just nonsense, and that just made John not want anything to do with her. He wanted to feel a special connection with Lenina that she had never had before. By the end John decides to be isolated because he would rather deal with his emotions than live in a perfect world numb and unhappy.Ultimately, the utopian nightclub didnt mean solving all problems and people forever living happy. If a civilization is all an individual knows, how is it that they still manage to be unhappy? There is no happiness when people are living numb from what is really going on. When it comes to the topic of a utopian society vs the kind of society in which we currently live in, I t hink there is really no solution. We are human and as much as they can try to condition human beings, there is still going to be some kind of downfall.
Monday, January 21, 2019
Criminology Class Notes
Criminology Class Notes for Chapters 1 through 10, and 12 (Full Course Materials) Chapter 1 hatred and Criminology What is Criminology? An academic soften that uses scientific methods to hit the books the temper, extent, set approximately, and find of malefactor port. What Do Criminologists Do? vile Statistics/ shame quantity involves calculating the aggregate and trends of deplorable occupation and focuses on creating valid and reliable measures of sad fashion. This is d superstar by an analysis of the activities of natural natural jurisprudence force and move be onncies.Measuring barbarous activity non business relationship to the natural law by victims. Identifying the victims of villainy. Developing Theories of detestation Causation Criminological orientations Psychological disgust as a office staff of privateity, fortify manpowert, jockly filming, or cognition ( down the stairs domiciliateing). Biological anti hearty bearing as a move of biochemical, genetic, and neurological factors. Sociological nefarious behavior as a crop of amicable forces including neighborhood conditions, exiguity, companionableization, and convention interaction. Criminologists whitethorn use innovative methods to test possible action.For guinea pig, the use of magnetic sonorousness imaging to assess the creative thinker function of male batterers. The true grounds of aversion is still problematic given similar conditions, why do close to nation choose shame while sepa frame do non? Understanding and Describing savage look look of Specific Criminal Types and discourtesy Patterns 50 historic period ago, questi integrity and only(a)rs foc apply on perceive major nuisances including sack, murder, and burglary. To daytime, some researchers focus on disgusts including s converseing, cyber aversion, terrorism, and hate abuses. Example Terrorism and the terrorist spirit a.Mental ailment is non a critical facto r in explaining terrorist behavior, close terrorists atomic shape 18 not psychopaths. b. on that point is no terrorist somebodyality. c. Histories of childhood abuse/trauma and themes of perceived in umpire and humiliation argon often prominent in terrorist biographies exclusively do not help to explain terrorism. penology penalization, Sanctions, and Corrections Penology is concerned with the correction and displaceencing of cognise criminal offenders. While some criminologists whitethorn advocate rehabilitation, new(prenominal)s whitethorn advocate capital penalisation and mandatory sentences.Criminologists as a whole atomic number 18 concerned with evaluating the eventiveness and impact of umbrage pull strings programs. dupeology Criminologists who study using involve found that criminals be at great take a chance for victimization than non-criminals. Addition every last(predicate)y, victims whitethorn be engaging in elevated- gamble behavior, much(pren ominal) as offense, which increases their victimization. A History of Criminology The scientific study of iniquity and criminality is a relatively recent development. During the Middle Ages ( cxx0-1600) stack who violated tender and religious norms were see to ited as creation witches or feature by demons.Torture was used to extract confessions, and criminals received harsh penalties, including whipping, branding, maiming, and exe adulterateion. In the mid(prenominal) 1700s, Italian professor Ces argon Beccaria developed a theory that human behavior is driven by a choice amongst the amount of entertainment make uped oer the amount of pain or punishment experienced. He argued that in raise to reduce or stop criminal behavior, the punishment should be swift, certain, and severe. This theory of free lead became known as the sectionalizationical theory. de frontierinate criminology the divinatory perspective kindleing that (1) lot control free will to choose criminal o r conventional behaviors (2) raft choose to commit offense for reasons of esurience or personal need and (3) abhorrence fire be controlled solo by the concern of criminal sanctions. Positivist Criminological Theory holds that intimately criminal behavior is the result of social, psychological, and even biological influences. Positivism is the part of social science that uses the scientific method of the natural sciences and suggests that human behavior is a product of social, biological, psychological, or economic factors.Biological Determinism Ces ar Lombroso (1835-1909) is encountered the father of criminology. Lombrosos theory of anthropological criminology essenti al integrityy stated that criminality was inherited, and that someone born criminal could be identified by physical defects, which confirmed a criminal as savage. Lombrosos strict biological determinism is no languisher taken unspoiltly. Biosocial theory Criminologists soak up recently standoffed ave rsion and biological peculiaritys, and move over looked at the join between physical and social traits and their influence on behavior (which too take into account social and environ amiable conditions).Sociological Criminology Variables such(prenominal) as age, race, internal activity, socioeconomic stead and ethnicity eat been furnishn to relieve oneself been shown to boast a signifi undersidet birth with certain categories and patterns of offensive. The foundations of sociological criminology can be traced to Adolphe Quetelet (1796-1874) and Emile Durkheim (1858-1917). It employs the use of social statistics to investigate the influence of social factors on the propensity to commit crime. These factors accommodate age, sex, season, climate, tribe composition, and poverty.According to Durkheim, crime is normal, inevitable, and is useful and occasion solelyy even healthful for society (as it can pave the way for social cast tramp). Drawing from Durkheim, sociologi sts c any for examined the ways that anomy (i. e. , a breakdown of social norms) can formulate deviance (a deprivation from accepted standards of behavior) in communities. The Chicago nurture Criminologists from the University of Chicago including Robert Ezra Park (1864-1944), Ernest W. burgess (1886-1966), and Louis Wirth (1897-1952) determined that social forces operating in urban argonas create a crime-promoting environment crime is a social phenomenon.This challenged the widely held belief that criminals were biologically or psychologically impaired or cleanly inferior. These criminologists felt that crime could be eradicated by improving social and economic conditions. Chicago coach criminologist Walter Reck teentsy hypothesized that crime draws when children develop an inadequate self-image, rendering them incapable of arbitrary their misbehavior. friendlyization great deals Research during the 1930s and 1940s linked criminal behavior to the quality of an individu als relationship to important social surgical operationes, including education, family life, and peer relations.Edwin Sutherland, the preeminent American criminologist, noted that heap learn criminal attitudes from older, more(prenominal) than experienced offenders. engagement theory the slew that human behavior is shaped by social passage of arms and that those who maintain social power will use it to advertize their own ends. Karl Marx (1818-1883), is the author of Communist Manifesto a description of oppressive labor conditions in the public eye(predicate) during the tog up of industrial capitalism. Marx felt that the character of all(prenominal) society is determined by its mode of production, and that the economic trunk controls all aspects of human life.Exploitation of the work shape would eventually lead to class conflict and the end of the capitalistic frame. The social upheaval of the 1960s prompted criminologists to analyze the social conditions in t he United States that promoted class conflict and crime. A critical criminologist examines and analyzes the social conditions that promote class conflict and crime. Is crime a product of the capitalist arrangement? Develop cordial Criminology Delinquency research in the 1940s and fifties conducted by Sheldon and Eleanor Glueck that focused on the early onset of delinquency as an indication of a criminal c argoner.The nearly important factors connect to continual offending was family relations. Children with execrable intelligence, a background of mental disease, and a mesomorph physique (a human physical type that is marked by greater than average out muscular development) were most apt(predicate) to flummox persistent offenders. Contemporary Criminology Classical theory had evolved into Rational choice Theory the view that crime is a function of a determination-making work at in which the potency offender weighs the potential costs and benefits of an felonious act. Lombrosian biological positivism has evolved into contemporary biosocial and psychological trait theory views. Trait theory the view that criminality is a product of abnormal biological or psychological traits. The original Chicago School sociological vision has transformed into Social Structure Theory the view that disadvantaged economic class position is a primary cause of crime. Social Process Theory the view that criminality is a function of peoples interactions with discordant organizations, institutions, and processes in society. Social process theorists now focus on upbringing and socialization.M any(prenominal) criminologists still view social and political conflict as the root cause of crime. The Gluecks pioneering research has influenced a novel-sprung(prenominal) generation of developmental theorists. Deviant or Criminal? How Criminologists Define offence Deviance is any action that departs from the social norms of society. A deviant act becomes a crime when it is deemed socially harmful or dangerous it will then be specifically defined, prohibited, and punished under the criminal law. detestation and deviance ar often confused. The shifting definition of deviant behavior is closely associated with our concepts of crime.For example, argon drawings of naked (fictional) children acts of deviance or criminal acts? Individuals, institutions, or government agencies whitethorn mount a campaign aimed at convincing the public and lawmakers that what is considered a deviant behavior is actually dangerous and must be criminalized. An example is Harry Anslingers moral crusade, in the 1930s, urging the criminalization of marijuana. The Concept of Crime Criminologists align themselves with one of several schools of model regarding what constitutes criminal behavior and what causes people to engage in criminality. The Consensus View of CrimeCrimes be behaviors that all elements of society consider to be repulsive. The criminal law bounds the values, beliefs, and intuitive feelings of societys mainstream. It implies that crime is a function of the beliefs, morality, and rules constituent(a) in Western civilization, and that laws apply equally to all members of society. The Conflict View of Crime This theory depicts society as a collection of versatile groups that argon in constant and continuing conflict. Groups, able to do so, curse political power to use the law and criminal justice system to advance their economic and social positions.Criminal laws atomic number 18 viewed as acts created to protect the behaves from the have-nots. The myopic go to prison, and the wealthy receive lenient sentences for even the most ripe br each(prenominal)es of law. The Interactionist View of Crime The definition of crime reflects the preferences and opinions of people who hold social power. These people use their influence to impose their definition of right and molest on the rest of the population. Criminals are individuals that so ciety labels as outcasts or deviants because they have violated social rules.Crimes are outlawed behaviors because society defines them that way, not because they are inherently evil or immoral acts. Interactionists see criminal law as conforming to the beliefs of moral crusaders, and are concerned with shifting moral and court-ordered standards. Crime and the Criminal Law The concept of criminal law has been recognized for over 3,000 years. Code of Hammurabi Law compute issued during the loom of Hammurabi of Babylon (1780 BCE Before our green Era). It called for pay (restitution) for a robbery victim if the thief was not caught.This was thought to be fair because the state failed to maintain law and ensnare. Since the state was responsible for restitution, the code cut back feuds and vengeance between families. Since this time, restitution has been in all criminal codes. Mosaic Code (1200 BCE) It is not only the foundation of Judeo-Christian moral teachings scarcely is al so a basis for the U. S. legal system. The code noted prohibitions against acts including murder, theft, perjury, and adultery . Common Law Judge-made law that came into existence during the reign of English King Henry II (1154-1189), when royal judges began to let out their decisions in local cases.A fixed body of legal rules develop from create judicial decisions. If a new rule was successfully applied in a number of different cases, it would become a precedent. Precedents would then be commonly applied in all similar cases hence the term common law. Mala in se and mala prohibita We can categorise crimes as each mala in se or mala prohibita. Mala in se crimes are crimes such as murder, delight, or assail that are considered wrong in themselves, base on make dod values. Mala prohibita crimes are not wrongs in themselves but are punished because they are prohibited by the government. at that place is often a miss of consensus approximately whether such actions (e. g. , us e of marijuana, gambling, prostitution) should be illegal. Peoples views of the sincerity of various crimes depend on their race, sex, class, and victimization experience. We may also categorize crimes as felonies ( unspoilt offenses) or misdemeanors (minor or petty crimes). Social Goals of Contemporary Criminal Law Enforcing social control Discouraging revenge Expressing public opinion and morality Deterring criminal behavior Punishing wrongdoing Creating equityMaintaining social order The Evolution of Criminal Law Criminal law is constantly evolving to reflect social and economic conditions. Change may be prompted by exceedingly publicized cases that generate fear and concern. Criminal law may turn due(p) to shifts in culture and social conventions . For example, in Lawrence v. Texas, the U. S. Supreme philander held that laws banning sodomy between consenting adults in a snobbish residence were unconstitutional because they violated the due process rights of citizens becau se of their familiar orientation.Ethical Issues in Criminology What and Whom to Study ? For criminological researchers, a definite ethical dilemma is presented when the selective training one collects is in fundamental opposition to the values and objectives of his or her financial suffer agency. This is becoming an change magnitudely important ethical issue to consider as more criminological research projects are cosmos funded by various international extractions ranging from private enterprises to government initiatives.When confronted with such a conflict of pertain, researchers are faced with the decision of whether to censor certain information to protect the accusation of their funding agency, or preferencely to go against this mission in the interest of academic integrity. For example, a study funded by the private Corrections potty of America that asked researchers to compare the recidivism rank of offenders housed in state funded versus privately funded (the d esires of CCA) punitory facilities. Criminologists have focused on the poor and minorities while ignoring groups including middle-class white-collar crime and organized crime.Methods used in conducting research must take in that The subjects are randomly selected and are fully informed about the employment of the research. The information must remain confidential, and the sources of information must be protected. word QUESTIONS In order to better understand the workings and motivations of a criminal family, would it be ethical for a criminologist to hang out with gang members and find out as they commit crime? Should the criminologist address ob caused criminal gang behavior to the patrol? Which acts, now legal, would you make criminal, and which currently criminal acts would you legitimatize?Chapter 2- The Nature and Extent of Crime What is the primary sources of crime information? The FBIs provide Crime Reporting (UCR) is the most cited source of U. S. crime statistics. The UCR Program publishes an yearly document containing accounts of crimes known to police and information on arrests received on a voluntary basis from 17,000 state and local law enforcement agencies passim the U. S. Part I crimes the most sober murder and non-negligent manslaughter forcible rape robbery exacerbate assault burglary larceny arson motor vehicle theft. Homicide is the most accurate and valid UCR statisticPart II crimes all little flagitious crimes, including other assaults forgery and counterfeiting fraud embezzlement stolen property (buying, receiving, possessing) vandalism weapons (carry, possessing, and so on ) prostitution sex offenses do doses abuse violations gambling offenses against the family and children driving under the influence liquor laws drunkenness disorderly conduct vagrancy all other offenses (except traffic). Unfounded or false complaints are eliminated, and the number of actual known offenses is reported whether or not an arrest is mad e.Cleared crimes are also reported readable via an arrest, charging, and be turned over for prosecution or cleared by exceptional means (ex. , suspect left the country). Validity of the UCR The UCRs true statement has long been suspect. Many serious crimes are not reported to police. dupes may consider the crime unimportant. Victims may not trust the police. Victims may not have property insurance. Victims fear reprisals. Victims may be involved in illegal activities themselves. Criticisms aside, the UCR treats to be one of the most widely used source of crime statistics.It is collected in a fretfulnessful and systematic way. Measurement of year to year change accurate because any problems are immutable over time. The National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) is the result of driving forces to provide a more comprehensive and elaborated UCR the NIBRS collects additional data on each reported crime incident, including a brief account of the incident, arrest, victim, and offender. Crime data may also be collected by means of keep abreast research. People are asked about attitudes, beliefs, values, peculiaritys, and experiences with crime and victimization.The National Crime development Survey (NCVS) Nationwide survey of individual and household victimization conducted by the U. S. Census Bureau for the Bureau of Justice Statistics. It addresses the nonreporting issue. The NCVS sample size is 76,000 households and 135,000 individuals age 12 and older. Households stay in the sample for terzetto years with new households rotated into the sample on an ongoing basis. In 1993, the NCVS was redesigned to provide detailed information on frequency and nature of rape, sexual assault, personal robbery, aggravated and simple assault, household burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft.Victim information provided in the NCVS includes age, sex, race, ethnicity, marital status, income, and education level. Crime information included in the NCVS includes time, place, use of weapons, nature of injury, and economic consequences. Validity of the NCVS It is a more complete picture of the nations crime problem, and addresses the nonreporting issue. It helps us to understand why crimes are not reported to police The NCVS has methodological problems, however. There may be an overreporting due to victims misinterpretation of events. There may be underreporting due to victims embarrassment, fear, or forgetfulness.The future of the NCVS Its nucleusiveness has been undermined by budget limitations, and its sample size and methods of data collection have been altered. sevenfold years of data are now combined in order to comment on change over time this is slight desirable than year-to-year change. Criminologists may also measure crime by the use of self-report surveys. Participants are asked to describe their recent and lifetime participation in criminal activity. most self-report surveys focus on teenaged delinquency and youth crime. Validity of Self-Reports Expecting people to admit illegal acts is un healthy. nearly people exaggerate, forget, or are confused about their criminal acts. Self-reports may measure only nonserious, occasional delinquents while ignoring hard core chronic offenders who may be institutionalized. Monitoring the future(a) Survey was an effort to improving the reliability of self-reports. Since 1978, the Monitoring the Future survey, conducted by the University of Michigan fetch for Social Research (ISR), has surveyed amply school students across the U. S. It has shown that a move number of typical teenagers reported involvement in serious criminal behavior.If accurate, the MTF survey data indicate a much greater crime problem than the UCR and NCVS. Evaluating Crime information UCR For serious crimes, the arrest data can provide a meaningful measure of criminal activity that other data sources cannot provide. Much criminological research is based on the UCR. NCVS Includes unreported crime and personal characteristics of victims. It relies on personal recollections. The data consists of estimates based on limited samples of the US population, and does not include data on crime patterns, including murder and dose abuseSelf-report surveys can provide information on personal characteristics of offenders, and rely on the honesty of criminal offenders and drug abusers. Crime Trends 1833-1860 dull increase in the crime rate, especially knock-down-and-drag-out crime Post-Civil war Crime rate change magnitude momentously for 15 years. 1880-WWI Reported crimes decreased. veritable(a) decline until the Depression (about 1930) when another crime wave was recorded. 1930 1960 Crime range increased gradually. The homicide rate decimal pointed around 1930. 1970s The homicide rate sharply increased. Trends in Officially Recorded Crime 980-1990 Sharp increase in judge of robbery, motor vehicle theft, and homicide. There was also an increase in youth firearm homicide rat es (adult homicide rates fell). Since 1990 Numbers of crime in decline. There has been a significant drop in UCR impetuous crimes, including murder, rape, robbery, and assault. The wildness rate has dropped almost 40%. Property crime rates have also declined a 10% decline in past decade. Homicide rate held relatively steady from 1950 mid-1960. Homicide rate hit a peak of 10. 2 per one C,000 in 1980. 1980-1991 Homicide rate fluctuated between 8 and 10 per 100,000. 991-2008 Homicide rate dropped more than 40% supporting the fact that the boilersuit crime rate is in remission. Trends in Victimization Similar to the UCR, NCVS data indicate that victimizations have declined significantly during the past 30 years. 1973 44 cardinal victimizations Today 23 million victimizations What the Future Holds Future crime rates may increase due to the large number of children who will enter their crime prostrate years. Future crime rates may also be offset by the aging of the population large number of senior citizens. Technological and social factors may shape the immediatelyion of the crime rate.Technological developments have resulted in new classes of crime. Some argue that the narcissistic youth culture that stresses materialism is being replaced by more moralistic cultural values that may master potential crime rate growth. It is too early to predict if the overall downward trend in crime rates will continue into the foreseeable future. Crime Patterns The Ecology of Crime Day, season and climate almost reported crimes occur during the warm summer months of July and August. exceptions Murders and robberies occur frequently in December and January.Crime rates are in spicy spirits on the first day of the month. Temperature crime rates seem to increase with rising temperatures and then beat to decline at 85 tiers when it may be too hottish for any physical defendion. Some criminologists deliberate that crime rates rise with temperature. Research also ind icates that a rising temperature will cause crimes such as domestic violence to continually increase, while other crimes (such as rape) will decline afterward temperatures rise to an extremely high level. uttermost(prenominal) temperatures cause stress and tension that prompts the body to release stress hormones.Hormonal activity has been linked to aggression. Regional differences Large, urban areas have the highest violence rates. Rural areas have the lowest per capita crime rates with the exception of low population reparation areas with large seasonal populations. Use of Firearms Firearms are involved in about 20% of robberies, 10% of assaults, and over 5% of rapes. Two-thirds of all murders involve firearms most are hand flatulences. Criminals of all races/ethnicities are equally in all probability to use firearms in violent crimes. Ongoing debate over gun controlCriminologists favoring gun control The proliferation of handguns and the high rate of lethal violence they cause is the single most significant factor separating the US crime problem from that of the rest of the developed world. Criminologists opposed to gun control Kleck and Gertz have found that personal gun use can be a deterrent to crime. Social Class, socioeconomic Conditions and Crime Crime is generally a lower-class phenomenon. Instrumental crimes occur when those on the lowest rung of the social ladder are uneffective to obtain desired goods and services via conventional means and may compensate to illegal activities to obtain them.Expressive crimes Those living in poverty engage in disproportional amounts of crimes as a result of their rage, frustration, and anger against society. intoxicant and drug use is common in impoverished areas and helps to fuel violent crime. UCR data indicate crime rates in inner-city, high-poverty areas are higher than those in suburban or wealthy areas. Surveys of prisoners consistently indicate prisoners were members of the lower class and unemployed or under-employed in the years prior to incarceration. As alternative explanation is that the relationship between official crime nd social class is a function of law enforcement practices. Social class and Self-reports Juveniles in all social classes commit crime. Serious crime is more prevalent in socially disorganized lower class areas. Less serious offenses are spread more evenly throughout the social structure. Community-level indicators of poverty and disorder are associated with the most serious violent crimes. Age and Crime Age is inversely related to criminality. Younger people commit more crime than older people and this relationship has been stable over time. The peak age for property crimes is look atd to be 16.The peak age for violent crime is confided to be 18. Young people are arrested at a disproportional rate to their numbers in the population. Adults age 45 and older account for a third of the population but account for less than 10% of crime arrests. The elder ly comprise 12 % of the population but less than 1% of arrests. Aging out of crime People commit less crime as they age. Crime peaks in adolescence and then declines rapidly thereafter. Adults develop the ability to grasp gratification, start wanting to take responsibility for their behavior, and obligate to conventional norms.Research People who maintain successful marriages are more promising to desist from antisocial behavior than those whose marriages fail. Age and biology Some criminologists believe the key to abstaining and aging out is linked to human biology. Neurotransmitters (serotonin and dopamine) play a role in aggression. Dopamine facilitates offensive behavior. During adolescence, dopamine increases while serotonin is reduced. Change in brain chemistry parallels the aging out process. gender and Crime Male crime rates are much higher than womanish crime rates. The male- womanish arrest ratio is almost four males to one female.Murder arrests Eight males to one fem ale Self-report data (Monitoring the Future data as an example) indicate males self-report more crime but not to the degree suggested by official data. Over the past decade the male arrest rates have declined by 9% female arrest rates have increased by 9%. subjoind female arrest rates especially for robbery and burglary Conclusion During the slowing of the overall crime rates, women have increased their participation in crime. Trait differences Lombrosos masculinity hypothesis a few masculine females were responsible for the handful of crimes that women committed.These women omited typical female traits of piety, maternity, vestigial intelligence, and weakness. Such viewpoints are no longer taken seriously. Criminologists still link antisocial behavior to hormonal influences, however. Male sex hormones (androgens) account for combative male behavior. Socialization Differences Girls are socialized to be less hard-hitting than boys. Cognitive Differences Superior verbal ability may allow girls and women to talk or else than fight. Social/Political Differences Liberal feminist theory female crime rates linked to the social and economic roles of women in society.Lower female crime rates explained by womens second-class economic and social positions. feminine and male crime rates would converge as womens social roles change and became more like mens. The rapid increase in female crime rates seems to support liberal feminist theory. Race and Crime minority group members are involved in a disproportionate share of criminal activity. African Americans comprise 12% of the population, to that extent account for 38% of violent crime arrests, 30% of property crime arrests, and a disproportionate amount of Part II arrests. What do data indicate? Data may reflect true racial differences in the crime rate.Data may reflect bias in the justice process. Monitoring the Future and other self-report data find little evidence of racial disparity in crimes committed. The delinquent behavior of ominous and white teenagers are generally similar. Differences in arrest statistics may indicate a differential selection process by police. Critics charge police officers routinely use racial pen to stop African Americans and search their cars without probable cause or reasonable suspicion. It is improbable that police perceptiveness and/or bias, alone, could account for proportions of minorities arrested for violent crimes, however.Racism and inconsistency Some criminologists view black crime as a function of socialization in society the black family torn apart and black culture destroyed beyond recovery. Racism is still an element of day-after-day life in the black community. It undermines office in the justice system and faith in social and political institutions. racial menace theory As the pctage of African Americans in the population increases, so does the amount of social control that the justice system aims at blacks. Significant research exi sts to support that the justice system may be racially biased.Black and Hispanic adults are less promising than whites to receive bail in violent crime cases. Minority youthfuls are more likely than white juveniles to be kept in detention pending trial in juvenile court. Indigent or unemployed African Americans are more likely than whites to receive longer prison sentences. Economic and social disparity Racial and ethnic minorities are often forced to live in high crime areas. Racial and ethnic minorities face a greater degree of social isolation and economic deprivation than the white majority. Black youths are forced to attend essentially segregated, under-funded, and deteriorated schools.Family dissolution Family dissolution is tied to low employment rates among black males, leading to strained marriages. Increased take a chance of early death by disease and violence results in a large number of single, female-headed households in black communities. Weakened or disrupt famil ies result in compromised social control. Divorce and separation rates are significantly associated with homicide rates in black communities. Chronic Offenders/Criminal Careers A small group of career or chronic offenders account for the majority of all criminal offenses.Wolfgang, Figlio, and Sellins 1972 study, Delinquency in a Birth age bracket The Chronic 6% boys arrested five times or more, who accounted for six percent of the total sample of 9,945 accounted for 51. 9% of all the offenses committed by the cohort, 71% of homicides, 73% of rapes, 82% of robberies, and 69% of aggravated assaults. Arrests and court experiences do little to deter the chronic offender. Female chronic offenders rare 1% What Causes Chronicity? proto(prenominal) onset Children who have been utterd to a variety of personal and social problems, at an early age, are the most at risk to borrow offending.Factors characterizing the chronic offender problems in the base of operations and school getting a rrested originally age 15 low intellectual development and parental drug involvement. Implications of the Chronic Offender Concept Discovery of the chronic offender has ameliorate criminological theory. It is unlikely that social conditions alone can cause chronic offending. Traditional criminological theories have failed to distinguish between occasional and chronic offenders. The chronic offender has become a central focus of crime control policy.Goals of sentencing polices have shifted from rehabilitation to incapacitation. trinity strikes laws rules for take on offenders that require long sentences without parole for conviction of a third or higher-order felony. Some states like California and Washington state have passed three strikes laws for repeat offenders. Three felony offenses require up to a life-term of imprisonment. Truth-in-Sentencing is the requirement that offenders serve a unquestionable portion of their sentences before release on parole (usually 85% of thei r sentence) for a violent crime. This policy can increase imprisonment costs.DISCUSSION TOPICS Would you answer candidly if participating in a national crime survey communicate about your criminal behavior, including your drinking and drug use? Why or why not? How would your honesty and dishonesty impact self-report studies? With regard to gender differences in the crime rate, why do you think that males are more violent than females? Considering the crimes listed as Part I offenses. Are these the most serious crimes in society? Would you add or delete any crimes or behaviors to/from the list? If so, which crimes and why? Chapter 3 Victims and VictimizationThe Classical School of criminology emphasizes that people are lucid beings and are free to choose the behaviors they engage in. Victimization theories suggest the same thing in that victims choose to engage in speculative activities or choose not to take the time to make themselves less appealing to offenders. Victimology is the scientific study of victims. Victimizations Toll on Society NCVS 23 million victimizations per year cost of victimization discredited property pain and damage involvement of criminal justice system medical costs, lost wages reduced quality of life, fearTotal damage related to criminal victimization $450 billion annually $1,800 per person Individual Costs Assault $9,400 The average murder costs about $3 million. Individuals suffering a violent victimization during adolescence earn about $82,000 less than non-victims due to physical and psychological problems that impede educational and economic success. Some victims become physically disabled. Blaming the victim Innuendos and insinuations from friends, family. Victim blaming is especially painful for rape victims. blackball reactions from professionals. Negative reactions from family and friends.Negative reactions from either source reinforces uncertainty about whether the victims experience qualifies as rape. Sympathetic and responsive support help rape victims maintain confidence and results in willingness to report their victimizations. Long-Term Stress Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) A condition with symptoms including depression, anxiety, and self-destructive behavior. It is a common problem when victims do not receive adequate support. Rape victims are busyly susceptible to PTSD. teenage Stress Kids who experience traumatic sexual experiences later suffer psychological deficits.Many run away to escape their environment. Others suffer post-traumatic mental problems. Stress does not end in childhood may have low self-conceit and may be suicidal as adults. They may be re-abused as adults. Abuse as a child may lead to despair, depression, and baglessness as adults. Homeless women are likely to have suffered childhood physical and sexual abuse, adult sexual assault, and likely to have a history of mental problems. Relationship Stress Victims of spouse abuse suffer an extremely high prevalence of psychological problems. Abusive spouses are likely to abuse their victims psychologically.Fear Victims fear they will be re-victimized. Victims may fear forms of crimes they have not yet experienced. People who have been assaulted fear their homes will be burglarized. Rape victims are especially fearful. People may relocate if they hear that a friend or neighbor has been victimized. Fear is intensifyd by media accounts of crime and violence. Antisocial Behavior People who are crime victims may be more likely to commit crime themselves. The abuse-crime phenomenon is referred to as the cycle of violence. The Nature of Victimization The Social Ecology of VictimizationLocation Violent crime is more likely to take place in an open, public area during daytime or early evening. clock Serious violent crimes (rape, aggravated assault) after 600 p. m. Less serious violent crimes (unarmed robberies) during the daytime Neighborhood characteristics Central city higher rates of theft and violence than suburban areas Murder significantly higher risk in disorganized inner-city areas Crime in schools During, before, and after-school activities, adult direction is minimal. Unattended valuables make piquant markers. Ages 12-18 1. 7 million victims of nonfatal crimes at school.Eight percent of students in ninth to twelfth grades reported being endanger or injured. Twenty-two percent of ninth to twelfth graders report illegal drugs were made available to them on school property. Eighty-six percent of public schools report at least one violent crime occurred at their school. The Victims Household Household photo Most unsafe African American, western, and urban homes Less vulnerable Non-African American, Northeast Ownership rental homes more so than owned homes Factors impacting decreased household victimization creation movement from urban to suburban and rural family size has been reduced.Victim Characteristics Gender Except for rape and sexual assault, males are m ore likely to be victims of violent crime. Women are significantly more likely to be victimized by someone they know or with whom they live. Intimate partner violence seems to be declining. Research indicates that economic inequality is significantly related to female victimization rates. Age Young people face a much greater victimization risk than older people. Victimization risk diminishes rapidly after age 25. Elderly vulnerable to frauds, scams, stolen checks, purse snatchings, crimes in long-term care facilities. Social statusAcross all gender, age, and racial groups, the poorest are the most likely to be victimized. The homeless suffer high rates of assault. The wealthy are more likely to be targets of personal theft crimes. Race and ethnicity African Americans are twice as likely as non-African-Americans to be victims of violent crimes. There has been a significant decline in victimization rates for both(prenominal) groups, however. Marital status Never-married individuals are victimized more those married individuals. Widows and widowers have the lowest victimization risk. Risk is influenced by age and life-style. Repeat victimizationPersons and households previously victimized have significantly higher risk of revictimization. shoot for vulnerability Victims physical weakness or psychological distress makes them easy targets. shoot for gratifiability Victims have some quality, possession, skill or attribute an offender wants to obtain. Target antagonism Victims characteristics arouse anger, jealousy, or destructive impulses in potential offenders The Victims and Their Criminals Males are more likely to be violently victimized by a stranger females by a friend, acquaintance, or intimate. Crimes tend to be intraracial.Over half(prenominal) of all nonfatal personal crimes are committed by people known to the victim. Women are especially vulnerable to crime by people they know. Six of every ten rape or sexual assault victims state the offender was known to them. Women are more likely than men to be robbed by a friend/acquaintance. Theories of Victimization Victim rashness theory the view that victims may initiate, either actively or passively, the showdown that leads to their victimization. consummationive precipitation occurs when victims act provocatively, use threats or fighting words, or even attack first.Passive precipitation occurs when victims exhibit some personal characteristic than unknowingly threatens or encourages attackers. Victim impulsivity male and female victims score high on impulsivity tests. They may be abrasive, obnoxious, or antagonistic they may lack self-control they may have a physical rather than mental orientation they may be risk takers and fail to take precautions. Research shows a strong association between victimization risk and self-generated personality. Lifestyle theories views on how people become crime victims because of lifestyles that increase their film to criminal offender s.Victimization is increased by associating with young men, going out at night, living in urban areas. Victimization is reduced by staying home at night, staying out of public areas, living in rural areas. Crime is not a random occurrence rather, a function of the victims lifestyle. gamy risk lifestyles Drinking, taking drugs, running away, getting involved in crime. Males lifestyles expose them to risk more so than females lifestyles. The greater the number of girls in a males peer group, the lower their chances of victimization.The greater the involvement with gangs, guns, and drugs, the greater the risk of being shot/killed. Most at risk of homicide kids who have served time and who have a history of family violence. Lifestyle risks continue into adulthood. College lifestyle Partying and recreational drug use increase risk of victimization. Coeds face higher risk of sexual assault than do females in the general population. Criminal lifestyle sake in gangs increases risk of vic timization for males and females. Carrying a weapon males who carry weapons are three times more likely to be victimized than males who do not (33% versus 10%).Deviant place theory the view that victimization is generally a function of where people live. The greater the exposure to dangerous places, the more likely people will become victims of crime. People are prone to victimization because they reside in socially disorganized high-crime areas. Neighborhood crime levels may be more significant than individual characteristics or lifestyle for determining victimization. Deviant places Poor, densely populated, exceedingly transient neighborhoods in which mercantile and residential properties exist side-by-side.They are home to demoralized kinds of people who are easy targets addicts, homeless, elderly poor. Safety precautions Effect of safety precautions is less articulate in poor areas. The presence of numerous motivated offenders requires safety precautions. act sourivities Theory the view that victimization results from the interaction of three everyday factors the approachability of sufficient targets, the absence of capable guardians, and the presence of motivated offenders. Suitable targets objects of crime (persons or property) that are attractive and readily available.Crime and everyday life Crime began to increase as the country sifted from rural to urban environments. The middle class fled from inner cities to suburbs, promoting a unique set of routine activities promoting victimization. Research support for Routine Activities Theory Crime rates increased between 1960 and 1980 because the number of guardians home during the day decreased as a result of increased female participation in the workforce. As adult unemployment rates increase, the juvenile homicide arrest rates decrease. Availability and cost of goods as costs decline, so to do burglary rates.Caring for the Victim President Ronald Reagan created the Task Force of Victims of Cri me in 1982. Suggested a balance be achieved between recognizing victims rights and the defendants due process rights. As a result, Congress passed the Omnibus Victim and Witness Protection Act Victim impact statements at sentencing in national criminal cases great protection for witnesses More stringent bail laws Use of restitution in criminal cases 1984 Comprehensive Crime Control Act and Victims of Crime Act Authorized federal funding for state victim compensation and help projectsVictim Service Programs Victim-witness assistance programs 2,000 across the U. S. Victim Compensation Victims receive compensation from the state. Compensations programs differ. Many programs lack adequate funding and organization. Compensation for medical bills, loss of wages and future earnings, counseling, burial expenses, emergency assistance. Awards typically range from $100 to $15,000 Victim of Crime Act (1984) money derived from penalties and fines imposed on federal offenders used to fund st ate compensation boards. $300 million per year. Victim AdvocatesCounselors who guide victims through the criminal justice process Research rape survivors assigned victim advocates are more likely to file police reports, less likely to be treated negatively by police, report less distress from medical experiences. Court advocates prepare victims and witnesses re the court process. May provide counselors and transportation to and from court. May reduce victim trauma. Victim Impact statements Allowed by most jurisdictions Victim tells of victimization experiences and effects at sentencing. Research Some research shows victim impact statements result in higher incarceration ates, while other research does not show an appreciable effect. Victim-Offender Reconciliation Programs (VORPs) Mediated face-to-face encounters between victims and their attackers Over 120 programs handling 16,000 cases per year Designed for misdemeanor offenses, now also used with felony offenses Victims Rights Ev ery state has a Victims Bill of Rights To be notified of proceedings and the status of the defendant To be present at criminal justice proceedings To make a statement at sentencing To receive restitution from a convicted offender To be consulted before a case is dismissed or plea agreement entered To a speedy trialTo keep the victims contact information confidential Sex offender registration laws have been adopted at federal level and by most states. Criminology in the News avocation a felony assault conviction, Chris browned was sentenced to 5 years probation and 180 long time of community service. He is serving his community service near his home in Richmond, VA, and he has done yard work at a police horse stable, washed government cars, picked up trash, and cleaned graffiti. Additionally, brownish must undergo a year of domestic violence counseling. By November 25, 2010, Brown had completed 581 hours of community service.In January 2011, Brown completed mandated domestic vio lence counseling. In March 2011, Brown picked up a chair and smashed a window in a dressing room at the dear Morning America studio in Manhattan following an interview in which he is asked about his assault conviction. The studio did not press charges. During his childhood, Browns stepfather was apparently, black towards his mother. At age 11, Brown warned his mother that he would very likely go to jail before age 15 for killing his stepdad over what hed done to her I just want you to know that I fill in you. exactlyIm gonna take a baseball bat one day while you at work, and Im gonna kill him. His stepfather, who lived with Brown and his mother in a trailer park, also once assay suicide by shooting himself in the head. The bullet missed his brain but went straight through his eyes, leaving him permanently blind. Brown recalled what it was like to grow up with so much violence When youre blind, your senses are heightened, like your smell, hearing, your sense of touch. You can mo ve and maneuver around your sight. But he used to hit my mom.He made me terrified all the time, terrified like I had to pee on myself. I return one night he made her nose bleed. I was insistent and thinking,Im just gonna go crazy on him one day I hate him to this day. Rihannas Upbringing Rihannas childhood was marred by her fathers struggles with addictions to alcohol and crack cocaine and her parents marital problemsthey divorced when she was 14 years old. DISCUSSION TOPICS Do you agree with the authors assessment that a school is one of the most dangerous locations in the community? Do you think your high school was a dangerous environment?Why or why not? What would you advise female college students do to lower their risk of being sexually assaulted? How does your advice relate to the college lifestyle? How should male college students be advised regarding their potential for committing sexual assault? Why is it that society places more blame on females than males when it com es to sexual assault and the college lifestyle? How can this imbalance be remedied? Chapter 4 Choice Theory Because They Want To The criminal justice system in the U. S. is based on the rational choice theory and deterrence.The criminal justice system emphasizes that criminals choose to commit crime, and thus they must be punished. This will then deter them from committing crime again. Since certainty and swiftness are undoable in the U. S. , the U. S. criminal justice system emphasizes ruggedness. However, as the chapter notes, severity is but one of the three elements of deterrence and some argue that it is the weakest. Rational Choice Theory (Choice Theory) the premise that crime is a function of a decision-making process in which the potential offender weighs the probable costs and benefits of an illegal act.Its grow are in the determinate school of criminology developed by Cesare Beccaria. The immaculate approach was replaced by positivist criminology that focused on inte rnal and external factors rather than personal choice and decision making. In the late 1960s, criminologists re-embraced classical ideas. Becker argued that except for a few mentally ill people, criminals behave in rational ways when deciding to commit crime. Wilson noted that offenders value the fervidness and thrill of crime, have a low stake in conformity, and are willing to take greater risks than the average person.Evaluating the Risks of Crime Personal factors money, revenge, thrills Situational factors target availability, security measures, police presence Burglars choose targets based on value, novelty, resale potential. The decision to commit crime is enhanced by the promise of easy gain with low risk. Those that choose to forgo crime may feel that they stand a good chance of being caught and punished. They fear the consequences of punishment they risk losing the respect of peers, their reputation may be damaged, and they may experience misdeed or shame. Crime is Both Offense and Offender-SpecificOffense-specific the idea that offenders react selectively to the characteristics of particular crimes. Offense-specific factors include Evaluating the target yield Probability of security devices jurisprudence patrol effectiveness Availability of a getaway car sculptural relief of selling stolen merchandise Presence of occupants Presence of neighbors Presence of guard dogs come off routes Entry points and exits Offender-specific the idea that offenders evaluate their skills, motives, needs, and fears before deciding to commit crime. Offender-specific factors include Possession of necessary skills Immediate need for money or valuablesExistence of real financial alternatives Resources to commit the crime Fear of expected apprehension and punishment Option of alternative criminal acts Physical ability Offenders Economic bring/Opportunity A small number of prostitutes choose to supplement their income via prostitution. do drugs users report increasin g their criminal involvement proportionate to the costs of their habits. Some offenders are misled about the financial rewards of crime. Evaluating personal traits and experience Career criminals learn limitations of their expertise. Criminals appear to be more impulsive and have less self-control.Some criminal opportunities are simply too good to pass up. Criminal expertise Criminals report learning techniques to help avoid detection. Women are drawn into dealings drugs learn the trade in a earnest manner. Choosing the place of crime Criminals guardedly choose where they will commit crime. drug dealers evaluate the sex appeal of sales area, preferring the middle of a long block due to visual advantages. Choosing targets Burglars check if dwelling is occupied. Burglars track predictable behavior patterns of occupants. Burglars prefer working between 900 and 1100 a. m. nd in the afternoon when parents are working or transporting children to and from school. Is Crime Rational? T arget selection seems highly rational. Auto thieves selective in choice of targets for stripping. Burglars choose targets based on value and resale potential. Burglars like to work close to home where they blend in and will not get lost when returning home with their loot. Is Drug Use Rational? At its onset, drug use is controlled by rational decision making. Drug dealers approach their profession in a businesslike fashion. Can Violence Be Rational? Violent criminals select suitable targets based on vulnerability.Robbers choose targets in familiar areas where they have companionship of escape routes referred to as awareness space. That avoid free-standing buildings where they can be skirt by police. They shy away from victims who may be armed and potentially dangerous. Robbers may target those with dirty hands, such as drug dealers. They may choose targets in order to send a message. Why Do People Commit Crime? Edgework Crime is a more attractive alternative than law-abiding be havior. This is due to the adrenaline rush that comes from the exhilarating, momentary desegregation of danger, risk, and skill. The Seduction of CrimeKatz There are immediate benefits to criminality and seductions precede the armorial bearing of crime and draw offenders into law violations. Vanquishing opponents The thrill of getting away with crime due to personal competence sneaky thrills A criminal lifestyle may be beneficial to those experiencing stress. Antisocial behavior gives adolescents the prospect to exert control over their lives. Controlling Crime Situational crime foreseeion a method of crime legal community that seeks to eliminate or reduce particular crimes in narrow settings. Criminal activity can be reduced if planners are aware of the characteristics of sites and ituations that are at risk of crime. Criminals acts avoided if Targets are guardedly guarded. The means to commit crime are controlled. Potential offenders are carefully monitored. Reducing oppor tunity. Defensible space the principle that crime can be prevented or displaced by modifying the physical environment to reduce the opportunity individuals have to commit crime. Oscar Newmans defensible space crime can be prevented or displaced via the use of residential designs that reduce criminal opportunity. Crime Prevention Strategies Increase the effort needed to commit crime Unbreakable glass on storefrontsLocking gates, fencing yards Installing brighter lights Owners photo on credit cards warrantor devices on cars Increase the risk of committing crime Crime discouragers people who serve as guardians of property or people Reduce the rewards of crime stain property so it is difficult to sell Gender-neutral phone listings Tracking systems catch guilt increase shame Publishing John lists Reduce pique Earlier closing times for bars and pubs Anti-bullying programs in schools Remove excuses electronic roadside speed displays The Costs and Benefits of Situational Crime Preven tionHidden Benefits Diffusion an effect that occurs when efforts to prevent one crime unintentionally prevent another. Discouragement an effect that occurs when crime control efforts targeting a particular locale help reduce crime in surrounding areas and populations. Hidden Costs Displacement an effect that occurs when crime control efforts simply move or redirect offenders to less heavy guarded alternative targets. Extinction an effect that occurs when crime reduction programs produce a short-term positive effect, but benefits dissipate as criminals limit to new conditions.Replacement an effect that occurs when criminals try new offenses they had previously avoided because situational crime prevention programs neutralized their crime of choice. General deterrence a crime control policy that depends on the fear of criminal penalties, convincing the potential offender that the pains associated with crime outweigh its benefits. Crime can be controlled via increasing the real or perceived threat of criminal punishment. inference of Punishment If the certainty of arrest, conviction, and sanctioning increases, crime rates should decline.Crime will persist if offenders believe that, if caught, they have a good chance of escaping punishment. Research indicates a direct relationship between crime rates and the certainty of punishment. Police and evidence of Punishment Increasing the number of police officers on the street should cut the crime rate. The deterrent effect of police has been supported by research. Proactive, strong-growing law enforcement is more effective than routine patrol. Severity of Punishment The threat of severe punishment should reduced the crime rate. There is little consensus regarding the severity of punishment, however. Speed of Punishment and DeterrenceThe faster punishment is applied and the more closely punishment is linked to the crime, the more likely it will serve as a deterrent. Deterrent effect neutralized if there is a si gnificant time lag between apprehension and punishment. Elapsed time between conviction and execution over ten years in umteen death penalty cases. Inter-relationship of severity, certainty, and speed the factors may influence one another. Certainty of punishment seems to have a great impact than its severity or speed. Critique of General Deterrence Rationality Some offenders suffer from personality disorders that impair judgment.Elevated emotional state of sex offenders negates the deterrent effect of the law. Alcohol impedes a persons ability to think rationally. System effectiveness American legal system is not very effective only 10% of all serious crimes result in apprehension. Many crimes go unreported. Police discretion impacts effect of deterrence. Odds of receiving a prison sentence is less than 20 per 1,000 crimes committed. Deterrability Deterrence impacts people differently. Threat of formal sanctions is irrelevant to high-risk offenders. spirit and mental disorders m ake people immune to deterrent power of the law.Some crimes are more deterrable than others minor offenses easier to deter serious crimes harder to deter. Specific deterrence the view that criminal sanctions should be so powerful that offenders will never repeat their criminal acts (recidivism). There is no clear-cut evidence that punishment in effect deters criminals. One possible exception is domestic violence. Short-term effect when police take formal action (arrest), offenders are less likely to recidivate. long-term effect effect of arrest quickly decays and may actually escalate the frequency of repeat domestic violence.Arrest and punishment seems to have little effect on chronic and experienced offenders. Two-thirds of all convicted offenders are rearrested within three years of their release from prison. Incarceration may slow or delay recidivism in the short-term but the overall probability of re-arrest is not reduced. The harshest punishments may increase crime. Punishm ent may result in defiance rather than deterrence. Stigma of harsh punishment locks offenders into a criminal career. Criminals may believe that the likelihood of getting caught twice for the same type of crime is remote.Experiencing the harshest punishments may cause severe psychological problems. In neighborhoods where everyone has a criminal record, the effect of punishment erodes and offenders feel victimized. Incapacitation effect the view that if more criminals are sent to prison during their prime crime years, it will reduce their lifetime opportunity to commit crime. Can Incapacitation Reduce Crime? Some experts find incapacitation reduces crime. Crime rate has dropped while prison population has risen. Economist Levitt concludes that each person behind bars results in a 15% decrease in serious crimes per year.Some experts argue against incapacitation. They feel that there is little evidence that incapacitating criminals will deter them from future criminality. Their addit ional views Prison experiences expose first-time offenders to high-ri
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