Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Effects of Consuming Ethanol on Body Temperature Research Paper
Effects of Consuming Ethanol on Body Temperature - Research Paper Example The methodology to be used is controlled experimentation on animals such as rats where they will be subjected to a small amount of ethanol and tests conducted to determine the changes in body temperature. The discussion over the results and the effects of ethanol from the experiment will come up followed by the final results and the conclusion. The effects of Ethanol on Body temperature Introduction Ethanol is a psychoactive drug that has been used as a recreational drug for a very long time in the history of man. It is a volatile and flammable colorless liquid that is the basic component of spirits and alcoholic drinks that people consume. Ethanol causes intoxication when consumed and is commonly referred to as alcohol, pure alcohol, spirit or drinking alcohol. Its scientific formula is CH3CH2OH, usually abbreviated as C2H3OH or simply C2H6O (Ligon, 2001). Apart from being used as a recreational drug, ethanol is also used as a solvent in thermometers as well as being used as fuel. I t is also used for medical purposes as an antiseptic and as treatment for poisoning from other types of alcohol (Ligon, 2001). Consumption of ethanol has a wide range of effects on the human body. Ethanol I s regarded as a depressant of the Central Nervous System and has a wide range of side effects on the individual consuming alcohol (Ligon, 2001). Some of the effects are short term while others are long term effects. Once the alcohol is in the body, it can easily diffuse to almost all biological tissues because the cell membranes are highly permeable to ethanol (Grant, and Macdonald, 2005). Alcohol is also highly addictive. This essay will seek to study the effect that alcohol or ethanol has on body temperature, following its use in rescue missions by the St. Bernard’s dogs in cold mountains. Methods To investigate the effect of ethanol on body temperature, it is important to conduct experiments in order to scientifically understand the consequences of alcohol a good experi ment can be conducted using animals such as rats. First fix thermistors in the colons of the rats to determine their body temperature once they are stabilized. Use about 2.0 grams per kilogram or 4.0 grams per kilogram of ethanol for the experiment. Give the animals a constant dosage of 20% ethanol concentration. The concentration can also be determined by comparing it to the weight of the animals. Expose the animals to different temperatures both below and above the room temperature that was used for the experiment. Discussion When of ethanol is consumed, about 20% of it goes in to the stomach, while the other 80% is usually absorbed in the small intestines (Chastain, 2006). The alcohol first has an illusory effect on the body where one thinks that their body is warm immediately after consuming alcohol. This is because the flow of blood in the body creates some warmth on the skin and on the nerve endings. The sensory nerves then convey messages of warmth to the brain. Alcohol produ ces dilatation or relaxation of blood vessels that ramify through an individual’s skin. The dilation occurs as a result of the alcohol causing slight paralysis of the nerves that control the size of blood vessels (Grant, and Macdonald, 2005). This makes the blood vessels to distend a little bit. As a result of this, the body temperature goes down. As a result, more blood will reach the body surface thus radiating or conducting more heat away. Results After the experiment, it was discovered that alcohol acts like any
Monday, October 28, 2019
Castration Essay Example for Free
Castration Essay Sexual assault and child molestation are a constant emergent problem in the United States today, the bigger issue is the fact that the pedophiles are being released from prison early due to overcrowding of the prison system. One such famous pedophile is David Wayne Jones, who was convicted of several different charges involving child molestation against more than 40 boys. Mr. Jones, who served only 15 years due toa plea agreement for those charges, underwent voluntary physical castration in lieu of hemical castration (Schmalleger, 2009). He was previously on medicine that was for chemical castration, or testosterone blocking medicine. This opens up the discussion for castration and if it is a viable option for sexual predators. Castration is best described as removing the reproductive organs of an individual to prevent virility Oennett Blakemore, 2012). While in the past castration was only in the physical for, in todays society there are two types of castration, chemical and physical. Both hysical castration and chemical castration have the prospective to decrease the recidivism rates of sex offenders by lowering testosterone hormone levels, weaken sexual impulses, and making erotic urges more manageable if the sexual urges are encouraged by amplified testosterone hormone levels. Chemical castration is intended to be less invasive and a temporary fix, while physical castration is permanent. In relation to sexual predators, some see castration as an easy answer to an appalling and intricate problem. Given that the current penitentiary systems does not seem to be successfully functioning to decrease the rates of recidivism. It is even failing to be a deterrent to future sexual offenders. As with castration is supposed to lower the different hormones that are needed to become aroused, it is not always 100 percent. I believe that there are some cases where the Judge should have the option of surgical or chemical castration. I strongly believe that surgical and chemical castration should not be an option for first time offenders. If the Judge sentenced castration on a first time offender, how would that give the offender possibilities of rehabilitation. The statics show that majority of all sex offenders was once a victim of the same crime. While this does not mean let the offender get away with a crime because of their history, it basically means give the offender a chance to go through therapy. Also, I believe that all first time sex offenders should be mandated to take a psychiatric evaluation. This evaluation would distinguish a mental illness from a sick ndividual. As for second time offenders, I believe this should most definitely be an option for a Judge. After the first offense and having the resources of rehabilitation, the offender should have learned a lesson. Obviously, if it is a second offense, that shows the offender may not be able to control themselves or not care about the harm he is doing to others or the consequences of his actions. If the second time offender is sentenced to castration, I believe this offender should be eligible for early parole or early release. For the third time offenders, I believe there should be Justice served for this individual. A third time sex offender should be mandated to chemical and surgical castration when at their sentencing hearing. An offender who commits the Instead using castration as a method to release sex offenders because of the problem of overcrowding of the prison system; castration should be used as a punishment. If the prison system wants to reduce any offenders sentence due to overcrowding, it should be those offenders that have committed a non-sexual abuse offense.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Essay --
Francisco was the illegitimate son of Gonzalo Pizarro Rodrà guez de Aguilar, an Extremaduran nobleman who had fought with distinction in wars in Italy. There is some confusion as to Francisco's date of birth: it is listed as early as 1471 or as late as 1478. As a young man, he lived with his mother (a maid in the Pizarro household) and tended animals in the fields. As a bastard, Pizarro could expect little in the way of inheritance and decided to become a soldier. It is likely that he followed in his father's footsteps to the battlefields of Italy for a time before hearing of the riches of the Americas. He first went to the New World in 1502 as part of a colonization expedition led by Nicolà ¡s de Ovando. San Sebastià ¡n de Uraba and the Darià ©n In 1508, Pizarro joined the Alonso de Hojeda expedition to the mainland. They fought the natives and created a settlement called San Sebastià ¡n de Urabà ¡. Beset by angry natives and low on supplies, Hojeda set out for Santo Domingo in early 1510 for reinforcements and supplies. When Hojeda did not return after fifty days, Pizarro set out with the surviving settlers to return to Santo Domingo. Along the way, they joined an expedition to settle the Darià ©n region: Pizarro served as second-in-command to Vasco Nuà ±ez de Balboa. First South American Expeditions In Panama, Pizarro established a partnership with fellow conquistador Diego de Almagro. News of Hernà ¡n Cortà ©s' audacious (and lucrative) conquest of the Aztec Empire fueled the burning desire for gold among all of the Spanish in the New World, including Pizarro and Almagro. They made two expeditions in 1524-1526 along the western coast of South America: harsh conditions and native attacks drove them back both times. On the second trip they vis... ... 1532, Atahualpa agreed to meet with the Spanish: the Spanish treacherously attacked the Inca, capturing him and murdering thousands of his soldiers and followers. A King's Ransom Pizarro and Atahualpa soon made a deal: Atahualpa would go free if he could pay a ransom. The Inca selected a large hut in Cajamarca and offered to fill it half full with golden objects, and then fill the room twice with silver objects. The Spanish quickly agreed. Soon the treasures of the Inca Empire began flooding into Cajamarca. The people were restless, but none of Atahualpa's generals dared attack the intruders. Hearing rumors that the Inca generals were planning an attack, the Spanish executed Atahualpa on July 26, 1533. Read more: Francisco Pizarro Biography (Explorer/Conquistador) |
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Rousseau Essay -- Psychology
Rousseau starts his discourse with the quote, â€Å"What is natural has to be investigated not in beings that are depraved, but in those that are good according to nature†(Aristotle. Politics. II). It is this idea that Rousseau uses to define his second discourse. Rousseau begins his story of human nature by â€Å"setting aside all the facts†(132). The facts of the natural state of humanity are not necessary to determine the natural essence of human nature, and adding facts based on man’s condition in society does not show man’s natural condition. The facts don’t matter because to understand the essence of human nature requires looking to how man is in a completely natural state. Since man is no longer in this state, to determine this state means ignoring how man is now and focusing on man’s traits in a state completely different than the one man is in now. This is what Rousseau tries to do in creating his imagined state of nature. For Rous seau, the story of the state of nature is not meant to be used as a critique of human nature but as a way to discover the essence of human nature. Rousseau starts his discourse by sets aside all the facts to understand the natural state of man untainted by the traits of man in society. He states â€Å"the inquiries that may be pursued regarding this subject ought not be taken for historical truths, but only for hypothetical and conditional reasonings; better suited to elucidate the nature of things than to show their genuine origin†(132). The subject is the genuine nature of man. To discover this nature the facts cannot help because they do not look to the nature of man in his original state but to the man of now. Facts of the past help more in the discovery in the man of now than the beginning of man. Rou... ...ot lose all purpose even though may not be true. In creating a state of nature where man is naturally good, Rousseau forces the reader question his/her beliefs and Rousseau’s ideas. Rousseau’s argument for the freedom of society is creates doubt making it relevant. By creating a scenario where man is naturally good, he created a platform for the argument for the freedom of man in society. But, he does not necessarily persuade the reader man is good. He needs not persuade the reader in truth. He needs only to create doubt in the minds of the readers so that the individual may question the need for society. In this purpose, Rousseau accomplishes his task. He created a natural world in which the natural man is good leaving the societal man to question his role in society. Is equality necessary? Is authority necessary? These are the questions the reader must answer.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Indian Textile Industry
Indian Textile IndustryStructure, Problems and Solutions Subject: Term Paper of Organization Management Under Guidance of Dr. Vinayshil Gautam Written By Jaimeen Rana Entry# 2012SMF6890 1 INDEX a) Introduction 3 b) History 3 c) Structure of Indian Textile Industry 3 d) Communication and Effectiveness 4 e) Problems faced by Textile Industry in India 5 f) Steps taken by government till now 7 g) Strategies for growth 8 h) Conclusion 9 i) References 10 2 a) Introduction Indian Textile and Apparel Industry is second largest manufacturer in the world with an estimated export value of US$ 34 billion and domestic consumption of US$ 57 billion.It stands at number two position in generating huge employment for both educated and uneducated labor in India. Over 350 lakh people are employed in this industry in India. 14% of total industrial production is done by this sector. 4% of India’s GDP is obtained by this sector. It contributes 17% to the India’s total export earnings. Top co mpanies in Textile industry in India: Bombay Dyeing Fabindia JCT Limited Welspun India ltd Lakshmi Mills Mysore Silk Factory Arvind Mills Raymonds Reliance Textiles Grasim Industries ) History India’s textile industry evolved and developed at a very early stage and its manufacturing technology was one of the best ones. India’s manually operated textile machines were among the best in the world, and served as a model for production of the first textile machines in newly industrialized countries like England. Marco Polo’s records show that Indian textiles used to be exported to many Asian countries. Textiles have also comprised a significant portion of the Portuguese trade with India.These included embroidered bedspreads, wall hangings and quits of embroidered wild silk on a cotton or jute ground. A big success of Indian textile industry led to the foundation of the London East India Company in 1600, followed by Dutch and French companies. By 1670, there was serio us demand for their governments to ban the import of these cottons from India. The legacy of the Indian textile industry stemmed from its wealth in natural resources cotton, jute and silk. The technology used was superior and the skills of the weavers gave the finished product a most beautiful and ethnic look. ) Structure of Indian Textile Industry The structure of this industry is very complex with the modern, automated and highly mechanized mill sector on one side and hand spinning and hand weaving (handloom sector) on the other side. The small scale power loom sector, which is decentralized, lies in between of the two. 3 Indian Textile Industry is divided into major 3 segments: 1) Cotton Textiles 2) Synthetic Textiles 3) Others (wool, jute, silk etc) Till today cotton textiles are on top with 73% share in total Indian textiles.Coexistence of old technologies of hand working (spinning, weaving, and knitting) with the advanced automatic spindles and loom makes the structure of cott on textile industry very complex. Indian textile industry consists of small scale, non integrated spinning, weaving, knitting, fabric finishing and clothing enterprises, which is not the case in other countries. This unique structure is because of government policies that have promoted labor intensive small scale operations and discriminated against big scale organizations. d) Communication and effectiveness:The study regarding this was conducted within city of Coimbatore, which is considered â€Å"Manchester of South India†. Six textile organizations (3 small and 3 large) were selected within the city. The objective of the study was to examine the difference between small and large organizations in terms of structure, communication and effectiveness. The difference based on structure, communication and effectiveness between large and small organizations show that the two organizations differ significantly with respect to all dimensions except participation in decision making .Large organizations are more centralized, formalized and employees experience highly routine tasks. With regard to communication pattern, small organizations have more open communication while in large organizations communication is more accurate. With regard to effectiveness, large organizations are more effective with regard to all dimensions except job involvement and job performance which are better in small organizations. The effect of structure and communication variables on organizational commitment, job satisfaction, organizational performance and adaptability are more pronounced in large organizations while moderate in small ones.Participation in decision making process has a strong positive effect on job satisfaction, commitment, organization performance and moderate positive effect on job performance. Task routineness and formalization have low positive effect on job involvement and performance in large firms. In small organizations, centralization has a moderate negativ e effect on job satisfaction. Centralization has a low negative, task routineness has a low positive and formalization has a moderate negative effect on group processes.The effect of communication openness is pronounced on job satisfaction and performance. The negative effect of communication accuracy is high on job involvement and group processes and moderate on organizational performance. 4 e) Problems faced by Textile Industry in India (1) Shortage of raw materials: Raw material determines 35 per cent of the total production cost. The country is short of cotton, particularly long- staple cotton which is imported from Pakistan, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, Egypt, Tanzania, U. S. A. and Peru.It is pity that despite largest area under cotton (26 per cent of the world acreage) the country accounts for only 9 percent of the world output of cotton. Fluctuating prices and uncertainties in the availability of raw material cause low production. (2) Obsolete machinery: In India most of the cotton textile mills are working with old and obsolete machinery. According to one estimate in India over 60 per cent of the spindles are more than 25 years old. The automatic looms account for only 18 per cent of the total number of looms in the country against the world average of 62 per cent and 100 per cent in the United States.Obsolete machinery leads to low output and poor quality of goods as a result of which Indian textile goods are not able to face competition in the international market. (3) Power shortage-Textile mills are facing acute shortage of power. Supplies of coal are difficult to obtain and frequent cuts in electricity and load shedding affect the industry badly. This leads to loss of man hours, low production and loss in the mills. (4) Low productivity of labour: Low productivity is another major problem of cotton textile industry. On an verage an Indian factory worker only handles 380 spindles and 2 looms as compared to 1,500-2,000 spindles and 30 looms in Japan. If t he productivity of an American worker is taken as 100, the corresponding figure for U. K. is 51 and for India only 13. Also industrial relations are not very good in the country. Strikes, layoffs, retrenchments are the common features of many cotton mills in the country. (5) Competition in foreign market: The Indian cotton textile goods are facing stiff competition in foreign markets from Taiwan, South Korea and Japan whose goods are cheaper and better in quality.It is really paradoxical that in a country where wages are low and cotton is internally available, production costs should be so high. While certain traditional buyers of Indian textile goods like Myanmar, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, Aden etc. are facing severe balance of trade problem some European countries like France, Germany, U. K. and Austria etc. have imposed quota limitations over the Indian textile imports. Acute world recession has badly affected the export prospects. (6) Competition from the decentralized sec tor: An important factor for the rowing sickness of the mill sector is the growth of the decentralized sector. Being a small-scale sector, the Government allowed excise concessions and other privileges. These accompanied with low wages have led to low cost of production in the decentralized sector. 5 As a result of which the share of mill sector is decreasing, while the share of decentralized sector is increasing. So much so that the share of mill sector in the production of cotton fabrics has gone down from 7. 9 per cent in 1994-95 (cf. power looms 69% and handlooms 21. 6%) to 4. 4per cent in 1999-2000 (cf. ower looms 76. 3% and handlooms 19. 3%). (7) Government controls and heavy excise duties: the cotton textile industry has greatly suffered due to wrong and faulty policies of the Government. In the past the Government has sought control of price, distribution of yarn, pattern of production, etc. At one time the price of the cloth was fixed by the Government below the cost of pro duction. Similarly under the yarn distribution scheme of 1972, the Government made it obligatory on all mills to supply 50 per cent of the production of yarn to the decentralized sector at reduced rates.The high import duty on imported cotton, upward revision of the price of the indigenous cotton and heavy excise duty on cotton cloths are other detrimental factors. Another problem of the mill sector is related to the production of controlled cloths wherein mills are incurring huge loss. (8) Sick mills-In India about 130 cotton mills are sick and incurring constant losses. The Government has set up the National Textile Corporation (NTC) to run these sick mills. Although the government has invested huge money to rehabilitate and modernize these mills, but these mills are yet to become profitable.The NTC is facing dual problems of the obsolete machine, y and excess labour in these mills. According to a working group of the Planning Commission the industry needs Rs. 180. 55 crores for r ehabilitation and Rs. 630 crores for the modernization of sick mills. The cotton textile industry of the country is thus facing both short-term and longterm problems. Former includes problems of high prices, shortage of raw materials, liquidity problems due to poor sales and accumulation of huge stocks due to poor demand in the market.The long term problems of the industry include the slow pace of modernization, outdated technology resulting into low productivity, high cost of production, low profitability and increasing sickness of mills. Other small problems are inadequate training facilities in textile sector, fragmented garment industry, structural weaknesses in weaving and processing, rigid labor laws, infrastructural bottlenecks in terms of power, utility, road transport etc 6 f) Steps taken by government till nowThe Government has undertaken a series of progressive measures like introduction of Technology Mission on Cotton (TMC), Technology Up gradation (sp) fund Scheme (TUFS ), Scheme for Integrated Textile Park (SITP), reduction in customs duty on import of state-of-the-art machinery, Debt Restructuring Scheme, setting up of Apparel Training and Design Centers (ATDCs), 100% Foreign Direct Investment in the textile sector under automatic route, setting up of National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) etc, for upgrading and strengthening the textile sector in India.From time to time, in consultation with all stakeholders, Government modifies these schemes so as to achieve better results through improved delivery of programs/schemes. These progressive measures have helped the textile sector to achieve improved growth in production; enhanced productivity and a larger share of textile export market in the world. (1) Technology Upgrading Fund Scheme To facilitate technological upgrading in the sector, the Government launched TUFS with effect from 1 April 1999 for five years initially, and which is extended up to 2011/12.The scheme provides for reimburse ment of 5 per cent interest paid on term loans for technological upgrading of textile machinery. In this way, the Government has assisted the Indian textile companies by ensuring that they are not over-burdened by the high interest rate prevailing in the country. (2) Integrated textile parks scheme In order to a world-class infrastructure for textile units as well as facilitate the need for them to meet international social and environmental standards, this scheme envisages the creation of textile parks in the public-private partnership mode.Currently, 30 parks are in various stages of implementation, and 50 more are planned for the next five years. (3) Fiscal rationalization In the 2006 budget, the excise duty on all manmade fibers and yarns was reduced from 16 per cent to 8 per cent. The 2007 budget carried it forward by reducing the customs duty on polyester fibers and yarns from 10 per cent to 7. 5 per cent. The customs duty on polyester raw materials such as DMT, PTA and MEG we re also reduced from 10 per cent to 7. 5 per cent. These measures are expected to make manmade fibers and yarn cheaper and thus increase the competitiveness of fabric and apparel manufacturers. 4) Technology Mission on Cotton In February 2000, the Government launched the Technology Mission on Cotton with the objective of addressing the issues of raising productivity, improving quality and reduction of contamination in cotton. Indeed, cotton 7 production in the past three years has increased substantially and contamination has been reduced, as assessed by independent agencies. (5) Other steps taken to increase competitiveness Earlier, only small-scale manufacturers were allowed to make woven RMG, knitted and hosiery products.While the initial aim was to boost employment opportunities and promote entrepreneurship at the smaller enterprise levels, in practice it rendered the small manufacturers uncompetitive globally. By 2003/04, the sector had been totally freed. In addition, FDI up t o 100 per cent through the automatic route has now been allowed. So that textile industry will have higher amount of foreign investment. And new technology machinery can be used in India by foreign players which can cause local players also to use the new technology. g) Strategies for growth 1) Improving labour laws: One of the main requirements for growth in the apparel subsector is the relaxation/amendment of the labour laws, to ensure an equal chance of success for the country’s exporters and manufacturers in the present global environment. Outdated labour laws have induced inflexibility in the clothing industry, leading both to fragmented operations in order to circumvent these laws and to lost export orders due to industry’s hesitation over expanding when there is an upsurge. Most of the countries competing with India have labour laws that are more flexible.For example, the Chinese apparel industry has highly flexible labour laws that allow for lay-offs during the non-peak season, hiring of contract labour, and a flexible hiring and firing system in SEZ-based units. The Mexican apparel industry allows layoffs during the slack business season. The industry in India is proposing the provision of flexibility to textile exporting units in hiring labour, subject to ensuring 100 days employment to cater to variations in demand. An increase in daily working hours from 9 hours a day to 12 hours a day, and in weekly working hours from 48 hours a week to 60 hours a week, is also being proposed. 2) Decreasing transaction costs: Various studies have established that the transaction costs faced by the Indian industry are very high, which adversely affects its competitiveness. A study undertaken by the EXIM Bank of India clearly showed that although transaction costs in India had declined because of declining procedural complexities, they were still substantially higher if compared with competitors. Transaction costs vary from sector to sector, and are ve ry high in the textiles and garment subsector, ranging from 3 per cent to 10 per cent of export revenue in 2002. These costs, inter alia, are shown in table 2. 3) Improving the general infrastructural conditions: This improvement includes roads, transportation etc. , so that the costs of reaching the nearest port as well as turnaround time at the port are globally comparable, to ensure that Indian exporters are not placed at a disadvantage vis-a-vis global competitors. 8 h) Conclusion Indian textile industry is a huge source of employment for both skilled and unskilled labor of India so it is very important industry as per economic perspective. This industry faces many problems some of which have been overcome thanks to government policies. But, still some problems are yet to be solved.Different strategies have to be implemented for that purpose. Large sections of the textile value-chain still need to be fully modernized, while the export sector has yet to take full advantage of its existing production strength. There are many areas around the world and many product lines where India is very weakly represented. Thus, while the private sector will need to continue its heavy investment in this industry during the next several years, building on the recent positive trends, India also needs to integrate more fully into the global textile and apparel value chain in order to reap the full benefits from its strengths.Only a coordinated effort by all – the Government, industry and individual units – can enable India to achieve its apparently high and stretched targets of the 12th FiveYear Plan. 9 i) References 1) Sharma Milan, â€Å"Textile Industry of India and Pakistan†, A. P. H. Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, 2006 2) Research paper: Organizational structure, communication and effectiveness in Textile industry (January, 2000) Authors: T Chandramohan Reddy and S Gayathri Journal: Indian Journal of Industrial Relations http://www. jstor. org/s table/27767666 ) Article: Indian Textile Industry by Dr. P Chellasamy and N Sumathi http://www. fibre2fashion. com/industry-article/market-research-industry-reports/indian-textileindustry/indian-textile-industry1. asp 4) Article: Indian textile and clothing sector poised for a leap by J. N. Singh http://www. unescap. org/tid/publication/tipub2500_pt1chap6. pdf 5) Article: Indian Textile and apparel sector : An analysis of aspects related to domestic supply and Demand by Badri Narayan G http://www. unescap. org/tid/publication/tipub2500_pt1chap5. pdf 10
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Christianity in To Kill a Mockingbird
Christianity in To Kill a Mockingbird To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee displays many acts of generosity and understanding, but most importantly, the novel sends out a positive notion towards Christianity. The fact that Atticus, a white man, is defending a Negro in a racially segregated community brings a sense of equality for all races to Lee's novel. This idea is a foundation on which many Christian parishes build their beliefs. The most important belief of a Christian is that God creates all humans equally and instructs them to accept each other with warmth and kindness. Because of Lee's exemplification of this belief, the novel is very deserving of its award given by the 1961 Brotherhood Award of the National Conference of Christians and Jews.One of the cardinal rules in Christianity is to love others as thy brother or sister. Atticus definitely shows his Christian views of equality and justice as well as his psychological stability when he decides to take the case of Tom Robinson.Gods and sodasNot only is Atticus able to cope with the unreasonable, highly emotional views of the white society around him, but is also able to deal with the Negro population of Maycomb both honestly and justly.Atticus causes great controversy between himself and practically the entire society of Maycomb. Women begin to talk of his unethical ways and the preposterous idea of him defending and believing the word of a Negro against the word of Bob Ewell, a man of his own race. All of this conversing of a man who is going against the grain eventually leads to the unlocking of the prejudice and racial minds of the citizens of Maycomb. Some begin to think of Atticus' gesture as a baby step towards racial equality not only in Maycomb, but perhaps the whole southern part of the...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Paradoxes in Politics a Book in Review essays
Paradoxes in Politics a Book in Review essays The book, which was chosen for this review, is Paradoxes in Politics written by Steven J. Brams. The book Paradox and Politics is an introduction to the nonobvious in political science. When speaking about the book Paradoxes in Politics, John A. Ferejohn, an associate professor of political science at the California Institute of Technology said, ... a first-rate piece of work... And insightful introduction to a mathematical reasoning in politics... the book reads well, is provocative and constitutes a convincing case for the use of mathematical models and thinking about a wide range of political issues. Published by The Free Press, a division of the Macmillan Publishing Co. in New York City. The book was first copyrighted in 1976. Steven J. Brams also known for his other 15 books including Game Theory and Politics. Dr. Brams is also the publisher of over one hundred other papers on the subject of politics the first of which was published in 1966. Steven J. Brams was born in Concord New Hampshire in 1940. Steven received his bachelor's degree in Politics Economics and Science in 1962 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, after which he received his Ph.D. in Political Science 1966 at Northwestern. Dr. Brams now resides with his wife and two children in New York City N.Y. where he teaches at the New York University in the Department of politics. Paradox and Politics is divided into eight chapters the first being the Paradox of Second Best, followed by Paradox of Voting, Election Paradoxes, Paradox of Cooperation, Paradox of Inducement, the Alabama Paradox, Three Paradoxes of Power and concluding with a Paradox of Prediction. These eight chapters examine several significant problems in political science whose commonly accepted answers are often contradicted by a more careful investigation. The Author relates paradoxes to actual cases and data, from voting in committees to arms races in interna...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Pros and Cons of Telecommuting
Pros and Cons of Telecommuting Pros and Cons of Telecommuting Pros and Cons of Telecommuting By Colin Telecommute (verb): to work from home, communicating with a central workplace using equipment such as telephones, fax machines, and modems. Telecommute; the word sounds as though it opposes the freedom that a freelance writing life should bring, and is therefore in no way desirable. But in an age when technology and e-commerce is being embraced by so many organisations, the word ‘telecommute’ has come to represent the key to a door of opportunity for freelance writers, more than any other word in the English dictionary before it. But like anything else in this world that sounds good, how much of that should be taken with a pinch of salt? Everything has a cost, so let’s take a look at the pros and cons, from a freelance writer’s perspective, of telecommuting. Pros Anywhere, Anytime Look at the word closely, and immediately you will begin to see what it has going for it. Tele – commute: the ability to â€Å"commute†anywhere in the world, without actually leaving the comfort of your own home. In other words, the world truly is your oyster. Being able to work for any company, anywhere in the world, opens up opportunities for freelance writers that were never dreamt of prior to the birth of the Internet. Effectively, it means that there are no longer any barriers to who can work for whom, and thanks to e-mail, communication between the employer and the employee is faster than it has ever been. Telecommuting cuts out the need for work permits, and gives employers a much wider scope to choose from, as they are no longer restricted geographically over whom they hire. Skill and talent alone, can once again be a major factor. Travel and the Environment Not owning a car – for whatever reason is no longer a barrier to being able to earn money. As a telecommuter, the only thing you need to get started is a PC, an Internet connection, a desk, a chair, and the motivation. If you are a believer in environmental causes, then telecommuting can allow you to earn while doing your bit for the environment. Global warming is a benefactor of telecommuting! Determine Your Own Schedule Freelance writing already allows you to determine your own working schedule. In the world of telecommuting, there is no such thing as 9 to 5. If you have a young family this can be of huge benefit, in that you can organise work around child care requirements, and shopping trips to purchase necessities. It’s also a huge benefit when dealing with companies on the other side of the world. For example, if a freelance writer in the U.K. gets contracted to a company in California, the time difference is negated because he can keep in touch through email. Cons Alienation Telecommuting means working from home can be as flexible as the freelance writer desires, but it also means the more jobs he gets from overseas, the more he can feel alienated on a much grander scale. We all know that writing is a solitary business, but when you are telecommuting on a global scale, the feeling that your home office is a small place to work is magnified to a much greater extent. It is therefore vital for all telecommuters to make sure they get plenty of vacation time and contact with the outside world. Sanity is a treasured commodity. Communication Dealing with clients in a telecommuting situation, also puts the freelance writer at risk of severe frustration if they are required to work with other writers on a project, especially if they are also spread around the world. Having no face to face contact with your client or team can often make the freelance writer feel vulnerable, because without the personal aspect, one mistake could be enough to see you dropped at the click of a button. Being on the other side of the planet to your client also means that although email is generally fast and reliable, there is always the scope that emails may be misinterpreted. For example, while you could read your brief in the wrong way and submit the wrong article, it also means your client may take something you say in entirely the wrong way, and end up being offended. Neither scenario is good if a long-term working relationship is at stake. Exchange Rates A freelance writer telecommuting for an overseas company that pays in a currency weaker than their home country, can be prone to feeling that money is being lost. For example, a freelance writer in the U.K. who earns $200 USD for a commissioned article, will receive around  £100 at the current exchange rate. It is therefore important to ensure you feel you are being paid fairly for the work you are required to submit. Technology Telecommuting means there is a heavy reliance placed on technology for all manners of things. These can range from merely keeping in touch with a client, to making submissions, look for work, and accepting payment. Suffer a PC crash or lose your interconnection, and you may as well be sitting on a raft in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It is therefore vital that every telecommuter serious about their business, takes all precautions necessary to keep their PC and peripherals fully protected. The most vital things to remember are to have sufficient anti-virus protection software, good malware and adware scanning and removal software, a suitable firewall installation, and to take regular backups of all your data and software. It might also be a good measure to ensure your PC is regularly maintained, especially the hard drive, and that you never forget to pay your ISP bills. The decision to work in a telecommuting capacity can open doors to the most varied and exciting work a freelance writer can possibly imagine. Try it out; if you don’t like it, it costs nothing to stop – possibly the final pro of telecommuting. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Computer Terms You Should KnowThat vs. Which50 Tips on How to Write Good
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The American Dream Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
The American Dream - Essay Example Thereby, if one accesses the viability of achieving the American Dream in the current times, it seems pragmatic to assert that the American Dream does not seem as much of an achievable option today. A range of social, political and economic facts corroborate to this belief. There is no doubt that the people in America do enjoy a better quality of life as compared to many other nations. It would also be safe to say that the poor in America today are better off as compared to the past. However, it is also a reality that economic class in America is something that is getting more rigid and difficult to transcend. The gap between the rich and the poor in America is further augmenting and the poor are not poor because they are less hard working or less willing to work. Class mobility has become an aspect of the American life that has really ossified (Kamolnick 114). The other things is that though the confidence and trust of the people in their nation’s innate capacity and fertility has traditionally been subservient to the imminent economic circumstances, still it is worth mentioning that the current economic meltdown has indeed shaken the people’s faith in the American dream. This is not because the people have lost faith in the values and beliefs underlying the American society. It is because people have largely come to believe that the rich and the powerful do have the power to get away with anything (Alpasian & Mitroff 143). They have the power to bring the national economy down on its knees, and the irony is that they will not be penalized for it but will rather be rescued by commensurate economic bailouts and privileges (Alpasian & Mitroff 157). One scarcely finds the trust and belief in many of the contemporary Americans that one traces in the works of Anne Bradstreet, a belief in the possibility for individual growth and t he maturity of personal talent, irrespective of the imminent constraints and shortcomings. It appears
Friday, October 18, 2019
Classification of Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Classification of Accounting - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that the first category of accounting is financial accounting. The main purpose of this type of accounting is to get an insight into financial matters using financial statements. It involves some core activities related to financial information, which are recording, reordering, and summarizing of the events that have occurred within in a given period. The second category of accounting is cost accounting. Cost accounting deals with analysis of different types of business costs using formulas, approaches, and processes. Cost accounting helps managers identify business costs, as well as expenses required to run business processes using current strategy. Some of the main approaches to do cost accounting include lean accounting, throughput accounting, and activity-based costing.This study highlights that the third category of accounting is management accounting. It deals with the management of the results from both other types of accounting. It is mainly concer ned with the use of financial statements and cost analysis in taking business decisions. Some examples of financial information that managers use in management accounting include current ration, net profit, and equipment depreciation. The three types of accounting include financial accounting, cost accounting, and management accounting. Financial accounting deals with the preparation of financial statements. Cost accounting deals with the analysis of business costs using a suitable cost accounting approach. Management accounting is mainly concerned with the use of financial and non-financial information in taking business decisions.
Walmart's Purchasing Strategy Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Walmart's Purchasing Strategy - Coursework Example The purpose is to keep the manufacturing company’s running. In addition, Walmart, supplies stores from their own warehouse and replenishes in two days on average. The pricing strategy is a method adopted by an organization to position a product. It usually depends on the average costs, customers’ perceived value of the competing product (Marburger, 2012). Walmart offers goods at low prices and it is widely known for this. The slogan â€Å"everyday low prices†has helped the company make major decisions, including the use of technology, distribution, and marketing. The company’s mission is to offer the lowest price and to keep cutting costs to offer the lowest price than its competitors. The company’s aim has always been to price the products at lowest so that they can maintain their customers as well as to have more customers purchase from them. Walmart creates a perception strategy that the prices of its products are lower, thus making customers continue shopping at Walmart. They place a very low priced fast moving item at a strategic spot in each store section. This makes the customers have the perception that since the staring item is at a lower price, and then all other items have low prices. Additionally, Walmart has focused on small towns that face neglection by competitors by introducing the everyday low price concept to grab their potential. The concept promised the customers of a wide variety of goods, branded and unbranded, at low prices. Walmart provides goods that are 15% cheaper compared to its competitors and as a result, it gained loyalty to the rural customers. This helps Walmart generate more profit due to its large volumes. This has been a key contributor to the company’s growth in many years. Moreover, the company checks the receipts of customers who have shopped elsewhere. If they find that an ind ividual paid too much for the goods in
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Vatican council 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Vatican council 2 - Essay Example O’Malley himself supports the third interpretation and holds that Vatican II marks a great change in the history of the Church. In O’Malley’s opinion, the Council has ushered in decrees â€Å"that marked a real departure from previous Catholic practice.†These include the license to engage in joint prayer with Protestants and attend services in Protestant churches. The Decree on Religious Liberty also put an end to the earlier â€Å"ideal that Catholicism should be established as the official religion of every nation, even the United States.†O’Malley contends that the radical aspect of Vatican Council II is its changing emphasis on the style of the Church. This emphasis is seen in the â€Å"striking shift in language†in the documents of the Council. Departing from the abrupt, authoritarian tone of earlier Councils, Vatican Council II adopts an â€Å"invitational style†which attempts to foster dialogue, respect for conscience, freedom of speech and a spirit of participation. The new â€Å"invitational†style of Vatican II is seen in: the emphasis on partnership and collaboration in relations among church hierarchy and with the laity; the emphasis on the main pastoral ministry being service; openness to change and development; a conciliatory attitude towards all faiths; and the active participation of the entire congregation in the liturgy. O’Malley’s article attempts to support the author’s contention that the Vatican Council II ushers in transformation in the style of the Church. The five points O’Malley cites in order to support his stand are very credible as they mark a change of direction in the Church. However, O’Malley argues that even this change is grounded in the past tradition of the Church. The â€Å"partnership and collaboration†(O’Malley, 2003) which the Council recommends in the relationship of the Church hierarchy is in line with the traditional understanding of the ‘Mystery of the
How Do We Know What We Know Quiz Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
How Do We Know What We Know Quiz - Essay Example It helps in expounding cultural, economic and political life of different societies. When one explore different areas, the experience acquired living among different people provide concrete information than the written sources in the media. The media provides insight information on activities and way of living in different communities. The media briefly outline what is one expect when were live among these communities. These social realities supplement the information we have, what we think we know and having common sense, we can derive the fact about the social, economic and spiritual life of any given society on earth. Amueshas, also called Yaneshas is an ethnic group in the Peruvian Amazonian forest. According to the media sources, Amueshas is a small group that is almost 2.9% of the registered indigenous inhabitant of the Amazonia of Peru (, 2015). The media sources state that Amueshas communities are located high altitude borders of River Picis, Cacazu, and Yurinaqui. Amueshas are dominant in Yaneshas communities. Their language group is Arahuaco. The westerns arrived in this region in the 16th century as missionaries and meet this group. The western intermingled with them and established a stable co-existence with this group. Western attempted to colonize these communities by consolidating them in towns and possessing their properties. Amueshas grouped itself and formed trade union that help to regain lost possessions’. The invasion of the white resulted in the change of life habits of Amueshas. They were hunting for obtain a daily meal, but this have changed. This group ha s diversified into agriculture and other forest activities as a source of income. Their tradition is one way that would help in knowing their way of life before the colonial era. The way this group has preserved it language would personal experience on customs. Expert authorities have always considered the minority groups in the Amazon forest as hunters. The
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Vatican council 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Vatican council 2 - Essay Example O’Malley himself supports the third interpretation and holds that Vatican II marks a great change in the history of the Church. In O’Malley’s opinion, the Council has ushered in decrees â€Å"that marked a real departure from previous Catholic practice.†These include the license to engage in joint prayer with Protestants and attend services in Protestant churches. The Decree on Religious Liberty also put an end to the earlier â€Å"ideal that Catholicism should be established as the official religion of every nation, even the United States.†O’Malley contends that the radical aspect of Vatican Council II is its changing emphasis on the style of the Church. This emphasis is seen in the â€Å"striking shift in language†in the documents of the Council. Departing from the abrupt, authoritarian tone of earlier Councils, Vatican Council II adopts an â€Å"invitational style†which attempts to foster dialogue, respect for conscience, freedom of speech and a spirit of participation. The new â€Å"invitational†style of Vatican II is seen in: the emphasis on partnership and collaboration in relations among church hierarchy and with the laity; the emphasis on the main pastoral ministry being service; openness to change and development; a conciliatory attitude towards all faiths; and the active participation of the entire congregation in the liturgy. O’Malley’s article attempts to support the author’s contention that the Vatican Council II ushers in transformation in the style of the Church. The five points O’Malley cites in order to support his stand are very credible as they mark a change of direction in the Church. However, O’Malley argues that even this change is grounded in the past tradition of the Church. The â€Å"partnership and collaboration†(O’Malley, 2003) which the Council recommends in the relationship of the Church hierarchy is in line with the traditional understanding of the ‘Mystery of the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Theorem of Pythagoras in Mathematics Math Problem
Theorem of Pythagoras in Mathematics - Math Problem Example When I talk about the diagonal of the square, or the nine-point circle, or the Euler line, I am not talking about the often rather sketchy and highly imperfect drawing on the blackboard, but about something which underlies all particular exemplifications of squares and diagonals, nine-point circles, or Euler lines, and is independent of each of them" 2. The very fact that we use the definite article, and talk of the square, the nine-point circle, etc., bears witness to this; and by the same token, it would be absurd to ask where the square was, or to ask when the nine-point center came to be on the Euler line, or to suggest that Pythagoras' theorem might hold for you but not for me. So Plato's answer to the question "What is mathematics about" is that it is about something timeless, spaceless and objective 3. Among the five postulates which Euclid wanted us to grant the fifth one is "If a straight line falling on two straight lines makes the interior angles on the same side less than two right angles, the two straight lines, if produced indefinitely, meet on that side on which are the angles less than two right angles. ... aight lines makes the interior angles on the same side less than two right angles, the two straight lines, if produced indefinitely, meet on that side on which are the angles less than two right angles. "These were generally taken to express self-evident truths. This is somewhat surprising, in that the first three are not really propositions at all, but instructions expressed in the infinitive, and the last too complex to be self-evident no finite man can see it to be true, because no finite man can see indefinitely far to make sure that the two lines actually do meet in every case. Many other formulations of the fifth postulate have been offered, both in the ancient and in the modern world, in the hope of their being more self-evidently true"4 . Among them the most notable was "In a right-angled triangle, the square on the hypotenuse equals the sum of the squares on the other two sides" 5. Fig 1.1 6 The alternative formulations of the fifth postulate of the theorem are less cumbersome and may be more acceptable than Euclid's own version, but none of them are so self-evident that they cannot be questioned. The importance of Pythagoras proposed theorem can be seen from the fact that Pythagoras' theorem is far from being obviously true, something that should be granted without more ado, it does not need any further justifications. "In fact, none of the other alternative formulations was felt to be completely obvious, and they all seemed in need of some kind of further justification. The philosophers Wallis and Saccheri in search of a better justification, devoted years to trying to prove the fifth postulate by a reductio ad absurdum, assuming it to be false and trying to derive a contradiction. The attempt failed, but in the course of it he unwittingly discovered
Toy World, Inc. Case Analysis Essay Example for Free
Toy World, Inc. Case Analysis Essay Executive Summary Toy World, Inc. is a company that has been manufacturing toys for children since 1973. Since 1976, the company has enjoyed profitable operations. At the end of 1993, revenue and profit came close to $8 million and $270 thousand respectively. With Jack McClintock as president and Dan Hoffman as production manager, the two have tried to find a strategy to adjust operations to the volatility of the toy market. Sales in the toy market are seasonal, reaching peaks in the months of August through December, while remaining relatively flat during the remaining months of the year. This seasonality has affected the company’s production schedule. During the off season, inventory is low, skilled workers are underutilized, and machinery is left idle. When the busy season finally arrives, Toy World is forced to hire more workers, pay additional overtime wages, and operate at full capacity. Dan Hoffman sees inefficiencies in this schedule and proposes a level production plan that would eliminate overtime wages and fully utilize skilled workers. Under his plan, toys would be manufactured evenly every month, allowing inventory levels to build in the months leading up to the holidays. In addition to using cash, the company must also take on additional loans to compensate for the high inventory levels. In an industry that has relatively low capital requirements, Hoffman’s strategy may increase overall profitability, but it jeopardizes the company’s liquidity. 1. What factors could Mr. McClintock consider in deciding whether or not to adopt the level production plan? The main factors Mr. McClintock should consider when deciding whether or not to adopt the level production plan comes down to the trade off between liquidity and profitability. Given the highly seasonal nature of the industry, producing goods ahead of time has strong risks associated with it. If management’s projections are incorrect, the company could incur significant inventory write-downs or write offs. Additionally, the company will incur extra costs of storing the inventory that will accumulate in the first half of the year. Further, Mr. McClintock should analyze the differences in amount and timing of the company’s external funding needs under the level production plan, and whether or not the financing needs can be met by the current credit line of $2 million. To assess the impact of these factors, we prepared pro forma financial statements under level production. 2. What savings would be involved? The savings involved in leveling production include reductions in overtime premiums as well as a decrease in additional labor costs. Expenses involved in this production overhaul include increased shipping and handling expenses and an increase in interest expenses. Both of these expenses are a result of having increased inventory levels. Total savings less total expenses from the new production strategy results in positive net savings of $148,000. See Exhibit E. 3. Prepare the pro forma financial statements and estimate the external funding needs required. Income Statement In preparing monthly statements under the level production plan, several adjustments were made to management’s original projections (Exhibit A). Given the annual savings in overtime premiums as well as direct labor, cost of goods sold under level production would be reduced from a constant 70 percent of sales to 65.1 percent of sales. However, this is slightly offset by the annual increase in storage and handling costs, which is accounted for in operating expenses. To determine the interest income, we multiplied the average monthly cash balance by the 4 percent annualized return provided by management. Income taxes remained at 34 percent, arriving at a total net income of $661 for 1994. Balance Sheet The most significant adjustments made to the balance sheet were under inventory, accrued taxes, and notes payable. As is depicted in Exhibit B, we prepared schedules for both accrued taxes as well as inventory. Management provided a specific tax payment schedule, which was subtracted from each month’s income taxes to arrive at ending accrued taxes. As for inventory, beginning inventory plus finished goods completed less cost of goods sold determined each month’s ending inventory. Under level production, the finished goods completed should be constant month over month. We determined this number by dividing the annual cost of goods sold by 12. Finally, notes payable was our plug figure. As this line item represents the company’s existing credit line, it can be further analyzed to assess the company’s amount of added funds required and the timing of the needs under level production. External Funding Needs Toy World Inc. will require large external funding in order to support inventory levels leading up to the holiday season. Toy World currently has a $2 million line of credit with the bank. In order to support the level production plan, we estimate that Toy World will need a line of credit of close to $4 million in the month of September. 4. Compare the liabilities patterns feasible under the alternative production plans. What implications do their differences have for the risk assumed by the various parties? Under the alternative production plans, the timing and amount of funding that Toy World will need to keep up with inventory projections significantly differs. For example, in June, due to the lags of the 60-day collection periods, strong funding will be needed to keep up with the level production. If management moves forward with the current seasonal production plan, they would not take on the further liabilities and maintain lower cash balances in the busy months of September to December. The most significant tradeoffs of the two scenarios are between liquidity, profitability and leverage. If the toys ended up not being as popular as they forecasted, then the various parties would take on the risk of the rising inventories. Toy world would then have to decide whether or not to hang onto the excess inventory in anticipation of increased demand, or rid themselves of inventory to increase working capital. Either way, this risk, if came to fruition, would be a lose-lose situation for if they hold onto it and demand doesn’t bounce back, then they lost some working capital, but if demand does bounce back, and they have gotten rid of the inventory, they will find themselves unable to keep up with demand. Also, the industry has relatively no barriers to entry so taking on more debt in this volatile industry to increase inventories would be risky as products have short lives and a relatively high rate of company failures. Sensitivity Analysis Given the inherent risks associated with producing toys significantly ahead of time, we decided to conduct a sensitivity analysis around this factor (Exhibit D). Specifically, we assessed the impact of writing off 10 percent of the prior month’s inventory balance. This change would be reflected as a direct reduction in inventory, as well as a corresponding increase in cost of goods sold, resulting in a 382 percent decrease in net income from seasonal production. While 10 percent of total inventory write downs is an extreme downside situation, the key take away is the importance of how accurate management’s projections are. In a level production plan, management will have to begin producing for peak sales periods early on in the year, greatly increasing the risk of inaccurate projections. Therefore, one of the most critical considerations in adopting level production is the confidence in management’s ability to accurately forecast industry trends. Conclusion Despite past profitability and success, our analysis shows that Toy World, Inc. could benefit greatly from an operational restructuring. Adjusting their business model to implement a level production plan in 1994 as opposed to past seasonal production will result in a positive impact on the company’s profitability. However, in order to implement these changes, Toy World, Inc. will need an extension on their line of credit. Further, our sensitivity analysis shows the importance of having strong confidence in management’s projection ability. If the company believes that their projections will be accurate enough to avoid significant inventory write offs, and can obtain approval for an extension in the line of credit, transitioning to a level production plan will greatly improve profitability and operational efficiency.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Overview Of Theory And Treatment Of Substance Abuse Philosophy Essay
Overview Of Theory And Treatment Of Substance Abuse Philosophy Essay This paper is an overview of the chemical use, assessment, history and treatment recommendations of Jay W. a college student dealing with failing grades and alcohol. Upon interviewing Jay, his parents, and researching various textbooks and video teachings on the theorys and treatments of substance abuse this paper will examine the spiritual, genetic, and psychosocial aspects of Jays behavior. The assessment will asses if Jay is in use, abuse, or addictive cycle, and will show if there are any co-occurring issues. This assessment of Jay W. makes a referral based on the determination of Jays current needs. This paper will give specific steps that our needed to be successful in the recovery process. CHEMICAL USE ASSESSMENT/HISTORY AND TREATMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Name: Jay W. DOB/Age: May 2, 1991 Dates of Interviews: April 20, 2011 Evaluator: Richard M. Doucett REASON FOR ASSESSMENT: Jays parents are concerned about his drinking and how it appears to be interfering with his aspirations of being a chemical engineer. Jay W. was referred for assessment after flunking out of his first year in college. SOURCES OF INFORMATION: Beths (mother) interview, Dons (father) interview, Jays interview, Doweiko, H.E. (2009). Concepts of Chemical Dependency (7th ed.) Belmont, Ca: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, May, G.G. (1991). Addiction Grace; Love and Spirituality in the Healing of Addictions. New York, NY: HarperCollins, Hawkins, R. (2009). Theology and Addiction, Clinton, T. (2009). Addiction and Recovery BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Jay W. was born May 2, 1991 to Don and Beth W. The pregnancy was reportedly normal with no complications to the labor and delivery. Jay W. met all his developmental milestones early and was described as an advanced baby. Jay reportedly excelled in school with needing very little effort to maintain a straight A report card even in the gifted and talented program. Jays parents report that Jay began drinking at the age of 12. They described the drinking as experimental initially but they state they became excessively more concerned as he got older. Jay and his parents describe his early drinking years as typical of teenage behavior. They all three began attending AA together but Jay dropped out after 3 months. Don and Beth state they are both still active in AA and Al-Anon. Jay states he stopped going because, all they talk about is war stories. CURRENT STATUS: Jay appears reluctant to treatment but agreed to come because his parents state they will not continue financing his college if he does not get help. Jay states that currently he drinks a 12 pack or more on the weekends. He qualified this by stating his friends help him drink the beer. He also does admit that his weekends sometimes start on Thursdays and dont end until Mondays. He states that he does not believe his drinking is the issue with his grades in college. He states he just gets bored in classes and his professors dont really know as much as they think they do. He states sometimes he just doesnt feel like going to class because it is dumb. Jay does admit to blackouts, drinking more than he intends to, and does seem to recognize that many of his friends have similar drinking patterns as he. INDICATIOR OF USE/ABUSE/DEPENDENCY: Attitude and Behavior of Jay W.: Jay W. uses alcohol because it makes him feel good; and because it does feel good he wants to repeat this experience. Jay states he is willing to come to counseling but does not think he has a drinking problem but he would like to figure out how to win his girlfriend back. Dr. Clinton tells us that the tragedy of addiction is that is destroys, individuals, families, and friendships (Clinton, 2009) Jay W. does not feel like he needs counseling but wants his girlfriend back, his parents arent happy with him, and he is destroying his own life by failing the classes that he needs to succeed. The basic laws of behavioral psychology hold that if something increases the individuals sense of pleasure or decreases his discomfort, then he is likely to repeat that behavior. This process is called reward process. This consequence has a stronger impact on behavior than delayed consequences (Doweiko, 2009, p.10). Thats why, since Jay found the effects of alcohol to be pleasurable, he will be tempted to use it again and again. Another meaningful fact is individual expectations as a component of alcohol use. The individuals expectations for alcohol have been found to be a strong influence on how Jay interprets the effects of alcohol. These expectations evolve in early adolescence as a result of multiple factors, such as a peer group influences and Jays exposure to advertising (Doweiko, 2009, p.10). Social Functioning of Jay W.: Human beings are social animals. A given Jays decision to use or not use alcohol is made within the social group. Alcohol use can make mild social problems worse by causing people to be more irritable and likely to argue and by affecting judgment and control of behavior. Alcohol use can also be the topic of arguments. Jay W. qualified this by stating his friends help him drink the beer. He also does admit that his weekends sometime start on Thursdays and dont end until Mondays. He does seem to recognize that many of his friends have similar drinking patterns as he. He also reports a recent break up with his girlfriend of 2 years. He states he truly loves this girl but she broke up with him because she doesnt like his friends. One of the factors that influence recreational alcohol use is the social learning component of alcohol use. Individuals do not start life expecting to abuse alcohol. Rather, Jay W. must have been taught that alcohol is acceptable; he must have recognized the effects of the alcohol and interpreted it as desirable. All of these processes are accomplished through the process of social learning, which takes place through peer groups, mass media, family feedback etc (Doweiko, 2009, p.11). Occupational Functioning of Jay W.: Jay W. is a student in a college, where he lives and spends time with his friends. Although he used to be a great student in school with needing very little effort to maintain a straight A report card even in the gifted and talented program. Jay is trying to become a chemical engineer in college, but he has already failed his first year. It seems that he has gotten in a circle of social failure and escape from feeling a looser. Alcohol and his alcohol use disorder (AUD) help him to forget about social responsibilities and attain the success among his drinking friends in Jays artificial world. He can control everything in this alcoholic world: Jay decides when he wants to get into this world of pleasure (from Thursday till Monday or on weekends). Nevertheless when he goes out from these times of illusory euphoria, he gets into new troubles such as studying. To escape from these troubles, Jay buys a new pack of beer and starts the same circle of esca pe from responsibility. This is typical of a person starting on the road to addiction. Dr. Clinton tells us in our video presentation that the key components to addiction our: control problems, compulsiveness, narrowing focus, denial, tolerance and withdrawal (Clinton, 2009). We see many of these components in the occupational functioning of Jay. Financial Aspects of Jay W.: Abuse of alcohol may make current financial problems worse and cause new ones, including: having less money for necessary expenses like food and clothing; neglecting to pay bills; and creating additional expenses, such as extra medical costs, fines, or car repairs. Jay W. reports spending an average of $75.00 a week on beer and his money doesnt always last until the end of the month. He attributes that to his parents not giving him enough money. He states they only give him $1,000 a month. The adverse impact on the financial status of the family of the alcohol abuser is one of the harms related to alcohol. There is an increasing level of expenditure by the alcohol abuser to sustain his habit. Gradually, due to the restrictions that the family income imposes, the alcoholic abuser begins to borrow money, steal and/or sell household objects in order to sustain his habit (Doweko, 2009). Familial Relationships of Jay W.: The relationship between an alcohol abuser and his family is complex. Family members report experiencing guild, shame, anger, fear, grief and isolation due to the presence of an alcohol abuser in the family. They are often subjected to moderate to severe forms of harassment, conflict and tense atmosphere when they confront the drinking behavior of their alcohol-abusing family member (Doweiko, 2009, p.300). Spouses in families where there is chronic, excessive use of alcohol are frequently separated. Children of alcohol abusing persons report a higher incidence of emotional and school-related problems. Don W., Jays father, is a neurosurgeon and his mother, Beth is a research scientist. Don was described by Beth as a functional alcoholic displaying heavy drinking patterns and binge drinking when he was not on call. She states however, Don quit drinking 3 years ago when they realized Jay had a problem. Both Beth and Don have fathers that were alcoholics . Don states he quit drinking after the DUI incident because he wanted to support Jay in stopping. They all three began attending AA together but Jay dropped out after 3 months. Dan and Beth state they are both still active in AA and Al-Anon. Other complications in the family include long absences from home, destruction of household objects in rage, lack of communication between the alcohol abuser and the remaining family members, hostility and criticism that marginalize the alcohol abuser, and domestic accidents (Doweiko, 2009, p.300-305). Legal History of Jay W.: His parents state they first began worrying about Jays drinking when he totaled his first vehicle two weeks after his 16th birthday. Jay lost his drivers license at that time and was charged with a DUI. Jay seemed to suggest his parents are over reacting because he has had several friends that have lost their license. Jay is becoming like most people dealing with addiction in the fact that he is what Dr. Clinton says destined to misunderstand the story we find ourselves in because hell loves to confuse us (Clinton, 2009), Jay is confused and misunderstanding his story by thinking his parents are over reacting and lots of people have lost their license. Health History of Jay W.: Jay W. was born May 2, 1991 to Don and Beth W. The pregnancy was reportedly normal with no complications to the labor and delivery. Jay W. met all his developmental milestones early and was described as an advanced baby. Although at this time he doesnt have any special diseases, alcohol abuse may cause short-term and long-term problems. The short-term effects of alcohol on the body include: upset stomach; diarrhea; lack of coordination and judgment; headaches; and insomnia). Abuse of alcohol can cause many different long-term problems because the whole body is affected. Some of these problems can lead to death. The long-term effects of alcohol are: heart disease; cancer; liver problems; problems of the stomach, lungs kidney, skin, muscle, and bones; infections; mental disorders; insomnia; malnutrition; and impotence and infertility in men (Doweiko, 2009, p.75-85). Spiritual History of Jay W.: When Jay entered the college he found new stresses, responsibilities, and work. He may have felt lonely; his girlfriend left him so he tried to relieve his pain. He hates feeling guilty, empty and alone. He longs to have acceptance and love; alcohol use provides a remedy that helps to forget the pain, at least for awhile. Alcoholism draws sorrow. Alcohol also provides Jay with predictable moments he can count on, an illusion of control, and the addiction masters him. The effect is always self-destructive bondage. Jay is forced to choose between his alcohol abuse and those, who love him. Although he does not want to lose those he loves, he does not want to quit drinking, even if he drinks every day. DIAGNOSTIC IMPRESSION: Jay W. seems to have alcohol abuse problem on the level heavy social use/early problem alcohol use. Between social use and clear cut problem use. People whose chemicals use falls in this point in the continuum would use chemicals in such ways as to: be clearly above the norm of society, and/or begin to experience various combinations of legal, social, financial, occupational, and personal problems associated with chemical use (Doweiko, 2009). Jay can be classified as being at risk for a substance use disorder or of becoming a problem drinker. Thus, not everybody from this category would progress to an addictive disorder. Still, at this level, Jay attempts to hide or deny the problems that develop as a result of his alcohol abuse. RECOMMENDATIONS: Jay needs new goals to become a fully functioning human. Dr. Hawkins in the video presentation Theology and Addiction list six ways out of addiction to recovery and they are; have encounter with the Heavenly Father, allow for the power of the Holy Spirit, make a commitment to a new goal, submit to a new truth, have accountability to a new family, engage in a new process (Hawkins, 2009). Dr. Hawkins firmly believes that recovery is an inside out issue requiring the Holy Spirit (Hawkins, 2009). Jay should start visiting again AA-group with his parents to start with. Jay W. does not need any hospitalization, he needs his own will. In our reading of the text Addiction and Grace the author tells us for the power of addiction to be overcome, human will must act in concert with divine will. (May, 1991, p.178) Second he needs the support of others: his family and possibly his girlfriend to be with him, and support him. Third he needs to understand his own vulnerability, desi re and anger; our textbook also told us we cannot make this empowerment happen on our own, we can pray for it, seek it actively, open our hands for it and try our best to live it (May, 1991, p.178). If Jay wants to be a success, he has to open his eyes, his current illusion of power and control is only that an illusion. In Addiction and Grace we also learned that the alignment of our will with Gods must happen at a heart level (May, 1991, p.178). Studying hard and working hark is real life, sometimes it is lonely, but real life with real results can help you understand real love. ______________________________________ _____________ Signature Date
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Petroleum Crisis Essay -- Oli Shortage
Petroleum Crisis Everyone wants appliances such as toasters, microwaves and fridges to be cheap even though they are rich, but what about the poor people or so called middle class. What will they do if the prices are too high to afford? Petroleum is something that we all need to go from place to place, anyways most of us do; four to five years ago, when I first came to Canada, the gas prices were quite low, but in the past 2-3 years, it is still increasing up to date. Prices of toasters and petroleum etc shouldn’t increase because we are getting our taxes cut and on top of that our level of price for the gas has increased, which makes our lives hard and tedious. Gases, Petrol are essential tools for the 21st century. It is something that all the people need to go from places to places because using buses gets expensive in the long run. This crisis began only because the Middle East began to charge more for their barrel. This happened because they realized that they are giving their petrol for less, when they could be making much more selling the same quantity, which is fair. They can charge whatever they want because it is their own Gasoline and they can do whatever they want with it. Canada has Alberta to help them a lot with the losses of Petroleum and charges of it because it has it’s own oilrig, from where oil is produced, and can help them by giving the oil locally so that the gas prices will not be that high. The government for some unknown reason to the public ar... Petroleum Crisis Essay -- Oli Shortage Petroleum Crisis Everyone wants appliances such as toasters, microwaves and fridges to be cheap even though they are rich, but what about the poor people or so called middle class. What will they do if the prices are too high to afford? Petroleum is something that we all need to go from place to place, anyways most of us do; four to five years ago, when I first came to Canada, the gas prices were quite low, but in the past 2-3 years, it is still increasing up to date. Prices of toasters and petroleum etc shouldn’t increase because we are getting our taxes cut and on top of that our level of price for the gas has increased, which makes our lives hard and tedious. Gases, Petrol are essential tools for the 21st century. It is something that all the people need to go from places to places because using buses gets expensive in the long run. This crisis began only because the Middle East began to charge more for their barrel. This happened because they realized that they are giving their petrol for less, when they could be making much more selling the same quantity, which is fair. They can charge whatever they want because it is their own Gasoline and they can do whatever they want with it. Canada has Alberta to help them a lot with the losses of Petroleum and charges of it because it has it’s own oilrig, from where oil is produced, and can help them by giving the oil locally so that the gas prices will not be that high. The government for some unknown reason to the public ar...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
A Different Foreigner :: essays research papers fc
A Different Foreigner      We have talked about the typical foreigner: Someone living in a country other than their own, having a different culture and different beliefs than everyone else around them. But can one be a foreigner in their own country, their own city, or their own town? If one has different beliefs than those of his/her friends and/or family, can we call that person a ‘foreigner’ if they are going through the same things that Julia Kristeva describes in her book? In today’s culture, the same aspects that apply to foreigners, such as loneliness, separation, and the need to fit in, apply to many teenagers, whether they grow up in a town they have lived in all their lives, or if they move to a foreign place.     In Strangers to Ourselves, Kristeva writes, â€Å"Who is a foreigner? The one who does not belong to the group, who is not â€Å"one of them,†the other†(Kristeva, 95). If I were to discuss beliefs with my parents, such a s political or moral beliefs, and agreed with everything my parents said, what happens when all of my friends at school believe in completely different things? To them, my beliefs would be very different, almost foreign. To them, I would be the other.      If, over time, I were to change my beliefs to mirror the beliefs of my friends, one day I would come home and realize how different I was from my family. My beliefs would be the opposite of theirs. Like many foreigners living in a country different than the one they were born in, going home would not be the same as it was when I was still the same as my family. If a typical teenager goes through the same scenario that I have described above, how different is it if a teenager becomes a foreign exchange student. One immediately thinks of the obvious†¦the teenager is, of course, in a foreign country, away from home. But, that particular teen is still trying to fit in, and is growing in ways that are changing the person that he/she used to be.      During the transition from believing what my family believes to what my friends believe in, there would be a time in which I would fit in neither world. My views would have changed enough for me to be different from my parents, but not enough for me to be the same as my friends.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Discuss The Role of Curley’s Wife In The Novel Of Mice And Men Essay
In this novel, Curley’s Wife’s main function or purpose is her representation of one type of female in that time of American history. She seems to be the sort of person who is well calculated in her actions. She likes to make herself attractive by using make-up, when she wears shoes with red â€Å"Ostrich Feathers†she doesn’t need to wear them on a dust ranch, but she does. She dreams of being a movie or â€Å"Talkie†star, she tells Lennie this, in a rare show of confidence. She is not a stereotype but I think that her character is quite predictable. In the video adaptation she seems to be friendly because of her appearance and the way in which she says words. When she doesn’t want to be noticed, her physical presence is less noticed. She is described as â€Å"brittle†this could mean that she is fragile. The word fragile is usually associated with small and easily broken things. The word â€Å"brittle†could also be describing her physical state of mind. She could seem strong but really could collapse or break down when even slightly touched, or in her case, if she is rejected or insulted. But when she talks she has a dominant charisma, which demands attention. For example, whenever she walks into a room, the men always stop talking to listen to what she has to say. This could be from fear of punishment if they do not agree with her or offend her. It could also be because of the reputation as â€Å"Jailbait†which she has, or how she has â€Å"the eye†. Because of these two abilities, she can sneak around, trying to overhear anything incriminating which she could use to blackmail someone. An example of this is when she sneaks into the stable when Lennie, Candy and Crooks are there, and she listens to them. Throughout the whole novel she does not have name of her own, which she is called by. She is only referred to as Curley’s Wife. This could suggest that she is the property of Curley. Or it could also back up the fact that she is like a ghost, because a ghost has no real identity. She could act mean, or deviously because she wants to make herself noticed more. She tells Lennie â€Å"I get awful lonely†. This suggests that she wants someone to talk to her, or whom she can talk to. She is only described by people, with sentences like â€Å"She got the eye†and â€Å"a Tart†. After reading the part of the novel when she is in the barn with Lennie, the reader is emoted to sympathise with Curley’s Wife. This could make the reader feel sorry for her, but then there would be a conflict of emotions when you realise that She has wrecked Candy’s dreams as well as passed a death sentence on Lennie. All of this could overshadow the fact that Curley’s Wife has just died. But when you her confession to Lennie, you find that this is her only recourse in her search for attention. She tries to make herself look attractive to get more attention, but she is called a â€Å"Tart†. The fact that she is like a bad luck omen could enforce her image as â€Å"Jail-bait†. She is like a jinx for anyone who she tries to become close to. She says that she could get crooks hung and she caused Curley and slim to fight. She also indirectly caused Lennie’s death. Not intentionally, but she does. This could be a way of making the reader sympathise with her case, because Candy is angry at her for dying, and he doesn’t stop to think that she is dead. Curley’s Wife is the only woman who is mentioned on the ranch, so the men could think of her as pretty or appealing because they do not come into contact with any other women. This could encourage or strengthen her attitude. She thought that she could be a movie star and could still think that. This could be another factor that encourages her self-superiority complex. But she knows that. Because, she has no name she could be owned by Curley, this could explain her actions. It could be her way of expressing her anger. She is angry because, when she signed her marriage certificate, She didn’t lose her individuality, but something worse, her identity.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
The Concept of Administration and Organization
THE CONCEPT OF ADMINISTRATION AND ORGANIZATION A: WHAT IS ADMINISTRATION First definition: â€Å"Administration can be defined as the activities of groups cooperating to accomplish common goals†. There are particular key elements of administration. Cooperative: the word cooperative is the first key element in this definition. Human activity is cooperative if it has the effects that would be absent if the cooperation did not take place. * Group Activity: Administration includes activities of more than one individual. * The term ‘cooperative’ is defined in terms of the results of the human activity.When two men together roll a stone which neither of them could roll alone they are cooperating. * Thus the essence of administration is the utilization of cooperative action for the accomplishment of common goals. * Common goal: the second key element of the above definition is the goal or purpose. * It is the common goal which encourages members to come together. Coopera tion among members is possible when they share a common goal. The idea of goal is central to the concept of administration in the sense that if there was not a goal, the members of the group would not come together and cooperate with each other. Without the formulation of an objective or goal, no one within the group would know what to do and they would not get involved in any activity. * When someone determines the objective and the group is formed, than the group members will start to think about what they can do for the accomplishment of that objective. * Second Definition: In another definition, administration is defined as â€Å"an activity or process mainly concerned with the means for carrying out prescribed ends†. * Here, again in this definition the accomplishment of a specific goal is an important element of the administration. This definition indicates that administration is mainly concerned with the means that are necessary for the accomplishment of pre-determined goals. * It seems that a new element is introduced, that is the concept of means. Means: The means are the ways by which something is done or obtained * A division of labor is necessary among the members of the group to accomplish a common goal. * There is also a need for an authority structure to control and coordinate the activities of the individuals involved. ** Division of labor and authority structure are means (among others) for carrying out prescribed ends. Cooperation and any other method is also a means used in the administration. * Any new definition of administration may introduce some other elements or concepts but in essence they would be concerned with cooperative activity in the accomplishment of desired goals. Third definition: According to Waldo, for example, â€Å"Administration is a type of cooperative human effort that has a huge degree of rationality†. * Any new definition of administration may introduce some other elements or concepts but in essence th ey would be concerned with cooperative activity in the accomplishment of desired goals.Third definition: According to Waldo, for example, â€Å"Administration is a type of cooperative human effort that has a huge degree of rationality†. * Here, ‘rational action’ is introduced as a new element of administration but still cooperation is accepted as a necessary element of administration. * In Waldo’s definition, rational action is defined as actions correctly calculated to realize the given desired goals with minimum loss to the realization of other desired goals. B: What is Organization? ) Amitai Etzioni defines organization as â€Å"social units (or human groupings) deliberately constructed and reconstructed to seek specific goals’. This definition implies that the basic elements of organizations are individuals. Thus the first key element of organization refers to the grouping of individuals. * The second element of organization is that they are in tentionally constructed for accomplishing specific objectives. * The third element is the concept of goals. Organizations are established for the accomplishment of certain goals.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Analysis of Offshoring Jobs Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Analysis of Offshoring Jobs - Research Paper Example India has become one of the dominant players in the field of offshoring; this has taken place mostly in works related to software. There are several factors that have aided the evolution of offshoring in India and its spread to other countries. The first factor includes the regulations put by the Indian government during the 1970s; these regulations allowed all foreign ventures to have ownership of majority Indians. Another factor that contributed to offshoring included the advent of the internet as well as telecommunications technology. This enabled the doing of computer-based work anywhere in the world. As a result, the phenomenon of offshoring spread to countries all over the world.Offshoring witnessed immense changes during the early years of the 1990s. The CEOs and CIOs of large corporations realized the need to reduce budgets of information technology. The significant and rapid development of web-based communication made information technology become an essential part of carryi ng out business, thus leading to the revolutionization of the corporate world. To curb the costs of maintaining processes, Chief Information Officers and Chief Executive Officers changed their strategies and began outsourcing the development and maintenance of IT systems. This set the trend for other support and administrative functions being outsourced.According to Gupta (2008), there are several jobs that are offshored all over the world; these jobs tend to be more affected by outsourcing than any other jobs.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Marketing segmentation of Chef boyardee Assignment
Marketing segmentation of Chef boyardee - Assignment Example They have a ready market. The other factor that would be considered while segmenting the market is the target clients’ lifestyle. The information on lifestyle and the demographics would help in accurately sub-dividing the market and supplying them with the appropriate brand and quality of Spaghetti Sauce, Spaghetti Meatballs, Macaroni, Lasagna, Pizza Maker or Pizza Sauce. In fact, the supply of these commodities would be purely pegged on the above factors because the company is still small and can not sufficiently serve the entire market. Each segment has its own uniqueness that need to be addressed when segmenting them. Upon identifying the diverse needs, tastes and preferences for each of the segment, high quality products would be sold to them at fairly cheaper and reasonable prices. On the other hand, in order to appeal to the company’s market segments, distributor outlets would be established in each place so as to supply them with the products in a steady and reliable manner. Even distribution would be maintained to ensure that none of the segments is discriminated
Monday, October 7, 2019
Lisbon Treaty for the Working of the European Union (EU) Essay
Lisbon Treaty for the Working of the European Union (EU) - Essay Example This growth in the number of members is primarily attributed to reasons that vary from being conducive in nature, to security issues, while some scholars have even suggested standardised or digressive reasons for the rise in the number of member states of EU (McAllister, 2010). To enhance understanding, trust, and collaboration amongst the members, various treaties have been devised from time to time related to regional policies on economy and trade, immigration policies, social policies, defence polices, and home and justice affairs. Some such treaties were Treaty of Rome (1957), Treaty of Maastricht (1992), Treaties of Nice (2001), the treaty that tried establishing a European Constitution and failed in 2004, and lastly the Treaty of Lisbon in 2007 (made effective in 2009). The 2004 and 2007 treaties created a great deal of controversies, and many experts claimed that the last two treaties were aimed primarily at creating a collaborative European superpower. However, the supporters for these treaties contended that these were aiming at making way for a larger EU in the 21st century (Church and Phinnemore, 2010). ... The critics point out the body’s lack of power within the arena of global or regional politics, and for this reason the body has been often labelled as ‘soft power’ (Fioramonti, and Lucarelli, 2008, 193-210). In the context of security issues, EU as a body is often perceived as being irresolute, ineffective, and inconsistent (ibid). Even though there is no doubt that a war between the any of the members of EU is unthinkable, the body’s response during an on-going war in the neighbourhood, in terms of ‘crisis management,’ has not been very effective, and the Union is still perceived as weak, in terms ‘unity’ amongst its members (Gilbert 2008, 641-658). In this context, to understand whether the Lisbon Treaty (LT) would really work towards creating a stronger union amongst the member states, it is necessary to examine the treaty from close quarters. The representatives from the 27 EU member states signed the Treaty of Lisbon on 18th December 2007, which modified the Treaty establishing the European Community (TEC) and the Treaty on European Union (TEU). There are seven Articles under the Treaty of Lisbon, where the modifications to TEC and TEU are listed under Articles 1 and 2 (Amendments to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaty Establishing the European Community, 2007). Under Articles 3-7, we find that there are provisions for treaty duration, the process of ratification, and article renumbering (ibid). This is unlike the 2004 Treaty, which attempted to establish a European Constitution, and remained ineffective owing to negative referendum votes cast by Netherlands and France. The Lisbon Treaty however retrains itself from trying to replace any of the treaties
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Thurgood Marshall Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Thurgood Marshall - Research Paper Example Thurgood’s mother, Norma Arica Marshall was a schoolteacher and also the first black woman to graduate from the Colombia Teacher’s College, New York. At the early age of six, he started his schooling in the Douglas High School. He was always known as a B grade average student in his entire school life. In the year 1925, he went to Lincoln University in Pennsylvania. Thurgood received his law education from the Howard University Law School in Washington D.C. (Pena, â€Å"Thurgood Marshall†). It was also said that by the age of 16, Thurgood had memorized most of the Constitutions of the US, which signified his potentialities to become an influential Justice of the US Supreme Court (United States Postal Service, â€Å"Thurgood Marshall†). THESIS STATEMENT The thesis intends to present a biographic study of the early life, initial career and later professional life of Thurgood, the first African-American Justice of the US Supreme Court. The focus of the thesis also emphasizes the contributions of the Justice in the formation of the Civil Rights as included in the US Constitution and his entire journey throughout. To be precise, a detailed study of his life including his family background and his beginning of the career as a judge has been covered in the thesis. NOMINATION OF THE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT Initially, after the completion of his studies in the Howard University Law School, he became the Chief Counsel of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Later, in 1954, he was appointed in the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit by John F. Kennedy. Also in the year 1965, he was engaged in the Office of the US Solicitor General being elected by the President Lyndon Johnson. It is worth mentioning in this context that Thurgood Marshall had already won 14 cases out of 19 on behalf of the government in the Supreme Court, before his nomination in the Supreme Court in the year 1967 (Friedman 1-4). It was President Lyndon Johnson who had nominated Thurgood for the designation of Justice in the US Supreme Court. Thurgood was nominated to succeed Associate Justice Tom C. Clark after his retirement. He was appointed to the US Court of Appeals in the early 1961, but due to many controversies raised the Southern senators, his nomination to the Supreme Court judge was not confirmed. The controversial issues were majorly reported as related to racial inequality, wherein the debate involved the whites, commonly as opposers to the nomination of Thurgood and the non-whites, as defenders. Finally in the month of July 1967, Thurgood was again nominated for the Supreme Court. Thurgood was confirmed with 69 votes in his favor on August 30th in the year 1967. After two days of the event, Thurgood Marshall was handed over with the position by Chief Justice Earl Warren and thus, became the first African American judge of the Supreme Court (A&E Television Networks, â€Å"Thurgood Marshall appoin ted to Supreme Court†). President Johnson had once stated that Thurgood had already acquired his significant position in the history of the US and the country will be blessed by his services in the court, which after his 10th death anniversary also remains an undisputable truth. After his confirmation as a Justice in the US Supreme Court, he became one of the major supporters to the legitimate rights of labor, development of women in every dimension and racial
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