Thursday, February 28, 2019
A Devoted Son Ending Rewrite
Ending Rewrite of the Devoted Son September 29th, 2012 Papa, I hire brought you a new tonic to help you feel better. You mustiness take it it testament make you feel stronger again. Here it is. Promise you leave take it regularly, Papa. Varmas mouth worked as hard as though he still had a gob of betel in it (his translate of betel had been cut off years ago). Then he tiff out some words, as soft and sweet as roses, into his sons face. If it testament make me feel stronger, and better than for you I will my son The vast doctor looked at his father with such relief in his eyes, in the long run he will try and get better with my help.He kissed his father on the forehead and consequently left into the house, with his wife, still waiting at the penetration with a cup of tea. The next dawning Rakesh got up and brought his dad his morning tea, not in just any cup, yet in the gaga existences favorite brass tumbler. As Rakesh arrived to his father he did not look so well, so p ale in the face, so much fear in him. Rakesh put the pillows behind his fathers back so he could sit up. Papa, how are you heart today, you dont look so swell he said with sombreness in his voice. In lull, Varma took the cup of tea from his son and took a sip.He then removed the pillows from behind him so he was lying flat again, unopen his eyes, and peacefully fell back to sleep. Rakesh sat there in silence knowing that it wasnt long before his everywhereage man will pass on, from now it will yet be a military issue of days or even hours. Rakesh went about his day and went to work. Veena, Papas daughter-in law, fixed up some lunch for the old man, nothing limited since Rakesh has order he had nothing fried, no butter, no oil. Veena came into the room with the stainless steel steel tray of food, some dry bread, boiled lentils, boiled vegetables, and some canvass old boiled fish.His daughter-in law put the tray on his lap morose around, and slipped silently out of the ro om with a little smirk that only the old man saw, and hated. Not long after Veena was down in the kitchen when she heard this scream of pain come from Varmas room stunned and scared, she dropped the meth on the wooden floor, crashing down with such an obnoxious noise. She raced upstairs to his bedroom, to happen upon the old man lying stretched out on his bed, scared Veena went everyplace to the side of the bed, only to come to the old man sitting up and once again cough up out red spittle on her.So she thought it was. Veena yelled at him this is nonsense, you cant keep spitting at me like that But as she looked longer at old Papa she noticed it wasnt spittle, it was blood. Papa was choking on his blood, having feeling so sorrowful that she was yelling him, Veena was panicking now, and she didnt know what to do. She quickly picked up the phone to call Rakesh. She went to the old man trying to stop him from chocking but she couldnt, it was to late the old man suddenly just fell ov er in bed. He was gone, Veena sat there beside the bed crying, and sobbing.When Rakesh finally arrived main office Veena met him at the door, with tears in her eyes, she looked up at him and Rakesh knew his father had passed. No No No Rakesh yelled. This cant be happening He raced upstairs to his father, crying he was, he took his fathers sink and said Im sorry papa, I shouldnt have given you that tonic. The next morning the ceremony for the old man was held, friends, family all gathered around, celebrating Varmas life. Rakesh got up went to the end of his fathers close in and bowed to his feet, just one last time.
Healthy Grief
affliction is an emotional pang that soul is odouring when some integrity or something is victorious away-of-door. (Wikipedia) Elizabeth Kubler-Ross introduced the five stages of messageache based on patients facing terminal sick-abedness. These steps are typical, exactly e trulyone doesnt go through and through each stage. You dresst go through the stages in order and they should eff that it is normal. The mentality of the individual leave depend on the severity of mourning they whitethorn go through. sorrowfulness discharge last from days to years and the mortal isnt assured of this. They may restart their sorrow regale on holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries or when a modified day arrives.Some people takes the loss as a remembrance, besides others take it as tribulation because their love ones are gone which I think makes a soulfulness to go through the grieving process again. Coping with loss has been called a spiritual process that includes locati ng our loved ones in time, place and transporting our recreated experiences to the here and now (Angell Dennis & Dumain, 1998) Kubler- Ross mourning process in the book of stock when deity allow heller afflict transaction to prove business organisations loyal to him. idol presented pipeline as a virtue. Kubler-Ross stages are Denial, Anger, Bargaining, stamp and Acceptance.Jobs family, oxen and property was taken away from him. When Job didnt succumb to these tragedies The sizable GRIEF Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. deity let heller afflict Job again, this time Satan afflicted Jobs health. He started to have sores on his absolute tree trunk that was in truth throeful. With this tragedy Job started to go through the Kubler-Ross grieving process. Job prays and say he doesnt know why this is adventure to him and why is deity persecuting him. Job friends blamed him for the suffering because he had sinned and god. Job started questioning and intriguing god.Job became depressed because his condition was deteriorating. Job wanted someone to talk for him to disengage him of his suffering. Jobs grieving went back and onward with paragon. When God confronts God and cross examines him, Job realized that he had misconceptions regarding Gods ability. Job does believe in God and had to go through the suffering to sympathise how great God is. God restored all that he had taken from Job plus some. God gave him double for the trouble. Grief of the Chinese religion is contrary because they dont talk nearly their grief to anyone because it is considered to be unhealthy.Touching the loved ones body is a bless of trustworthy volition. The eldest grand word of honor has to contain the message to the other family members of the passing loved one in somebody out of respect. They are not allowed to speak well-nigh the death or the funeral. The Eldest son is the only one that is fit to mourn and this has to be done for 72 days and not allowed to ti re out red or get married for 6 months. The eldest son has to take indebtedness of caring for the family and has to mourn by crying out and solemn in front of people, which is expected of him.The son has to live fuddled to the grave post for 3 years. In the Chinese culture if a person dies by suicide the family will not touch the body because it is considered bad luck. They curve paper as a sign of providing visible ethicals for that person. They place the dead person name on the paper so that person will sire the items. The Chinese feels eternity is passed through the sons in their family. exult and grief goes put across in hand when it pertains to a persons loss. When people grieve, they go through the grief stages, but when they record the soundly times about that person there is joy.Through my research Nancy Bern a sociology professor round with a gentleman named Tim and explained that grief is like if you had your heart ripped out, it will pique and faded a lot and it will crumb over and the pain will feel less. But if you knock forward the scab it will hurt as it did the first time. It will hurt on those special moments or milestones HEALTHY GRIEF , but we comfort love them tear down as we bring new milestones in our life. thankfulness and joy can be found in grief. My research hasnt changed my views on grief.I windlessness feel that it is the mindset of the individual and the relationship that person had with their loved ones. When we (Baptist/Christians) we mention the person that has passed as a homegoing. We sing, dance, eat and reminisce the life of that person. We are not afraid to talk about that person. As I discussed previously, When my pal (39) passed in 2005 it was difficult at first, when we had his homegoing it accepted it because my associate was very ill at that time. I dont know how I would feel if a loved one passes unexpectedly, but my family and I would celebrate it the said(prenominal) way.A popular numbers of the African American that is strain at almost homegoings is Boys to Men It so hard to translate good bye to yesterday, But it is such a fitting song for the occasion. My other comrade (his copulate) sang this song at his homegoing. It was hard to say goodbye because we were very close. There were 5 of us, 3 girls and 2 boys but my twin brothers and me and my twin sister were the closest. To this day we still talk and remember our brother bookmaker (nickname) like he never passed and still with us. I dont feel like it is grieving, it is remembering a good soul and an tremendous, awesome brother.Healthy GriefGrief is an emotional suffering that someone is feeling when someone or something is taking away. (Wikipedia) Elizabeth Kubler-Ross introduced the five stages of grief based on patients facing terminal illness. These steps are typical, but everyone doesnt go through each stage. You dont go through the stages in order and they should know that it is normal. The mindset o f the individual will depend on the severity of grief they may go through. Grief can last from days to years and the person isnt aware of this. They may restart their grieving process on holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries or when a special day arrives.Some people takes the loss as a remembrance, but others take it as sorrow because their loved ones are gone which I think makes a person to go through the grieving process again. Coping with loss has been called a spiritual process that includes locating our loved ones in time, place and transporting our recreated experiences to the here and now (Angell Dennis & Dumain, 1998) Kubler- Ross grief process in the book of Job when God let Satan afflict Job to prove Jobs loyal to him. God presented Job as a virtue. Kubler-Ross stages are Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.Jobs family, cattle and property was taken away from him. When Job didnt succumb to these tragedies The HEALTHY GRIEF Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. God let Satan afflict Job again, this time Satan afflicted Jobs health. He started to have sores on his entire body that was very painful. With this tragedy Job started to go through the Kubler-Ross grieving process. Job prays and stated he doesnt know why this is happening to him and why is god persecuting him. Job friends blamed him for the suffering because he had sinned and god. Job started questioning and challenging god.Job became depressed because his condition was deteriorating. Job wanted someone to talk for him to relieve him of his suffering. Jobs grieving went back and forth with God. When God confronts God and cross examines him, Job realized that he had misconceptions regarding Gods ability. Job does believe in God and had to go through the suffering to understand how great God is. God restored all that he had taken from Job plus some. God gave him double for the trouble. Grief of the Chinese religion is different because they dont talk about their grief to anyo ne because it is considered to be unhealthy.Touching the loved ones body is a sign of goodwill. The eldest grandson has to deliver the message to the other family members of the passing loved one in person out of respect. They are not allowed to speak about the death or the funeral. The Eldest son is the only one that is able to mourn and this has to be done for 72 days and not allowed to wear red or get married for 6 months. The eldest son has to take responsibility of caring for the family and has to mourn by crying out and solemn in front of people, which is expected of him.The son has to live close to the grave site for 3 years. In the Chinese culture if a person dies by suicide the family will not touch the body because it is considered bad luck. They burn paper as a sign of providing material goods for that person. They place the deceased name on the paper so that person will receive the items. The Chinese feels eternity is passed through the sons in their family. Joy and grie f goes hand in hand when it pertains to a persons loss. When people grieve, they go through the grief stages, but when they remember the good times about that person there is joy.Through my research Nancy Bern a sociology professor spoke with a gentleman named Tim and explained that grief is like if you had your heart ripped out, it will hurt and hurt a lot and it will scab over and the pain will feel less. But if you knock off the scab it will hurt as it did the first time. It will hurt on those special moments or milestones HEALTHY GRIEF , but we still love them even as we bring new milestones in our life. Gratefulness and joy can be found in grief. My research hasnt changed my views on grief.I still feel that it is the mindset of the individual and the relationship that person had with their loved ones. When we (Baptist/Christians) we celebrate the person that has passed as a homegoing. We sing, dance, eat and reminisce the life of that person. We are not afraid to talk about tha t person. As I discussed previously, When my brother (39) passed in 2005 it was difficult at first, when we had his homegoing it accepted it because my brother was very ill at that time. I dont know how I would feel if a loved one passes unexpectedly, but my family and I would celebrate it the same way.A popular song of the African American that is sung at most homegoings is Boys to Men It so hard to say good bye to yesterday, But it is such a fitting song for the occasion. My other brother (his twin) sang this song at his homegoing. It was hard to say goodbye because we were very close. There were 5 of us, 3 girls and 2 boys but my twin brothers and me and my twin sister were the closest. To this day we still talk and remember our brother Bookie (nickname) like he never passed and still with us. I dont feel like it is grieving, it is remembering a good soul and an awesome, awesome brother.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Intelligence Community
In evaluating and analyzing the US Intelligence Committee, it would help to count back in history. The dusty warf are, which emerged in the 1940s, was the start of the usefulness of the US Intelligence Community in battling against Communism.The result of the Second World contend is like glue attached to each country involved on that pointin. By 1943, the effects thereof were already inevitable. Germany, who was the leader of the Axis power, was dealt with full anger. affiliate forces became stronger when German invaded Russia.Further, Japan and Germany were continuing then their battle and spread their powers in Europe and Asia. But the suicide of Adolf Hitler around 1945 ended the war. Germany was divided into devilWest Germany was invaded by Americans while East Germany was invaded by Russia. This led to stress and anxiety between citizens of Germany. Because of this division, each invader-country undecomposed their type of economy to their colony.Hence, in West Germany, Capitalist form of economy and East Germany under Russia practiced Communism. After the World War, decolonization and liberation happened to some nations who suffered. These nations as they jump out from the battleground seek help particularly in their economic status. This space was taken advantage by Capitalists and commies powers (Borade, 2009).The US Intelligence Community became usual towards the end of Cold War period. Intelligence is at most the state of the government.But in America, they always connect the success of their Intelligence Community during the Cold War era. On January 22, 1946, chairwoman Truman, delinquent to the lessons learned in drop curtain Harbor, created National Intelligence Authority. This group is in-charge of planning the executing the intelligence activities of the country. at a lower place the National Intelligence Authority is the Central Intelligence Group is trustworthy for disseminating the intelligence activities.The first assignment of CIA was battling against Society Union who is spreading its Communist powers knowledge domainwide. During 1950s and 1960s, CIA gained its full development. On 1950s, National Security Agency, under the part of denial was created which assumes the some tasks of CIA and military.During the 1960s a lot of technological advances happened to CIA. As an example, in 1965, the military departments were given the new plea Attache System. This arranging includes military men in uniform researching information that will be useful in the military. Other technological advances in the CIA of the Military be (1) high-speed aircraft and (2) SR-71. Around 1970, a big reform was made in the Intelligence Community under the presidency of Richard Nixon.A Schlesinger report was made in 1971 and the express report mentioned that the Intelligence Community is already malfunctioning due to its disorganization. For example, the Intelligence Community according to the report was doing redundant act ivities and these activities were costly. Because of these findings in the report, President Nixon directed the Intelligence Community to manage its budget properly and make out the execution of projects and activities.After the election of President Bush around in the 1990s, there are suggestions on how to improve the Intelligence Community. This is also because of several things that happened during that time, especially the end of Cold War. Because of this there were calls for the destruction of Intelligence Community. Some legislators express there is no more need for Intelligence Community. But the recounting proposed that instead, a new structure of the Intelligence Community and across the instrument panel reductions in the personnel would be better. (Zegart, 2007).Along with the creation and development of Us Intelligence Community is the US Department of Defense. In 1775, during the American Revolution, US Army, US Marine Corps and US navy were established. Hence, aroun d 1789, the War Department was established.The War Department is what we now called the Department of Defense. Technically, Department of Defense was created in 1947. This was created with the belief that it will regain the trust given to military, which was undo during the Second World War. As the new millennium came, new issues were face up by the Department o Defense.Dominant among these issues is the use of budget by the said department. The US Government Accountability Office suggested in 2002, that Department of Defense perhaps should try to partner with other government agencies to minimize their budget.In battling against Communism, CIA has the biggest imperil around the world. Communism is like a contagious disease that is evolution and spreading throughout the world.And the CIA has made several steps on war against communism even at the start of the Cold War. Some intellectuals who are exposed to the age of Nazism and Soviet Communism have diametric views and interpre tations about communism. Despite Germanys commitment to democratic reconstruction in the postwar years, its link to liberal and democratic values is weak. Both Nazism and Communisms as intellectuals say promised a new humanity and a new world order.They were examples of what is called utopian thinking. Utopianism assumes a level of social harmony and moral consensus that renders conflict and change abnormal or deviant. Utopias promote, often unwittingly, a hostile spot towards individualism, pluralism and change. This is also what CIA promises to the people and the reason why they are doing their job. This is the rational crumb their series of activities against Communism which started during the Cold War until the present time.
Diversity and Education According Essay
Americas savant populations be increasingly ruminative of an ethnically diverse society. However, we recognize that in that location are several major(ip) variables for improving the multi heathenish accommodation apparent in a school. Bruner and Vytgotsky contri hardlye this discussion some characterful insight concerning such variables. Chief among them, the change of faculty, of learning limit and of learning media all are directly applicable to the schools embrace of difference.As the immigrant population continues not tho to rise but to diversify in the United States, our educational system, and indeed, our kingdom has in many contexts attempted to enforce a degree of cultural uniformity inclined to either assimilate or exclude entrance room cultures. Standardized testing, rigid curriculum design and poor re pass onation amongst teachers and administrators of a diverse student population have all had the impact of white-washing American education.In the urban settin g such as the case at hand, this can be especially problematic, with such failures of institution causing assailable students to disengage. Vytgotsky contributes an important idea to this discussion, referring us to the relevance of effective pedagogy in engaging such students. One of the best paths to accomplish this is done group activity. We have a core understanding of the fact that mixture implies not just a regeneration of ethnicity or culture but also of potential learning styles or strategy.Vytgotsky offers an effective way to use this sort to the advantage of the classroom. Group activity is always an effective way to serve well distill strategies and strengths for individuals. By strategically grouping students consort to expertness and academic strength, we enable stronger learners to directly engage weaker learners in a way that helps to effectively communicate concepts and ideas in play. Vytgotsky essentially contends that there is value to the slight effectiv e student of world partnered with a more skilled learner.This interaction can be beneficial to the aptitude of the former and can help the latter develop innate leadership skills. The focus of such regulation as No Child Left Behind does not gift a great deal of freedom or latitude for the urban school to engage in such activities however. There seems at present to be an impulse of standardization directly opposite the need for diversity celebration. Some of the root causes of the failure of our educational system to bind diversity as it cuts across multiple demographic lines are resultant of the instruments use to promote student aptitude measurements.(McCarty, 1) Primarily, the ability or interest of teachers to accommodate diversity is stunted by the entrenched presence of institutional mischiefs that configuration testing standards, curricular design and instructional method in a way that embraces standardization, legislative mandate and procedural uniformity. (McCarty, 1 ) One of the most heavily-recognized and dour of such conflicts may be observed still today in the genuine lack of equality in the cultural standards applied to statement African Americans.Particularly, there is a fundamental failure in the content choices which shape curricula such as those concerning literacy, history, policy and even the natural As part of a cyclical pattern which institutionally prevents our minority populations from being loosed of such a negative spiral, students beholden thereto are either locked into curricula which are disposed(p) a financial short-shrift and are thus, armed with fewer qualified teachers, or are committed to districts where their cultural and ethnic perspectives are not being accounted for.This is a circumstance which regrettably continues today, with the current presidential administrations No Child Left Behind hatchway imposing further dependence upon the diagnostic testing and grade-evaluation policies which have dogged been an appe ndage of established educational patterns. The new education standards are given over to a fundamentally punitive law that uses flawed like tests to label schools as failures and punish them with counterproductive sanctions. (Neill, 1) This is also a calculative diversion in focus from that which Bruner argues is a priority for the diverse student bodies in our urban schools.The social impact of the educational experience is, according to Bruner, a fundamental aspect of its quality. The students engagement in class will often be a function of his socialization. This provides a firm rationale for the critique of diversity standards in our educational system. Indeed, there is an inherent danger by way of this administrative approach of the vent of pragmatism, which often incorrectly attributes the challenges related to diversity as products of learning deficiencies.This constitutes a fundamental disservice to the student and, it is worth asserting, basic intellectual prejudice whi ch generally stigmatizing the future opportunities availed to those of ethnic minority or immigrant status. In Bruners understanding, the socialization of a diverse student body will real promote learning rather than obstruct it. Therefore, as the ultimate declaration on the subject, our discussion inclines us to acknowledge as a behind of assumption that greater multicultural sensitivity is needed in the tenet of literacy, of the social sciences and of all disciplines on the individual level.Moreover, we resolve that both Bruner and Vytgotsky would look fault with the rigid and disruptive patterns of No Child Left Behind. Ultimately, the deuce provide theories which merge to suggest that diversity can be managed done flexible management of the classroom and educational experiences.Works CitedMcCarty, Teresa. (2005). Language, Literacy and Power In Schooling. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Neill, Monty. (2003). Dont Mourn, Organize Rethinking Schools. Online at http//www. rethin kingschools. org/special_reports/bushplan/nclb181. shtml
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Purple Hibiscus †Character List Essay
Kambili AchikeThe main character who narrates the theme of her familys breakd hold. When the story begins, Kambili is fifteen years old and painfully shy. She lives d birthstairs the strict Catholic rule of her begin, who expects his children to succeed at either costs. As political hullabaloo seizes Nigeria, Kambili is introduced to a new counselling of life by her liberal aunt. Though she retains her faith through some(prenominal) horr overthrowous even upts, Kambili learns to challenge authority when necessary.JajaKambilis brother, who is ab come to the fore two years older than her. similar Kambili, Jaja strains under the tyranny of his fetch. After twain his babe and set out atomic number 18 hospitalized from beatings, Jaja begins to rebel. Jaja is rational and protective and more outgoing than his sister. He severs ties with both(prenominal) his don and faith. Jaja takes the blame for his mothers crime. papa (Eugene Achike)A prominent creation in the Achikes village of Enugu, protactinium runs several successful factories and publishes an English-language newspaper infamous for its criticism of Nigerias corrupt government. He is a business same Catholic who expects nonhing less than perfection from his family. Papa punishes his wife and children in order to correct their behaviour. Papa is beloved in his community yet is estranged from his avow father and his traditional Afri gutter husbandry. mama (Beatrice Achike)Mama is a quiet and religious wo objet dart, accustomed to obeying the rule of her husband. Though the detestation worsens over time, she ref use ups to leave. Ultimately, she realizes she mustiness protect her children and poisons her husband.Aunty IfeomaPapas sister who teaches at the University in nearby Nsukka. Ifeoma is widowed, caring for third children on a meagre salary. She is liberal and outspoken but also a devout Catholic. Unlike her brother, she respects the religion and traditions of her father. Her way of life inspires Kambili and Jaja to rethink their own upbringing. Papa-NnukwuIfeoma and Eugenes father. Papa-Nnukwu is a traditionalist, holding on to the faith of his ancestors. Kambili grows to love Papa-Nnukuw scorn her fathers warnings that he is a heathen. Through his joy and limber up spirit, Kambili learns that both family and faith ar more complicated than what she has been taught.AmakaAunty Ifeomas eldest daughter, fifteen years old. She is fiercely loyal to her Nigerian root despite her Catholic upbringing. Amaka is critical of her cousins wealth and quietness. Overtime, Amaka and Kambili arrange to regard peerless a nonher and a sisterly bond is beat through adversity.ObioraAunty Ifeomas eldest son, fourteen years old. Since the close of his father, Obiora has assumed the role of man of the house. He is questioning and mature and delights in intellectual debate. Obiora inspires Jaja to open his eyes.ChimaAunty Ifeomas youngest boy, seven years old. Chima is the small fry and does not yet decl atomic number 18 many responsibilities. He clings onto his mother and to both Obiora and forefather Amadi. It is clear he misses a male role model. beat AmadiA young missionary priest based in the chaplaincy in Nsukka. Kambili falls in love with him. He is warm and drear to the children of the village, representing a modern take on faith. He is respectful of his Nigerian roots, incorporating native Igbo songs of worship into his sermons. His bond with Aunty Ifeomas family is strong. He enjoys snappy debate with both Amaka andObiora. He is taken with Kambili in part because she is so quiet. He encourages Kambili to spread her wings. receive benedictThe white, British-born head of St. Agnes, the Achikes church. He is a supportive ally of Papas, praising him constantly as one of the pillars of the community. Father Benedict is austere and offers solo his view of religion.ade CokerThe editor of the Standard, Papas paper. With Papas support, he is openly critical of the corrupt government and becomes a political target. He is kil guide by a letter bomb bearing the State Seal.Yewande CokerAdes wife. She is widowed with two young children, who Papa tries to help.SisiThe passive servant misfire in the Achike home plate. Sisi provides Mama with the poison used to kill Papa.Chinwe YidezeA garrulous classmate of Kambilis. She beats Kambili for head of class in one term.EzinneThe completely classmate who is kind to Kambili.KevinThe Achikes driver. Mama fires him after(prenominal) Papa dies.ChiakuA professor relay link of Aunty Ifeomas, who is critical of a move to America. gallant Hibiscus chief(prenominal) ThemesComing of AgeKambili and Jaja both come of age in Purple Hibiscus as a result of their experiences. The book opens with Jaja rebelling against his devout Catholic father by skipping communion on Palm Sunday, an important religious holiday. The future(a) chapters detail the events that end in Jajas defiance. The b ook is narrated by Kambili three years after this incident. Since she has been stunted by the severe punishments of her father, Kambili b atomic number 18ly delivers. Her chronicle is striking because it can be concluded that she finds her own voice throughout this ordeal. two Kambili and Jaja take steps towards adulthood by overcoming adversity and populace exposed to new thoughts. Part of growing up is building your own identity by choosing which paths to get married. In Enugu, the only path Kambili and Jaja argon discontinueed to follow is Papa. He writes out schedules and severely punishes them when they stray. When Kambili and Jaja visit their Aunty Ifeoma in Nsukka, they are astonished by what they find. Though her home is small and devoid of luxuries, thither is love and respect. Her children Amaka and Obiora are allowed to question authority and choose their own paths. Obiora, though he is three years younger than Jaja, is articulate and protective. He has been init iated into Igbo culture by performing a rite of manhood. Jaja was not allowed to participate and is embarrassed that he is lagging behind his cousin. In Nsukka, Jaja is encouraged to rethink his allegiances and induce his own decisions. Aunty Ifeoma encourages Kambili to reconsider her stance on Papa-Nnukwu. As she has been taught by Papa, her grandfather is a heathen. But when she searches his face, she sees no signs of godliness. After witnessing his innocence ritual, Kambili questions the compulsive rule of her father. Both Kambili and Jaja take major steps towards adulthood by claiming their individuality.ReligionThere is a contrast between Father Benedict and Father Amadi. Priest at Papas beloved St. Agnes, Father Benedict is a white man from England who conducts his masses according to European custom. Papa adheres to Father Benedicts style, banishing every trace of his own Nigerian heritage. Papa uses his faith to justify abusing his children. Religion alone is not toblame . Papa represents the wave of fundamentalism in Nigeria that corrupts faith. Father Amadi, on the other hand, is an African priest who blends Catholicism with Igbo traditions. He believes that faith is both simpler and more conglomerate than what Father Benedict preaches. Father Amadi is a modern African man who is culturally-conscious but influenced by the colonial history of his country. He is not a moral absolutist like Papa and his theology. Religion, when wielded by someone gentle, can be a positive force, as it is in Kambilis life. Papa-Nnukwu is a traditionalist. He follows the rituals of his ancestors and believes in a pantheistic model of religion. Though both his son and daughter converted to Catholicism, Papa-Nnukwu held on to his roots. When Kambili witnesses his morning ritual, she realizes that their faiths are not as different as they appear. Kambilis faith extends beyond the boundaries of one religion. She revels in the beauty of constitution, her family, her pray er, and the Bible. When she witnesses the miracle at Aokpe, Kambilis devotion is confirmed. Aunty Ifeoma agrees that God was present even though she did not see the apparition. God is all around Kambili and her family, and can take the form of a smile. The individualistic nature of faith is explored in Purple Hibiscus. Kambili tempers her devotion with a reverence for her ancestors. Jaja and Amaka end up rejecting their faith because it is inexorably linked to Papa and colonialism, respectively.ColonialismColonialism is a knotty topic in Nigeria. For Papa-Nnukwu, colonialism is an evil force that enslaved the Igbo people and eradicated his traditions. For Papa, colonialism is responsible for his find to higher education and grace. For Father Amadi, it has resulted in his faith but he sees no reason that the old and new ways cant coexist. Father Amadi represents modern Nigeria in the global world. Papa is a reaping of a colonialist education. He was schooled by missionaries and st udied in English. The wisdom he takes back to Nigeria is largely informed by those who begin colonized his country. He abandons the traditions of his ancestors and chooses to speak primarily in British-accented English in public. His large ground is filled with western luxuries like satellite TV and music. Amaka assumes that Kambili follows American fall out stars while she listens to musicians who embrace theirAfrican heritage. But the trappings of Papas success are hollow. The children are not allowed to watch television. His home, modernized up to Western standards, is for appearances only. There is emptiness in his home just as his accent is falsified in front of whites. Over the course of the novel, both Kambili and Jaja must come to terms with the lingering after-effects of colonialism in their own lives. They both lay out to life outside their fathers grasp by embracement or accepting traditional ways.Nigerian PoliticsBoth Kambili and the population are on the cusp of dr amatic changes. The political climate of Nigeria and the intrinsic drama of the Achike family are intertwined. After Nigeria declared independence from Britain in 1960, a cycle of violent takeovers and military dictatorship led to civil war, which led to a new cycle of bloody unrest. Even democracy is hindered by the wide-spread corruption in the government. In Purple Hibiscus, there is a coup that culminates in military rule. Papa and his paper, the Standard, are critical of the corruption that is ushered in by a leader who is not elected by the people. Ironically, Papa is a self-righteous dictator in his own home. He is wrathful towards his children when they stray from his chosen path for them. In the wake of Ade Cokers death, Papa beats Kambili so severely she is hospitalized in critical condition. Both in Nigeria and in the home, violence begets violence. Kambili and Jaja are kept away from the unrest at first. They witness protests, deadly roadblocks, and harassment from the safety of their car. But when they amount in Nsukka, they are thrust into political debate. Obiora avers the university is a microcosm for Nigeria ruled by one man with all the power. Pay has been withheld from the professors and light and power are shut off frequently. Medical workers and technicians go on strike and intellectual nourishment prices rise. There are rumors that the sole administrator is misdirecting funds intended for the university. This is a parallel to what is happening in the country at large. Kambili and Jaja now understand firsthand the struggle of their cousins. The personal becomes political, and vice versa. shut awaySeveral characters are gripped with muteness throughout the novel. Kambilisuffers the most, unable to speak more than rehearsed platitudes without stuttering or coughing. Her pipe down is a product of the abuse that she endures at the hands of her father. Kambili does not allow herself to tell the accuracy about her situation at home. Whe n her classmates taunt her for universe a backyard prig, she does not explain that she does not socialize out of fear. She is not allowed to dally after school lest she be late and beaten. She finally learns how to speak her mind when she is taunted continuously be her cousin Amaka. Aunty Ifeoma encourages her to defend herself and only then can Amaka and Kambili begin their friendship. Kambili begins to speak more confidently, laugh and even sing. The titles of the second and fourth section are Speaking With Our Spirits and A Different Silence. Kambili and Jaja communicate through their eyes, not able to utter the worthless truth of their situation. Mama, like her daughter, cannot speak freely in her own home. only if with Aunty Ifeoma can she behave authentically. The silence that falls upon Enugu after Papa is murdered is, as the title suggests, different. There is hopelessness to this silence like the one that existed when Papa was alive. But it is an honest silence. Mama an d Kambili know the truth and there is cypher more that can be said. Jajas silence betrays a hardness that has taken hold of him in prison. There is nothing he can say that will end the torment he experiences. The tapes that Aunty Ifeoma sends with her childrens voices are the only respite he has. Silence is also used as punishment. When Kambili and Jaja arrive in Nsukka for Easter, Jaja refuses to speak to his father when he calls. After the years of silence that he has imposed upon his children, they use it as a weapon against him. The government also silences Ade Coker by murdering him after he prints a damning story in the Standard. When soldiers tear Aunty Ifeomas flat, they are trying to silence her sympathies with the rioting students through intimidation. Silence is a type of violence.Domestic ViolenceOn several occasions, Papa beats his wife and children. Each time, he is provoked by an action that he deems immoral. When Mama does not want to visit with Father Benedict bec ause she is ill, Papa beats her and she miscarries. When Kambili and Jaja share a home with a heathen, boiling pissing is poured on their feet because they have walked in sin. For owning a picture of Papa-Nnukwu, Kambili is kicked until she is hospitalized. Papa rationalizes the violence he inflicts on his family, saying it is for their own favourable. The beatings have rendered his children mute. Kambili and Jaja are both wise beyond their years and also not allowed to reach adulthood, as maturity often comes with questioning authority. When Ade Coker jokes that his children are too quiet, Papa does not laugh. They have a fear of God. Really, Kambili and Jaja are afraid of their father. Beating them has the opposite effect. They choose the right path because they are afraid of the repercussions. They are not encouraged to grow and to succeed, only be with failure when they do not. This takes a toll on Jaja especially, who is ashamed that he is so far behind Obiora in both intell igence and defend his family. He ends up equating religion with punishment and rejects his faith. There is an central sexism at work in the abuse. When Mama tells Kambili she is pregnant, she mentions that she miscarried several multiplication after Kambili was born. Within the narrative of the novel, Mama loses two pregnancies at Papas hands. The other miscarriages may have been caused by these beatings as well. When she miscarries, Papa makes the children say special novenas for their mothers forgiveness. Even though he is to blame, he insinuates it is Mamas fault. Mama believes that she cannot exist outside of her marriage. She dismisses Aunty Ifeomas ideas that life begins after marriage as university talk. Mama has not been liberate and withstands the abuse because she believes it is just. Ultimately, she poisons Papa because she can see no other way out. The abuse has repressed her to the point that she must resort to murder to escape. temperament/EnvironmentThe books names ake flower is a representation of independence and hope. Jaja is drawn to the unusual purple hibiscus, bred by a botanist friend of Aunty Ifeoma. Aunty Ifeoma has created something new by bringing the natural world together with intelligence. For Jaja, the flower is hope that something new can be created. He longs to break free of his Papas rule. He takes a stubble of the purple hibiscus home with him, and plants it in their garden. He also takes home the acuteness he learns from Nsukka. As both blossom, so too do Jaja and his rebellion. Kambilis shifting attitudes toward nature signify her stage of transformation. During one of the first times she showers atNsukka, Kambili finds an earthworm in the tub. Rather than coexisting with it, she removes it to the toilet. When Father Amadi takes her to have her hair plaited, she watches a determined snail repeatedly crawl out of a basket. She identifies with the snail as she has tried to crawl out of Enugu and her fate. Later, when she b athes with water scented with the sky, she leaves the worm alone. She acknowledges that God can be found anyplace and she appreciates its determination. In the opening of the book, Kambili daydreams while looking at the several product and flower trees in her yard. This same yard, a signifier of wealth, leaves her open for taunts of snob at school. But here she fixates on the beauty of the trees. When she returns from Nsukka after her mother has miscarried, Kambili is sickened by the rotting tree fruit. The rot symbolizes the sickness in the Achike household but also that Kambili is seeing her home with new eyes. Like the trees, she is detain behind tall walls. Weather also plays a role in the novel. When Ade Coker dies, there are heavy rains. After Palm Sunday, a violent wind uproots several trees and makes the satellite dish crash to the ground. come down and wind reflect the drama that unfolds in the Achikes lives. Mama tells Kambili that a diversity of rain and temperatenes s is Gods indecision on what to bring. besides as there can be both rain and sun at the same time, there are good and evil intertwined. In nature, Kambili gleans that there are no absolutes. Papa is neither all good or all bad, her faith does not have to be either Catholic or traditionalist, and she can challenge her parents while still being a good child.
Primary and Secondary Data Essay
1. chief(a) AND thirdhand endureledgeWe explore the availableness and expend of instruction ( old and thirdhand) in the battlefield of business seek. unique(predicate) solelyy, we examine an international sample of doctoral dissertations since 1998, categorizing explore topics, nurture assemblage, and availability of randomness. Findings suggest that use of only original info pervades the discipline, despite strong methodological reasons to join on with supplemental information.INTRODUCTIONselective breeding puke be defined as the quantitative or qualitative values of a variable. Data is plural of datum which literally promoter to cash in whizs chips or something given. Data is vox populi to be the lowest unit of cultivation from which an early(a)(prenominal) measurements and analysis potty be done. Data can be numbers, images, words, figures, facts or ideas. Data in itself can non be unders in additiond and to germinate information from the selecti ve information one must(prenominal)(prenominal) interpret it into meaty information. There be various methods of interpreting information.Data sources be broadly classified into basal and collateral data.Knowing how the data was collect allows critics of a study to search for yield in how it wasconducted. A comfortably study leave behind welcome often(prenominal) scrutiny. Each type has its make weaknesses andstrengths. direct(a) Data is ga in that locationd by people who can reduce involvely on the purpose in mind.This helps ensure that questions argon meaningful to the purpose except can introduce bias in those aforesaid(prenominal) questions. substitute data doesnt throw off the privilege of this center onsing provided is only susceptibleto bias introduced in the choice of what data to reuse. Stated another way, those who gatherPrimary Data stick by to write the questions. Those who gather substitute data get to pick thequestions. immensity OF entropy AND entropy COLLECTIONData is one of the most in-chief(postnominal) and vital aspect of all look for studies. investigators conducted in different handle of study can be different in methodology but every inquiry is establish on data which is analyzed and construe to get information. Data is the basic unit in statistical studies. statistical information like census, creation variables, health statistics, and road accidents dispositions be all developed from data .Data is important in estimator science. Numbers, images and figures in computer are all data .DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUESThere are two sources of data charm techniques. Primary and unoriginal data collection techniques, Primary data collection uses measures, experiments or direct observations .Secondary data collection may be conducted by collecting information from a versatile source of documents or electronically stored information, census and market studies are examples of a common sources of standb y coil data. This is in addition referred to as data mining. elemental DATAPrimary data meaning veritable data that has been compile specially for the purpose in mind. It means someone collected the data from the original source first hand. Data collected this way is called primary data .Primary data has not been published yet and is more reliable, authentic and verifiable .Primary data has not been changed or altered by human beings thitherfore its validity is greater than secondary data.The people who gather primary data may be an authorized organization, investigator, enumerator or they may be just someone with a clipboard. These people are acting as a witness so primary data is only considered as reliable as the people who gathered it.IMPORTANCE OF PRIMARY DATAImportance of Primary data cannot be neglected. A inquiry can be conducted with show upsecondary data but a investigate based on only secondary data is least reliable and may pee-peebiases because secondary data has already been manipulated by human beings. In statisticalsurveys it is necessary to get information from primary sources and work on primary data forexample, the statistical records of female population in a country cannot be based on naturalspaper, magazine and other printed sources. One such sourceis old and secondly theycontain get wind information as well as they can be take and biased. asperityValidity is one of the major concerns in a query. Validity is the quality of a enquiry thatmakes it trustworthy and scientific. Validity is the use of scientific methods in research tomake it logical and acceptable.Using primary data in research can improves the validity of research. First-hand informationobtained from a sample that is representative of the target population will yield data that willbe valid for the entire target population.AuthenticityAuthenticity is the authenticity of the research. Authenticity can be at stake if the investigatorinvests personal biases or use s misleading information inthe research. Primary research tools data can fix more authentic if the methods chosen to analyze and interpret data arevalid and clean suitable for the data type.Primary sources are more authentic because the facts cast off not been all overdone. Primary sourcecan be less authentic if the source hides information or alters facts due to some personalreasons. There are methods that can be employ to ensure factual yielding of data from thesource.ReliabilityReliability is the proof that the research is enough true to be trusted on. For example, if aresearch study concludes that fling food consumption does not increase the risk of cancer andheart diseases. This terminus should have to be drawn from a sample whose size, samplingtechnique and variability is not questionable.Reliability improves with victimization primary data. In the similar research mentioned above if the police detective uses data-based method and questionnaires the results will be hig hly reliable.On the other hand, if he relies on the data available in books and on internet he will collectinformation that does not represent the real facts.SOURCES OF PRIMARY DATASources for primary data are limited and at eons it becomes elusive to obtain data fromprimary source because of either scarcity of population or lack of cooperation. disregarding ofany difficulty one can face in collecting primary data it is the most authentic and reliabledata source. Following are some of the sources of primary data.ExperimentsExperiments require an artificial or natural setting in which to arrange logical study to collectdata. Experiments are more suitable for medicine, psychological studies, comestible and forother scientific studies. In experiments the experimenter has to keep control over theinfluence of any away variable on the results.SurveySurvey is most commonly use method in social sciences, management, marketing andpsychology to some extent. Surveys can be conducted in different methods. Questionnaire is the most commonly utilise method in survey. Questionnaires are a list ofquestions either an open-ended or close -ended for which the respondent give answers.Questionnaire can be conducted via telephone, mail, live in a public area, or in an institute,through electronic mail or through fax and other methods. Interview is a face-to-face conversation with the respondent. It is slow, expensive, and theytake people away from their regular(a) jobs, but they allow in-depth questioning and follow-upquestions.The interviewer can not only record the statements the interviewee speaks but he can observethe body language or non-verbal conference such as face-pulling, fidgeting, shrugging,hand gestures, sarcastic expressions that add further meaning to mouth words and otherreactions to the questions too.A problem with interviews is that people might say what they gauge the interviewer emergencys tohear they might avoid being honestly critical in theatric al role their jobs or reputation might suffer.And the respondent deliberately hides information other it is an in depth source ofinformation. So this enables the interviewer to draw conclusions easily. Observations can be done while letting the observing person know that he is being observedor without letting him know. Observations can also be made in natural settings as well as inartificially created environment.Primary data can be relied on because you know where it came from and what was done to it.Its like cooking something yourself. You know what went into it.ADVANTAGES OF PRIMARY RESEARCHTargeted Issues are book of factsedThe organization asking for the research has the complete control on the process and theresearch is streamlines as far as its objectives and scope is concerned. Researching companycan be asked to concentrate their efforts to find data regarding specific market rather thanconcentration on mass market.Data interpretation is betterThe collected data can be ex amined and taken by the marketers depending on theirneeds rather than relying on the interpretation made by collectors of secondary data.Efficient Spending for InformationUnlike secondary research where the marketer may spend for information that is not needed,primary data collections focus on issues specific to the research worker improves the chances thatresearch funds will be dog-tired efficiently.Decency of DataUsually secondary data is not so modern and it may not be specific to the place or situationmarketer is targeting. The researcher can use the irrelevant seeming information for knowingtrends or may be able to find some relation with the authoritative scenario. and then primary databecomes a more accurate tool since we can use data which is useful for us.Proprietary IssuesInformation collected by victimisation primary research is their own and is generally not shared withothers. Thus, information can be kept hidden from competitors and potentially offer aninformation advantage to the company that undertook the primary research. This gives anedge over competitors replying on secondary data.Addresses Specific Research IssuesCarrying out their own research allows the marketing organization to address issues specificto their own situation. Primary research is designed to collect the information the marketerwants to know (Step 2) and report it in ways that benefit the marketer. For example, whileinformation reported with secondary research may not fit the marketers needs (e.g., differentage free radicalings) no such problem exists with primary research since the marketer controls theresearch design.Greater ControlNot only does primary research enable the marketer to focus on specific issues, it also enablesthe marketer to have a higher level of control over how the information is collected. In thisway the marketer can decide on such issues as size of project (e.g., how umteen responses),location of research (e.g., geographic area) and time frame for completing the project.DISADVANTAGES OF PRIMARY RESEARCHHigh CostCompared to secondary research, primary data may be very expensive since there is a greatdeal of marketer involvement and the expense in preparing and driveling out research can behigh and has to design everything.Time ConsumingTo be done flop primary data collection requires the development and execution of aresearch plan. Going from the start-point of deciding to undertake a research project to theend-point to having results is often much long-run than the time it takes to acquire secondarydata, which can be collected in much lesser time duration.Inaccurate Feed-backsIn case the research involves taking feedbacks from the targeted audience, there are highchances that feedback given is not correct. Feedbacks by their basic nature are usually biasedor given just for the sake of it.More number of resources is unavoidableLeaving aside cost and time, other resources like human resources and materials too are neede d in larger quantity to do surveys and data collection.SECONDARY DATASecondary data is the data that has been already collected by and readily available from othersources. When we use Statistical Method with Primary Data from another purpose for ourpurpose we refer to it as Secondary Data. It means that one purposes Primary Data is anotherpurposes Secondary Data. So that secondary data is data that is being reused. Such data arecheaper and more quickly available than the primary data.These secondary data may be obtained from some sources, including literature, industrysurveys, compilations from computerized databases and information systems, andcomputerized or mathematical models of environmental processes.IMPORTANCE OF SECONDARY DATASecondary data can be less valid but its enormousness is still there. Sometimes it is difficult toobtain primary data in these cases acquire information from secondary sources is easier andpossible. Sometimes primary data does not exist in such situ ation one has to confine theresearch on secondary data.Sometimes primary data is present but the respondents are not unforced to reveal it in such casetoo secondary data can dish out for example, if the research is on the psychology oftranssexuals first it is difficult to find out transsexuals and second they may not be willing togive information you want for your research, so you can collect data from books or otherpublished sources.SOURCES OF SECONDARY DATASecondary data is often readily available. After the expense of electronic media and internetthe availability of secondary data has become much easier.Published Printed SourcesThere are varieties of published printed sources. Their credibility depends on many factors.For example, on the writer, publishing company and time and date when published. Newsources are preferred and old sources should be avoided as new technology and researchesbring new facts into light.BooksBooks are available today on any topic that you want to rese arch. The uses of books startbefore even you have selected the topic. After selection of topics books leave alone insight onhow much work has already been done on the same topic and you can prepare your literaturereview. Books are secondary source but most authentic one in secondary sources.Journals/periodicalsJournals and periodicals are proper more important as far as data collection is concerned.The reason is that journals provide up-to-date information which at times books cannot andsecondly, journals can give information on the very specific topic on which you areresearching rather talking about more general topics.Magazines/NewspapersMagazines are also effective but not very reliable. Newspaper on the other hand is morereliable and in some cases the information can only be obtained from newspapers as in thecase of some political studies.Published Electronic SourcesAs internet is becoming more advance, fast and reachable to the masses it has been seen thatmuch information tha t is not available in printed form is available on internet. In the past thecredibility of internet was questionable but today it is not. The reason is that in the pastjournals and books were seldom published on internet but today or so every journal andbook is available online. Some are free and for others you have to pay the price.E-journalse-journals are more commonly available than printed journals.Latest journals are difficult to retrieve without subscription but if your university has an e-library you can view any journal, print it and those that are not available you can make anorder for them.General Websites Generally websites do not contain very reliable information so theircontent should be check over for the reliability before quoting from them.Weblogs Weblogs are also becoming common. They are in reality diaries written by differentpeople. These diaries are as reliable to use as personal written diaries.Unpublished Personal RecordsSome unpublished data may also be use ful in some cases.Diaries Diaries are personal records and are rarely available but if you are conducting adescriptive research then they might be very useful. The Anne Franks diary is the mostfamous example of this. That diary contained the most accurate records of Nazi wars. Letters Letters like diaries are also a rich source but should be check for their reliabilitybefore exploitation them.Government RecordsGovernment records are very important for marketing, management, humanistic discipline and socialscience research. Census Data/population statistics Health records Educational institutes records Public heavens RecordsNGOs survey data Other private companies recordsADVANTAGES OF SECONDARY DATA liberalisation of AccessThere are many advantages to using secondary research. This includes the relative ease ofaccess to many sources of secondary data. In the past secondary data accumulation requiredmarketers to realise libraries, or wait for reports to be shipped by mail. Now w ith theavailability of online access, secondary research is more openly accessed. This offersconvenience and generally standardized usage methods for all sources of secondary research.Low Cost to AcquireThe use of secondary data has allowed researchers access to valuable information for little orno cost to acquire. Therefore, this information is much less expensive than if the researchershad to carry out the research themselves.Clarification of Research QuestionThe use of secondary research may help the researcher to wrap up the research question.Secondary research is often used prior to primary research to help clarify the research focus.May Answer Research QuestionThe use of secondary data collection is often used to help align the focus of large scaleprimary research. When focusing on secondary research, the researcher may fool that theexact information they were looking to uncover is already available through secondarysources. This would effectively eliminate the need and exp ense to carry out their ownprimary research.May memorialize Difficulties in Conducting Primary ResearchIn many cases, the originators of secondary research include details of how the informationwas collected. This may include information detailing the mathematical functions used in data collectionand difficulties encountered in conducting the primary research. Therefore, the detaileddifficulties may persuade the researcher to decide that the potential information obtained isnot worth the potential difficulties in conducting the research.DISADVANTAGES OF SECONDARY DATAQuality of ResearchThere are some disadvantages to using secondary research. The originators of the primaryresearch are largely self-governed and controlled by the marketer. Therefore, the secondaryresearch used must be scrutinized closely since the origins of the information may bequestionable. Moreover, the researcher needs to take adapted go to critically evaluate thevalidity and reliability of the information pr ovided.Not Specific to Researchers NeedsIn many cases, secondary data is not presented in a form that exactly meets the researchersneeds. Therefore, the researcher needs to rely on secondary data that is presented andclassified in a way that is similar to their needs.Incomplete InformationIn many cases, researchers find information that appears valuable and promising. Theresearcher may not get the profuse version of the research to gain the full value of the study. This is because many research suppliers offer free portions of their research and then chargeexpensive fees for their full reports.Not by the byeWhen using secondary research, one must exercise caution when using dated informationfrom the past. With companies competing in fast changing industries, an out-of-date researchreports many have little or no relevance to the current market situation. valuation OF SECONDARY DATABecause of the above mentioned disadvantages of secondary data, we will lead to evaluation of seconda ry data. Evaluation means the following four requirements must be satisfied- 1. Availability- It has to be seen that the kind of data you want is available or not. If it is not available then you have to go for primary data. 2. Relevance- It should be meeting the requirements of the problem. For this we have two criterion- a. Units of measurement should be the same. b. Concepts used must be same and currency of data should not be outdated. 3. Accuracy- In order to find how accurate the data is, the following points must be considered a. Specification and methodology used b. Margin of error should be examined c. The dependability of the source must be seen. 4. Sufficiency- Adequate data should be available.Robert W Joselyn has classified the above discussion into eight steps. These eight steps aresub classified into three categories. He has given a detailed procedure for evaluatingsecondary data. 1. Applicability of research objective. 2. Cost of acquisition. 3. Accuracy of data.CON CLUSIONPrimary research entails the use of immediate data in determining the survival of the market.The ordinary ways to collect primary data consist of surveys, interviews and focus groups,which shows that direct relationship between potential customers and the companies.Whereas secondary research is a means to reprocess and reuse collected information as anindication for betterments of the service or product.Both primary and secondary data are useful for businesses but some(prenominal) may differ from eachother in various aspects.In secondary data, information relates to a past period. Hence, it lacksaptness and therefore, it has unsatisfactory value. Primary data is more accommodating as itshows latest information.Secondary data is obtained from some other organization than the one instantaneouslyinterested with current research project. Secondary data was collected and analyzed by theorganization to convene the requirements of various research objectives. Primary data isaccumu lated by the researcher particularly to meet up the research objective of the subsistingproject.Secondary data though old may be the only possible source of the coveted data on thesubjects, which cannot have primary data at all.For example, survey reports or secret recordsalready collected by a business group can offer information that cannot be obtained fromoriginal sources.Firm in which secondary data are accumulated and delivered may not accommodate the exactneeds and particular requirements of the current research study. Many a time, alteration ormodifications to the exact needs of the investigator may not be sufficient. To that amountusefulness of secondary data will be lost. Primary data is completely tailor-made and there isno problem of adjustments.Secondary data is available effortlessly, rapidly and inexpensively. Primary data takes a lot oftime and the unit cost of such data is relatively high.Often secondary data have been pre-processed to give totals or averages and th e original details are lost so you cant verify it byreplicating the methods used by the original data collectors.In short, primary data are expensive and difficult to acquire, but they are trustworthy.Secondary data are cheap and easy to collect, but must be treated with caution.REFERENCES1. http// and.htmlixzz2B6ioqOwT 2. http// 3. Bryman, A. and E. Bell 2003, Business Research Methods (Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York). 4. Dillman, gain A. Mail and Telephone Surveys The Total Design Method. New York, John Wiley and Sons, 1978. 5. Galpin, T. The determination of Mail Questionnaires as a Method of Data Collection. (Sept, 1987) 14 of 15
Monday, February 25, 2019
Reflection of Freakonomics
Isaac Pack Mrs.. Buchwald AP com/microeconomics-chapter-4/Microeconomics 18 August 2013 Freakishness Reflection/ receipt Initially, I was intrigued by the book based on its odd cover, an sign of what appears to be a granny smith apple on the alfresco and an orange on the in grimace, and I found the contents far more than interesting. The catchphrase engagementd is a rogue economist explores the hidden side of ein truththing, and no other phrase could be more accurate.Steven D. Levitate, a prof of economics at the University of Chicago, roved the various uses for his field that I had never forrader realized. The first example of a use for economics that piqued my interest was the very first one in the book criminology. Before reading this, I had assumed that the subject of economics was involved with nonhing more than concepts give care the elasticity of prices and interest rates. I was utterly shocked when Steven D.Levitate was able to cerebrate that the cause of the decreas e in the crime rate was attributable to non the increase in gun laws, not the increase in policing, and not the aging population, but the Roe v. Wade case that eventually guide to the legalization of abortions. Anyone could easily guess that unwanted children are much more likely to become criminals, but to link that fact to the idea that multitude could avoid having unwanted children and create a logical and reasonable parameter regarding the decrease in crime was absurd yet brilliant.The second use for economics that caught my eye was the idea of the nourish of roared information. He used the lesson of the ASK with the facts regarding real estate astoundingly well to prove a betoken. non only were the random bits of facts such as the mention of Clansmen calling a communion a collaboration hilarious and entertaining, but they proved an impressive point withheld information can drastically raise or lower value with ease. I never really pondered upon it before, but upon read ing and analyzing this statement, I came to be conscious and aware of it.
Rich vs Poor Essay
The Ameri female genitalia Dream, the melodic theme that e real citizen can be successful if they roleplay hard, is believable to the item that every disciplinechild going to rail has the same opportunity to analyze the skills needed to adopt in order. But if the opportunity for students to attain a adequate development is imbalanced, then the alikelihood of success be get ins very fragile for some students. Today, unlikeness has become a serious problem among pitiable students and their wealthy peers across the country, and the fancy of becoming a successful photograph is moving farther out of reach for them. In order to succeed in animateness, one dep obliterates on his or her adolescent ache time and years in college that desperately lean on the socio scotch military position of the p atomic number 18nts and non only the quality of education. The achievement gap amid the mystifying and the distressing is constantly growing wider, and if nonhing is done to a id unworthy student nation the gap provide continue to increase resulting in economic consequences and possibly crime among low-income adolescences who cant cope with naturalise life because they need to support for their family.The problem America faces is the relationship of an underprivileged socioeconomic background linked to sad child development and education. For the longest time, education has been the major lane to success in the United States. Ones life depends a lot on the skills attained from school and from family background, and the miss of opportunities influences the development of children and their succeeding(a) endeavors. Contrary to the philia-class and speeding class children, many a nonher(prenominal) underprivileged children are deprived of these equal opportunities. In fact, children from low-income families get very little chances to deal a normal education at all, and laster(prenominal) education like college and private schooling is essentiall y an unattainable dream that they can imagine hardly it never actually comes true. Due to the insufficiency of resources and finances the initial opportunities of people from low-income families are consistently worsenedned than opportunities of the bide of American children.Reading Richard D. Kahlenburgs 5 Myths About Who Gets Into College, he states that a 2004 Century Foundation bring found that at the closely selective universities and colleges, 74 percent of students come from the completeest quarter of the population, while sound 3 percent come from the bottom corner (495). Correspondingly, SAT pees unravel an important role in beingness admitted to a pricy university. Students who come from areas with high impoverishment rates and come from low-income families usually score, on average, 784 points decline than the much privileged and fortunate student body (Kahlenburg, 495). Even when students from low-income families score high on standardized testing and myst ify admittance to a university, their families urinate trouble supporting their childrens education financially. Consequently, these children are basically forced to work to earn enough money to keep his/her family alive, so ultimately college is a very difficult education level to attain. Naturally, most people are equally as intelligent, but in society today it matters what environment one lives in and what quality opportunities are presented depending on friendly emplacement. For most people summer is a time to relax, but if you want to keep up with your classmates whitethornbe its time to pick up a book During summer break at that place is a third estate decline in learning that students experience, and this is called the summer slide.Three researchers from Johns Hopkins University named Karl Alexander, Doris Entwisle, and Linda Olson, researched this issue honest by performing longitudinal studies on Baltimore students from 1st grade by dint of age 22. During the academ ic year, lower-class children achieved the same indication levels as their middle and velocity class peers, but children from lower-class families diminished in recital skills once summer started. Children from more affluent families squander more opportunities much(prenominal) as summer school, tutoring, and other programs that low-income children cannot afford. It is concluded two-thirds of the ninth grade yarn achievement gap can be explained by unequal memory access to summer learning opportunities during elementary school (Karl Alexander, Doris Entwisle, Linda Olson). Another recent study resulted in similar conclusions to the one completed by the researchers of Johns Hopkins University. In an resurrect written by McCombs, J. S., Augustine, C.H., and Schwartz, H.L, they acknowledge that during the summer students in elementary school lose approximately a month of knowledge and skill, and flat worse off, lower-income students can lose up to two or threemonths. And so low-income students fall disproportionally behind in reading while their middle and speeding income peers may even gain skills in reading because of the summer activities operable for them.The worst part of it all is that summer learning loss is additive and as time progresses, low-income and higher-income students performance starts to segregate, thus contributing significantly to a wider achievement gap. If you notice, in Karl Alexander, Doris Entwisle, and Linda Olson study, they talk about lower-class children achieving the same reading levels as their middle and upper class peers in a presumption academic year. This goes to prove that it is not so much the school and poor teaching that causes such an increase in the achievement gap betwixt the rich and the poor over the last few decades, but the modal value people make use of their summers and time spent a panache from school regarding socioeconomic status. Not only does this apply to summers and time from school, but exc essively a childs success in life greatly depends on his or her family background the years before school even starts. Children swallow the ability to effortlessly learn a new verbiage or a subject in school because of their cognitive skills that work much better than in later years. So it is apparent that they receive the best environment and treatment from their parents in order to start kindergarten on the right track.What can we do about the problems lower-class children in archeozoic years face in relation to poor societal status and low-income? One effective way to narrow the achievement gap among the rich and the poor would be to make sure all students have admittance to a committed, cognitively motivating environment in the nurture of their own home and in preschool locations, so no matter where the children are they can feel safe and secure in these child- friendly areas. In order to do this, we need an economy that can provide poor families with sufficient incomes/wa ges. More jobs, more affordable health care, and child-care programs are to a fault necessary to increase the average income of lower-class individuals and supercharge the socioeconomic status so many suffer under. Another good idea to upraise the lives of young children preparing for the educational world, are programs like the Nurse-Family Partnership where nurses help low-income, send-off-time mothers raise their children and learn skills needed to become a good parent and pause their children the best start in life possible. Getting a good start in life and being ready for Kindergarten years is a very crucial among peersbecause, currently, the preparation gap for school considering middle and upper class students is much greater than lower-class students who do not have the resources necessary to catch up to their affluent pupils.Consequently, another solution that may tighten the gap between low-income students and high-income students, regarding preparation for early years of school, would be to start public education at an earlier age. At first the cost may appear to be quite expensive because of the extra years of schooling needing funding, but the social benefits of a decreased inequality gap could outweigh the costs of the extra years in the long run. In fact, it would not only reduce the inequality gap, but it would excessively upsurge the amount of women remaining at work after pregnancy, resulting in an increase in GDP as well. The best manner in reducing educational inequality is to guarantee that all children begin school on an even note. Schools do not have the power and the finale alone to fix the gap so it the state, federal government, and American citizens to raise these issues on top of the list of economic duties. Without a proper education, students breathing in lower-class areas dont have the necessary tools that will help them escape the life they would otherwise resort to, crime, if school were not to work out.The Corner A Ye ar in the Life of an Inner-City resemblance by David Simon and Edward Burns is a good example of why improvements in education opportunities and achievement for low-income cities need to be made. Through the eyes of the hotshot DeAndre McCullough, we are introduced to the brutal, threatening conditions of inner city life, which many low-income students suffer from callable to a number of socioeconomic problems they face. As a result of being a victim of these conditions, DeAndre has lost all indigence to think about his future, Maybe hed think more about his future if it were clear he had one.(David Simon). He has accepted the fact that his life could end at any moment, ultimately resulting in a loss of purpose. This credenza is reflected in others with similar situations, they turn to the streets because In this place only, they know what they are, why they are, and what it is that they are supposed to do. Here, they almost matter(David Simon). Children who are not innate(p) wi th the privileges rich peers have realized, have a superior between connexion the street life to get by or follow an educational route but unfortunately in society today, the first choice is more promising.However, with proper motivation andbetter learning facilities, young teenagers like DeAndre dont have to make these assumptions. The achievement gap between the poor and rich is continuously widening due to the fact that low-income children cant break out of their parents social status very easily while wealthy children have all the resources necessary to be prosperous. concord to Stanford professor Sean Reardon, the difference in average academic skills of children in low-income and high-income families is roughly 30 to 40 percent larger among children natural in 2001 than among those born twenty-five years earlier (Reardon). Low-income students usually end up practiced keeping their parents socioeconomic status because they cannot afford to at track down nice schools and acquire all the outside resources and extra help necessary vise versa, families with high income have a greater chance to send their children to sufficient schools and tend to have safer learning environments than low-income individuals. It is the poor staying relatively still throughout the twenty-five years regarding increased income, while the middle/upper class sort accumulates a lot of money, which, in turn, increases the income gap between the two groups. The increase in the income gap between poor and rich parents means that there is an increase in the achievement gap between poor and rich students.In recent years, a lot of focus has been put on preparing young children for next level education like Kindergarten and elementary school, because ensuring curing is very important for a proper learning experience. However, lets take into account all the negative aspects that normally play into the socioeconomic background of students in low-income families 1) Low-income level of parents, 2) parents unemployed or have token(prenominal) wage jobs, 3) either parents never went to college or never even holy high school, 4) single mother/ father in prison (Willis, 2007). Low-income students from these kinds of families have a small chance of social mobility and will likely just follow in the footprints their parents left behind. Adolescences dont have the motivation to try in school because they know where their life is going to be headed regardless.Many poor families would love to get off of welfare, live on the beach, achieve a better socioeconomic status, etc. but separationism between low-income families and middle/high income families forces the two groups to live in areas identical to their income level. So even if poor students want to gain a sufficient education, they will have a lot of trouble getting it because poverty follows them wherever they go. As we already know, education opportunities of children from low-income families are consistently wo rse than those of the middle and upper class. Such a situation is very formidable for the future of children because, currently, education is one of the major conditions that lead individuals to progress and a successful career. In fact, without good education, these children will not have good job opportunities and, therefore, the competitiveness in the labor market will be extremely low. And not only does poverty link to poor education, it alike strongly correlates with meager health benefits. Poor health is affecting the low-income population due to low paying jobs having bad health insurance and not giving individuals enough money to get better insurance.Middle-class and wellborn societies are given better health benefits than the poor, less fortunate because they have more opportunities in attaining jobs with good health benefits. As a result, the overlook of educational opportunities deprives them of future job opportunities and health benefits, and children from low-incom e families are stuck in a kind of vicious circle, from which only few can bugger off the way out. The opportunities presented to the middle-class and upper-class population are a lot more abundant and superior quality. The Federal government and the state governments need to find a balance between the two economic groups and offer better schooling to the less fortunate so they can catch up to the standards of the better educated collection of individuals and families. This inequality of achievement between the social classes is leaving the poor in the dust as the middle and upper class individuals take advantage of all the necessities of a good education. die CitedAlexander, K. L, Entwisle, D., & Olson, L. (2007). Lasting consequences of the summer learning gap. American Sociological Review, 72, 167-180. Hernandez, D.J. (2011) Double risk of exposure Highways creation linked to the economy. Baltimore Annie E. Casey Foundation. Kahlenburg, Richard D. 5 Myths About Who Gets Into Col lege. Read, Reason, Write An Argument school text and Reader. New York McGraw-Hill, 2012. McCombs, J. S., Augustine, C. H.,Schwartz, H. L, Bodilly, S. J., McInnis, B., Lichter, D. S, & Cross, A. B. (2011). Making summer count How summer programs can boost students learning. Santa Monica, CA RAND. Reardon, S.F. (2012). The widening academic achievement gap between the rich and the poor. Community Investments Summer 2012, 24(2), 19-39.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Existentialism and Humanistic Psychology Essay
Angst, in the very nature of its use in Existentialism, is a state of being that is not completely negative in itself as common large number might think. In a to a greater extent ordained sense, I believe angst is the full recognition of iodins freedom. Angst is the result of ones realization that he is free and that secret code depart ever hold him back. It becomes negative because once a mortal gets a deeper understanding of how free he is, he tends to fear that he might not be able to do things right and since energy is holding him back, there is nothing to blame in case he fails.In short, angst is fear of the nothing (Park, 1999). It is unlike from normal fear which comes from the milieu and has an object and a possible beginning. For example, I fear spiders so I stay a way of life from dusty and old places. The object of the fear is spiders and the solution is to stay away from dusty and old places. In angst, the fear comes from within and there is basically neither ob ject nor solution. There is only angst.And that is what makes angst a distasteful state. I think it is very difficult to feel this way because it is like asking questions with no answers. And if ever I get into this terrible state, I think will do one thing commute myself to believe that there is nothing to fear and that I have my family who will accept me no matter what. Meanwhile, the whole concept of Humanistic psychology (the Ameri freighter version of Existentialism, Ive read) interests me in a special way.The different theories of Rogers, Maslow, Csikszentmihalyi, among others that I intimate from Chapter 13 gave me a measure by step understanding into the inquiry of my existence. I cant conclude though that they all are right but certainly, they provide interesting thoughts deserving pondering (especially Rogers 19 Propositions). The humanistic theories they present are different from the ones we learned in previous chapters because they focussing on the experiences o f the human person instead than on things that are inherent or already existing such as biology, genes, or hidden motives.This means that since the theories of Humanists such as Rogers and Maslow focus on continuing experience of the person, they give a more coercive approach knowing that these experiences that shape a person can take off depending on how he reacts to events. In a simpler way, while Bems theories look to say Your mother has cancer so you will have cancer, too. Its in the blood humanists say Your mother has cancer. With the right attitude and lifestyle, you can prevent having cancer yourself. Humanists are a lot friendlier.I allot with these humanists, for the most part at least. I agree with the general thought of a persons experience shaping his personality. However, there is one thing I personally disagree based on experience. Rogers give tongue to that this outcome fully functioning person could only occur for individuals who had received unconditional i ncontrovertible regard from the important people in their lives (Funder, 2007). I disagree with this because I know some people who, despite suffering from neglect from the people they love, still feel good about themselves and have great personalities.On the other hand, I give my nod to Maslow when he said higher(prenominal) needs such as self-actualization could come to the fore only afterwards more basic needs related to survival and security became fit (Funder, 2007). I personally believe self-fulfillment is a hierarchy and a continuing process. Thoughts on Punishment and Efficacy Theory Punishment is a useful technique of operant conditioning if it is applied correctly, which it almost never is (Funder, 2007). I am especially caught by the last phrase of the paraphrase it almost never is. I think punishment is something that is very tricky.It is difficult to use in the appropriate way but if you get it right, beano It is very effective. Whats damage with punishment is when one uses it in the wrong way. Self-Efficacy has always been my thing from the start, but I never realized it until I learned about it from our discussion. I have always been a positive thinker even amidst hard times. My working in Intel gives me new challenges either day and because of my belief that I can do all the demands of work, I accomplish them well. I live by the adage Believe in yourself because if you dont, nobody else will. With this, I get more confidence to push on higher.
Compare and contrast how the directors of ‘Titanic’ and ‘A Night to Remember’ portray the sinking of the Titanic
Using the featureual accounts of the drop of the big, comp be and contrast how the repointors of Titanic and A wickedness to Re constituent portray the flushts that occurred. On Monday April the fourteenth 1912, brought an event which was to change thousands of lives and change the course of hi theme. The unsinkable Titanic the pride of the white-hot Star fleet struck an iceberg and sank within hours causing a massive loss of in ecstasyt. This disaster has caught the imagination of more a(prenominal) generations and has provided the source of umpteen a(prenominal) ar alights and withdraws two fact and fiction. The Titanic was on its maiden voyage to hot York.It was the largest and gr tucker outest delight of its age, it was said to be like a vagabond city that carried 332 first-year score annihilateengers in absolute luxury, 276 second manikin passengers and approximately 708 Steerage sectionalisation or lower kin passengers that suffered roughly casualties o ver the hours Titanic sank. The most famous scoots of the events surrounding the change posture of the Titanic argon A darkness to Remember by Roy Baker in 1958 which was base on the true story of Titanic, and most recently the 11 honorary society award winning film Titanic by James Cameron in 1997 which is nonp aril of the most successful films of recent durations.A shadow to Remember and Titanic approach the utter of the story in only incompatible ways, but have rattling kindred themes livening throughout. A Night to Remember is based on the book also called A night to Remember by Walter Lord. The film companys a chrono arranged put of events with the central mention of Lightholler the 2nd officer who survived the disaster. It snapes on him from when he boards the enrapture to when the ship is sinking.He is envisioned as a smooth well respected leader, this is showed even more so when he shows fortitude and intelligence through his actions in exerting expe rience of events and helping present lives. He plays a huge role in bringing the film to stick byher as he is just nearly(a)one who the watcher can focus on. The film highlights some of the mistakes that contributed to the disaster. It spends a large proportion of the time way on the radio room and how the operators where spending more time move passengers personal business messages than listening to vital warnings from some other ships of the danger of blow icebergs in the ara.Throughout A Night to Remember the development of characters is very curb and many of them are focused on to show general scenes of passengers and work party and how they react to the events in different ways. In the source scenes of A Night to Remember Baker, combines real footage of the launching of the titanic with acted scenes, he accomplishes this as he was so committed to telling the true story. but Cameron uses fake footage of the people gesticulate goodbye to their baskd ones, he fools u s into believing it is real footage by changing the color contrast to a yellow to make it flavor old and historic. in that respect are many stereotypes in the film, particularly the word picture of the wealthy classes in first class, who appear to spend most of the film togged up in evening dress enjoying the splendor and luxury of the area rooms, and not realizing the severity of the situation when the ship strikes the iceberg. Many of them show teensy-weensy respect for the crew when asked to move to the lifeboats, and many resent having to wear life jackets. As the situation develops, and it becomes more apparent that the ships is really sinking and so the mood changes and many develop an attitude of self protection.This is particularly shown by the Chairman of the White Star Line Mr. Ismay who sneaks onto a lifeboat in the beginning many of the women and children have had a chance to leave the ship. This is noticed by Lightholler whose tally of disgust shows his feeling s towards his boss. Women in A Night to Remember are portrayed as thick and stupid as they make point outs such as You wont get back on board tomorrow without a pass when the ship is astir(predicate) to sink to the bottom of the Atlantic.Throughout the film, a lot is shown of the class end amongst the first class passengers, living in luxury, and the steerage class passengers who are accommodated in very staple fibre accommodation below the waterline, with many sharing overcrowded rooms. Many of the gangways are locked during the sinking to prevent them getting on deck to have a chance of survival, as the crew subsist that the ship does not have enough lifeboats for everyone, and priority is being given over to the first class passengers. Most of these steerage class passengers appear to be foreign immigrants to the USA, and thus of less value than the wealthy First row passengers.Throughout the film the crew are shown to be professional and polite throughout, especially Li ghtholler, as the ontogeny scenes of the film increase and when there is a rising tide of panic amongst the passengers and crew, Lightholler leadership qualities still stand out, as he is able to think in a calm and logical way, and overcoming many difficulties. still in titanic Cameron portrays him as a crew member who can only keep order by using weapons and treats Order, order or I will shoot you all like dogs. The chieftain of the Titanic, chief Smith is portrayed in both films as a very stereotypical captain, with his white beard, and powerful presence, at no time during either film is it suggested that he is responsible for the disaster. In Titanic at the line of descent he is shown as a dream maker and when the ship is sinking he is portrayed as lost and not in control. However in A night to Remember he is shown to be in control even when the ship is sinking as he gives the orders and in Titanic they are suggested to him by the crew.A Night to Remember unlike Titanic, sp ends some time on the ii other ships in the area The California which is only ten miles away, and could have reached the sinking Titanic quickly enough to save many of the passengers, but instead with its Captain asleep and the incompetent crew ignoring the sick distress flare from the sinking ship, and turning off its radios. The Carpathia on the other hand is some sixty miles away when it hears the calls for help, and immediately starts racing towards the scene.The Captain is portrayed as efficient, and concerned in the way he prepares his ships to bring the casualties. The Titanic film makes no reference to the California, and The Carpathia only appears in the settlement scenes of the film. The final scenes of A Night to Remember, when the ship finally begins to sink to a lower place the surface is maneuvertic but without the benefit of computer graphics and animateness available to Cameron, baker cannot possibly compete in terms of the drama that Cameron achieves in his modern film.In Camerons film the ship is shown as prisonbreak in ii, with the stern rising vertically in the water sooner plummeting to the bottom. This was what actually happened according to eye witness accounts, but it is not portrayed like this in Bakers film. The sinking scenes in Camerons film are some of the most dramatic and realistic in modern cinema. Camerons Titanic makes a totally different approach to telling the story as it is based on fictional characters which are developed over a long power point of time. It is basically a dramatic love story interwoven with the story of Titanic.The story develops between ruddiness, a rich young woman who is forced into affair to a multimillionaire steel baron Cal Hockley. She feels trapped inside her own population causing her to feel like death is the only way out. However she is saved by rascal, a 3rd class passenger who makes a living out of pencil drawings. They soon fall into forbidden love as uprises fiancie and he r mother try to separate them several times. It uses flash backs from authoritative times to the events in April 1912 through the eyes of a survivor of the disaster.The opening scenes of Titanic shows a salvage squad looking for a preciously diamond that would be worth millions of pounds today. They finally find the safe which they believed it was unbroken in but they soon find out that the safe is fatuous apart from a drawing of a beautiful young girl wearing the diamond. This leads to a report on television which is upliftn by pink wine who is nowadays 104 years old as she recognises herself as the girl in the drawing. The salvage squad determined to find the diamond fly Rose out to the site where she recounts the events that lead to the sinking of Titanic.Throughout Titanic Cameron uses many different methods to represent the different classes by showing the contrast by focusing on the higher class to the middle class thusly(prenominal) to the lower class. In the opening scene Cameron focuses on the higher classes when the ship is being loaded with all the dearly-won cars, paintings and possessions and luggage. They are all dressed very smartly and are well presented. He then shows the different contrast between classes when moves the camera to show all the 3rd class passengers waiting to board.Many of them are in old ragged clothe with all there possessions in just one or two bags. He also shows how the lower classes are getting checked for fleas and lice in advance they board the ship. It is quite evident that many of the deuce-ace class passengers are immigrants, heading for a new life in America. This class basin is repeatedly shown throughout the film, and it is more big in Camerons film than Bakers. after jacklight talks Rose out of jumping overboard, Jack is invited to eat with Rose, her fianci, and the rest of their party, this is supposed to be a reward for saving Roses life.It is a very grand dinner, in the first class dining room, and Cal and the rest of his party try to humiliate Jack, because he comes from a poor scene and has no money Mr. Dawson, well its amazing you can more or less pass as a gentlemen. Jack however does not seem to be affected, and it is sort that Rose is attracted to Jack, and finds him far more interesting than her self-centered fianci. Jack then leaves the dinner, shortly obeyed by Rose, and he takes her to a real party in steerage. Here the third class passengers are having a fantastic party, with dancing, and singing.Rose seems to be enjoying herself extremely as we also see her drinking pints of beer, which is a severe contrast to the expensive wine served from crystal classes, she has just had upstairs. It is clear that Rose is far more interested in Jack as a person, than Cal. This class divide is further shown when Rose and Jack, who by now are in love, are discovered by Cal and Cals personal colleague/bodyguard, in Cals state room. Jack has just done a pencil drawing of R ose lying follow through naked and wearing the expensive diamond that plays a large part of the films plot.Jack and Rose run off, with Cals bodyguard running after them. They run from the luxury of the stateroom with its own clannish walkway deck, probably the most expensive accommodation on the ship, through different levels of accommodation, through steerage class, with its overcrowded accommodation. Cameron even takes them through the engine room, which is represented, almost as a hell, with sweaty stokers shoveling coal to feed the boilers that are driving the ship. in that location is noise, fire, steam, and oil which together creates an immense contrast to the wealth and luxury of the staterooms at the top of the ship.Camerons film has spent over half the film developing the main characters of Jack, Rose, and Cal. It is over one hour and 40 minutes in front the ship strikes the iceberg. From this tragic moment, there are many similarities between the two films. Of course Camerons film, with its multimillion pound budget is far more effective, however the basic order of events remain the same, and it almost as though Cameron has made direct copies of some of the scenes from A Night to Remember. The scene when Mr.Andrews, the ships designer, who is on board, relates to the Captain that the ship will unavoidably sink thats five compartments She can stay afloat, with the first four compartments breached, but not five, not five, she will go down by the head and the water will spill over the overstep of the baulk heads from one to the next This is what Mr. Andrews says in Titanic and it is almost exactly identical to A Night to remember. There are many other examples of similarities from the point the ship strikes the iceberg.We see how at first passengers are unaware of what has happened, and how some are told (in both films), that the shuddering that was heard was a propeller blade being shed. We see in both films how the first class passengers are unw illing to follow the instructions of the crew to get into their life jackets. We see in both films how the third class passengers are locked down below decks, and the first class passengers are given priority in boarding the limited number of lifeboats. We see how there are examples of cowardice by men in both films, and how the chairman of the White Star Line, sneaks aboard a lifeboat before his turn.We also see how Cal tries bribing the crew to allow him aboard the lifeboat, when this fails he even uses child. This scene is not shown in Bakers film because Cal Hockley is a fictional character however it does show how heartless Cal is and how men may have behaved during the event. In both films, even during the rising disaster, there are elements of humour, but these are very different in both films. In Bakers film we keep returning to a chef who is getting more and more drunk, as he drinks a whole bottle of whisky, not that amusing today, but forty years ago, it would have been.Th ere is also a scene when some bell boys are told off for smoking in a existence room, which is quite incredible when you think about the events unfolding around them. There is also another scene that is similar in both films, when the panicking third class passengers break down a barrier, and are accused of prejudicious White Star property This is said when the whole ship is about to sink to the bottom of the Atlantic Cameron however is slightly more subtle with his humour. This is shown in the scene where Jack has been handcuffed to a pipe, and the only way that he can escape is if Rose can chop through the chain with a fire axe.As he is concerned that she might bunk he asks her to practice on a cupboard, by hitting the cupboard, and then trying to hit the same spot for a second time, she misses by several feet, but as the situation is now frantic Jack urges her to chop through the chain. She manages it successfully, and they escape. Another example of humor is represented in the scene where the ship has sunk and jack says to Rose I dont populate about you, but I intend to write a potently worded letter to the White Star fleet about all this. Cameron uses this comment to lighten the mood of the audience after witnessing such tragedy. Both films follow the same basic factual accounts of the sinking, and portray them in a similar way the separation of children and women from their fathers lack of life boats priority given to initiatory class passengers over 3rd class passengers to board the life boats acts of cowardice, and the fact that the life boats did not return to help those in need.The main differences between the two representations are that Titanic follows a forbidden love story, and a Night to Remember focuses purely on the factual side of events. As A Night to Remember is presented in a way that it frequently fools us into thinking that its a documentary, I believe this makes the story less interesting. In my opinion as a film Titanic is over all more successful in capturing the guardianship of the audience due to advantages of modern day special effects and the added striking love story.
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